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[新聞] 追求遊戲:遊戲成癮背後的心理驅動因素

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1.媒體來源: Game Is Hard 2.記者署名: Frank McDougall 3.完整新聞標題: In Pursuit of Play: Psychological Drivers Behind Gaming Addiction 追求遊戲:遊戲成癮背後的心理驅動因素 4.完整新聞內文: The Impact of Gaming Addiction on Mental Health 遊戲成癮對心理健康的影響 In today’s digital age, gaming has become an increasingly popular form of entertainment. With the rise of advanced technology and immersive virtual worlds, more and more people are finding themselves drawn into the world of gaming. While gaming can be a fun and enjoyable pastime for many, it can also become a source of addiction for some individuals. 在當今的數字時代,遊戲已成為一種日益流行的娛樂方式。隨著先進技術和身臨其境的虛 擬世界的興起,越來越多的人發現自己被遊戲世界所吸引。雖然遊戲對許多人來說是一種 有趣而愉快的消遣方式,但對某些人來說,它也可能成為成癮的根源。 Gaming addiction, also known as internet gaming disorder, is a condition characterized by excessive and compulsive gaming behavior. It is a relatively new phenomenon that has gained recognition in recent years. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even classified gaming addiction as a mental health disorder. 遊戲成癮,又稱網絡遊戲障礙,是一種以過度和強迫性遊戲行為為特徵的疾病。這是一種 相對較新的現象,近年來已得到認可。世界衛生組織(WHO)甚至將游戲成癮列為一種精 神疾病。 The impact of gaming addiction on mental health is significant. Individuals who are addicted to gaming often experience a range of negative consequences, including impaired social functioning, decreased academic or occupational performance, and increased levels of stress and anxiety. These effects can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall well-being and quality of life. 遊戲成癮對心理健康的影響是巨大的。沉迷於遊戲的人往往會經歷一系列負面後果,包括 社會功能受損、學習或職業表現下降、壓力和焦慮程度增加。這些後果會對個人的整體福 祉和生活質量產生深遠影響。 One of the psychological drivers behind gaming addiction is the desire for escapism. Many individuals turn to gaming as a means of escaping from the stresses and pressures of everyday life. In virtual worlds, they can assume different identities and engage in activities that they may not be able to do in reality. This sense of escape and freedom can be highly appealing, especially for those who are dissatisfied with their current circumstances. 遊戲成癮背後的心理驅動因素之一是逃避現實的慾望。許多人把遊戲作為逃避日常生活壓 力的一種手段。在虛擬世界中,他們可以扮演不同的角色,從事現實中無法從事的活動。 這種逃避感和自由感極具吸引力,尤其是對於那些對當前環境不滿的人來說。 Another psychological driver behind gaming addiction is the need for achievement and mastery. Gaming often provides individuals with a sense of accomplishment and progress as they overcome challenges and achieve goals within the game. This can be particularly enticing for individuals who may feel a lack of control or success in other areas of their lives. The constant feedback and rewards within the gaming environment can create a cycle of motivation and reinforcement, leading to increased engagement and addiction. 遊戲成癮背後的另一個心理驅動因素是對成就和掌握的需求。在遊戲中克服挑戰、實現目 標,往往能給人帶來成就感和進步感。這對那些在生活的其他方面感到缺乏控製或缺乏成 功感的人來說尤其具有誘惑力。遊戲環境中持續不斷的反饋和獎勵會形成一個激勵和強化 的循環,從而提高參與度和成癮性。 Furthermore, gaming addiction can also be fueled by social factors. Online gaming communities provide individuals with a sense of belonging and connection. Many games offer multiplayer features that allow players to interact and collaborate with others from around the world. This social aspect of gaming can be especially appealing for individuals who may struggle with social anxiety or have difficulty forming relationships in the offline world. The sense of community and camaraderie within gaming can create a strong attachment and dependency on the virtual environment. 此外,社會因素也會助長游戲成癮。在線遊戲社區為個人提供了歸屬感和聯繫感。許多遊 戲提供多人遊戲功能,讓玩家可以與世界各地的玩家互動和合作。遊戲的這種社交性對於 那些可能患有社交焦慮症或在離線世界中難以建立人際關係的人來說尤其具有吸引力。 戲中的社區感和友情會讓玩家對虛擬環境產生強烈的依戀和依賴。 It is important to note that not everyone who engages in gaming will develop an addiction. Gaming addiction is a complex issue that can be influenced by a variety of factors, including individual vulnerabilities, environmental influences, and the specific characteristics of the game itself. However, understanding the psychological drivers behind gaming addiction can help us better recognize and address this growing problem. 值得注意的是,並非每個參與遊戲的人都會成癮。遊戲成癮是一個複雜的問題,可能受到 多種因素的影響,包括個人弱點、環境影響和遊戲本身的具體特點。然而,了解遊戲成癮 背後的心理驅動因素有助於我們更好地認識和解決這一日益嚴重的問題。 In conclusion, the impact of gaming addiction on mental health is a significant concern. The desire for escapism, the need for achievement and mastery, and the social factors associated with gaming can all contribute to the development of addiction. Recognizing these psychological drivers is crucial in order to provide appropriate support and interventions for individuals who may be struggling with gaming addiction. By addressing the underlying psychological needs and promoting healthier coping mechanisms, we can help individuals find a balance between gaming and other aspects of their lives, ultimately improving their overall well-being. 總之,遊戲成癮對心理健康的影響是一個重大問題。對逃避現實的渴望、對成就感和掌握 感的需求,以及與遊戲相關的社會因素,都會導致遊戲成癮的產生。認識到這些心理驅動 因素對於為可能與遊戲成癮作鬥爭的個人提供適當的支持和乾預至關重要。通過解決潛在 的心理需求和促進更健康的應對機制,我們可以幫助個人在遊戲和生活的其他方面之間找 到平衡,最終改善他們的整體福祉。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://yourls.kl-wang-nas.synology.me/aez0zg4 -- #1Z8ki_yY Re: [討論] 二次元ACG文化真的拖累世界經濟成長嗎? #1Z9qlfWZ Re: [閒聊] 你們有難以理解的世界觀嗎? #1ZQDtwl4 Re: [問題] 為什麼以伊斯蘭教為背景的動漫作品這麼少 #1aD_SHbl Re: [閒聊] 為什麼少子化的對策是政府管制結婚? #1Z8o--hn [來自深淵] 新時代的小黑價值貨幣支付 #1ajDAmTW Re: [問題] 為啥不少異世界作品都喜歡搞經濟? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1694525466.A.3F8.html

17 則留言

Golbeza, 1F

MelShina, 2F

siro0207, 3F
對成就感的需求 啊不就現實得不到成就感? 不然幹嘛在遊

siro0207, 4F

siro0207, 5F

s90f002ss, 6F
不給玩遊戲就換別的阿 黃賭毒菸酒 自己選一個吧

s90f002ss, 7F

griffin0914, 8F

fakinsky, 9F
是什麼讓玩家感到這麼痛苦 工作嗎?

fakinsky, 10F
然後呼籲玩遊戲傷身 讚

kenkenken31, 11F

kenkenken31, 12F

Shadouie, 13F
我妻由乃的父母? 日本人工作成癮的可能不少?

delta0521, 14F
[新聞] 追求遊戲:遊戲成癮背後的心理驅動因素

delta0521, 15F

delta0521, 16F

delta0521, 17F
※ 編輯: Glamsight ( 臺灣), 09/12/2023 23:41:17

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