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Fw: [新聞] 台灣遊戲因涉及辱中領導在2月下架至今MIA

最新2019-05-14 10:18:00
推噓154 ( 16713357 )
Taiwanese Game With Art Insulting China's President That Was Pulled In February Is Still MIA https://tinyurl.com/y38agmnv Back in February, the makers of the P.T.-inspired Steam horror game Devotion experienced a haunted house horror story of their own. The game came out, and at first, everything seemed to be going all right—great, even. Reviews were unanimously positive. Sales were good. Then players discovered a piece of in-game art that seemed to disparage the president of China. Where did it come from? The developers claimed the art was just a placeholder left in the final game by accident, but blowback was fierce, and after a few days of negative reviews pounding on Devotion’s walls like so much cold, bitter rain, the developers removed it from Steam. Months later, it’s still M.I.A. The offending piece of art mentioned Chinese president Xi Jinping and Winnie the Pooh on a scroll next to the word “moron.” Winnie the Pooh is a mainstay in memes making fun of Jinping, so much so that last year’s film Christopher Robin was banned in China. Some players went on to theorize that Devotion’s entire narrative was actually an anti-Chinese allegory devised by Red Candle, the game’s Taiwanese development team; these players cited the long history of tensions between mainland China and Taiwan as the basis for the supposed insult. Back in February, Red Candle denied these allegations, saying that the art was a placeholder left in by a single developer as the result of a frantic deadline, and that the goal of the game was not to “secretly project extensive ideology, nor is it to attack any person in the real world.” Red Candle still ended up removing the game from Steam, citing “technical issues that cause unexpected crashes” and a desire to “ease the heightened pressure in our community resulted from our previous Art Material Incident” by combing over the rest of the game for more unintended art. Those particular concerns sounded surmountable, though, like Devotion would just be getting a quick tune-up and be in and out of the shop in a handful of days. Three months later, Devotion’s Steam store page is still nowhere to be found. The game’s Steam forum, which is still online, is full of threads asking when the game will come back, if there’s any way to get it now, and of course, arguments over Chinese politics. Unfortunately, Red Candle doesn’ t have any good answers for the game’s fans. “Regarding Devotion, there is still uncertainty to the future progression,” a Red Candle representative told Kotaku in an email. “Please kindly understand that it is not convenient for us to share details to the public at the moment.” Red Candle’s previous game, Detention, remains available. After some initial review bombs related to Devotion, its overall score has returned to “mostly positive.” Currently, the top review references Devotion’s removal. “Please, please return Devotion to the store so I can purchase it and support your work further!” reads the review. “We’re rooting for you.” ==== 就還願的事,國外在報導。 重點在這段 “Regarding Devotion, there is still uncertainty to the future progression,” a Red Candle representative told Kotaku in an email. “Please kindly understand that it is not convenient for us to share details to the public at the moment.” Kotaku寫信去問遊戲的後續情況,何時會重上架。赤燭回了未來發展還有著不確定性,無 法和公眾分享細節。 所以還是M.I.A (Missing in action,任務中失蹤) -- 「你要我做什麼?我不能......哦,可惡......」哈普羅一把抓住本資費,他正徒勞無功 地想把自己和雷桑拉上飛船。「你那隻龍呢?」哈普羅把老人拉上來,焦急地問他。 「基隆?」本資費像個被嚇呆的貓頭鷹,對著哈普羅猛眨眼睛。「好主意!聽說那裡的夜 巿不錯── 」                             死亡之門─精靈之星 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1557462465.A.388.html

537 則留言

※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 05/10/2019 12:28:09

oz5566, 1F

william456, 2F

sumarai, 3F

wayi0421, 4F

kobitos, 5F
這不是steam平台不給上架的問題 是遊戲公司的問題

kobitos, 6F
中國有蠻多敏感的東西 如果被發現是針對性的 就不好了

widec, 7F
不是有人說快了嗎 說完又過了好久

wizardfizban, 8F
是遊戲公司自己下架的 不關steam的事

Justin0114, 9F

dreamnook, 10F
當初正要買 拖到這個樣子 就覺得不買了

zaq1xsw2121, 11F
幹你娘好好的佳作就這樣被毀了 這仇我不會忘記的

pppli, 12F

Yanrei, 13F

Yanrei, 14F

sy031653, 15F
可以上架到別的平台,如GOG,幹麻就要用STEAM ?

IamNumb, 16F

mothertime, 17F

roy31317, 18F
還在開香檳慶祝啦 哪有空上架

sunshinecan, 19F
不是平台的問題 是赤燭"修Bug"不上架

ineedpeepee, 20F

qmer112114, 21F

ShiaoJW, 22F

jerrylin, 23F
是遊戲公司自己下架了吧 不是steam不給上架

jerrylin, 24F

Dolphtw, 25F

ytthanaz, 26F

任務中失蹤是什麼意思 翻成 失蹤中 可以嗎?

biosphere, 28F

koexe, 29F
mid mia mother fuxker

max90283, 30F
雖然慘痛 但也是血淋淋的例子 以後有人提經濟歸經濟時LU

max90283, 31F

jaguars33, 32F
以後一推出就要搶買 慢了就沒有

LaplaceDemon, 33F

LaplaceDemon, 34F

ice76824, 35F

koexe, 36F
心臟弱沒買還願 返校玩到看玻璃碎裂都產生心裡陰影

cms6384, 37F

s512874690, 38F

HuangJ, 39F
台灣製作 結果被中資發行商搞死 政治歸政治? LUL

kimo6414, 525F
不要搞別人首領就好了 愛開這種玩笑呵呵

Jwfsm, 526F

asusm307, 527F
討厭中國 但你想拿人家資金 不碰他們的敏感議題 本來就

asusm307, 528F
是基本 當初還一堆人笑哪有差

asusm307, 529F
拜託 你是在做生意 怎麼可能沒差 活在哪個平行時空啊

asusm307, 530F

TheseusJr, 531F
就白癡阿 蠢

km612tw, 532F
覺青這麼挺 快集資送錢讓他們度過難關 別只是出一張嘴


abc801224, 534F

a0091206, 535F

MW1220, 536F
幹 支那賤畜無所不在

adolf302, 537F

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