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Re: [新聞] 美國批准出售土耳其F-16戰機 希臘則獲得F

推噓1 ( 102 )
: → PTTHappy : 5樓 你說說史上哪位希臘飛官駕機叛逃到土耳其?說呀? 01/27 13:39 是沒有叛逃到土耳其的, (是說土耳其和希臘都是北約盟國問這個有點奇怪) 倒是好像有叛逃到蘇聯的 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cold_War_pilot_defections On 11 September 1970 A Greek Air Force C-47 crossed into Soviet airspace in the area of Sevastopol in order to defect. The pilot of a Su-15 flew up alongside and rocked his wings, signaling "follow me". The C-47 complied and landed at Bel'bek airbase. The Greek pilot, Captain Mikhalis Maniatakis, had stolen the aircraft from Chania airbase on Crete to flee from junta-controlled Greece. Maniatakis requested political asylum in the USSR. 就連以色列都有企圖叛逃到敘利亞的 On 13 July 1990, at 4:30 a.m., 33-year-old Captain Haggai Mori, set out from Sde Dov Airport without permission with a Dornier Do 28 plane and attempted to defect to Syria. According to Arab sources, the enemy plane was met by Syrian Air Force fighter planes and driven off from Syrian airspace. After this, Mori committed suicide. The wreckage of the missing plane was found on the western slopes of the Golan Heights, near the Syrian border. 韓戰的時候南韓也有幾個叛逃到北韓的 In September 1949, a South Korean pilot, 1st Lieutenant Pak Yong-ju, defected with his Stinson L-5 to North Korea. On December 3, 1952, a South Korean Army Aviator student, 2nd Lt. Kug Yong-am, defected with his L-19 51–4794 to Pyongyang, North Korea. In October 1953, a South Korean pilot-instructor Capt. Kim Sung-bai defected with an F-51 Mustang fighter plane to North Korea. On January 20, 1954, a South Korean pilot 2nd Lieutenant Choi Mai-chong defected with an L-19 light observation plane to North Korea. 波蘭也有好幾起,不過是叛逃到西方世界。 不過維基百科寫的是不是正確無誤我也有點沒信心 希臘那個飛行員查不到其他資料,以色列的應該是沒太大錯誤。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1706335769.A.866.html

3 則留言

balius, 1F

balius, 2F

kenbbc12321, 3F

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