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Re: [閒聊] 衛福部:兒少安全絕對優先於創作自由

我想問一下 前面有板友提到的聯合國公約 指的是下面這個美國政府官方網站 所提的議題嗎? https://i.imgur.com/xdmonFn.jpeg
Re: [閒聊] 衛福部:兒少安全絕對優先於創作自由
Re: [閒聊] 衛福部:兒少安全絕對優先於創作自由
https://www.state.gov/ambassador-ret-mccarthy-leads-us-delegation-at-negotiating -session-on-un-cybercrime-convention/ The Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) to elaborate a UN cybercrime convention will convene at the United Nations in New York January 29 through February 9. This is the seventh and concluding session of negotiations to finalize the convention. Ambassador (ret.) Deborah McCarthy will lead the U.S. delegation and serve as lead negotiator for the session. The U.S. delegation includes officials from the Departments of State and Justice. The United States is committed to adopting a consensus-based criminal justice instrument for a limited set of crimes that advances international cooperation while ensuring strong human rights protections and safeguards. The convention would allow for enhanced international cooperation and increased capacity to combat cybercrime. 那這個又與下面這位 日本國會議員之前所提的議題一樣嗎? https://i.imgur.com/mTjNlWL.jpeg
Re: [閒聊] 衛福部:兒少安全絕對優先於創作自由
https://twitter.com/KenAkamatsu/status/1542813606818897920 2023年9月、 国連総会に「新サイバー犯罪条約」 草案が提出予定。 非実在児童ポルノ規制やゲーム規制 等が、留保規定なく入る危険有り。 条約は法律に優先するため、 日本にとっても深刻な状況。 外務省から「表現の自由の重要性」 を声明発表してもらったが、 何としても表現の自由を 守り抜きます! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1707178816.A.A3A.html

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> Re: [閒聊] 衛福部:兒少安全絕對優先於創作自由
C_Chat02/06 08:20