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Re: [心得] 為何古代的火槍,子彈不能太合口

第4.8.3.4節明明有寫結論: Any large build up of debris left on the internal walls of the musket barrel after firing known as barrel fouling may have an effect on the ballistic properties of the musket ball as the internal diameter would be reduced. It could also cause loading problems if the clearance between the barrel and musket ball is too tight. Tests were carried out to observe the effects of barrel fouling. 射擊後留在火槍槍管內壁上的任何大量碎屑都會影響火槍的彈道性能。如果 槍管和火槍子彈之間的間隙過小,也會造成裝填問題。我們進行了測試,以 觀察槍管結垢的影響。 所以合口的槍明明容易塞槍管呀,但游隙大的槍就不怕黑火藥殘渣跟彈丸碎片塞槍管。 With such a large clearance, the effect of barrel fouling was insignificant. The musket ball could always be slid into the barrel with ease for all ten shots fired. No substantial build up of residue was noted in the barrel. However, it is known that barrel fouling was a problem with 17th Century weapons (see Chapter 2), which is why they had such a large amount of clearance. It is highly likely that the 17th Century powder was not as refined as the powder used in this research and had greater amounts of contaminants compared to modern powders. A high speed Phantom camera was used at 40,000 frames per second to record large amounts of debris exiting the barrel as shown in Figure 4.19. It is not clear if this was debris from the previous shot being expelled or burning propellant grains, or a combination of both. 有了這麽大的間隙,槍管堵塞的影響就微乎其微了;火槍十發子彈都能輕松滑入槍管。槍 管堵塞是 17 世紀武器的一個問題(見第 2 章),這就是為什麽它們有如此大的間隙; 17 世紀的黑火藥很有可能不如現代火藥,與現代火藥相比,雜質含量更高。 資料出處給了,結論也寫,自己不看,只會批評我造假。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Warfare/M.1701154461.A.690.html

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