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Fw: [新聞] Epic說他不賣色情遊戲或膨脹軟體

最新2019-03-24 03:08:00
推噓109 ( 1101130 )
Epic Says Its Store Won't Sell 'Porn Games Or Bloatware' https://tinyurl.com/yxdwzadr It’s been a big day for the Epic Games Store. During its GDC keynote, Epic announced a boatload of new exclusives (including Detroit: Become An Epic Games Store Exclusive) and a deal with Humble. Momentum appears to be on the store’s side, with Epic now touting strong early sales and a more curated approach than that of its main competitor, Steam. Love or hate the current barebones Epic store, you can’t deny that a) it’s making waves, and b) Epic execs sure have been talking about those waves. Today, during the keynote, Epic Games Store head Steve Allison boasted that Metro Exodus—which became a last-second Epic Games Store exclusive, prompting an unusually pointed message from Valve and review bombs from Steam users—sold 2.5 times as many copies at launch as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light, did on Steam. “It’s really about your games, and not about the store you sell it on,” said Allison. This, in conjunction with Epic’s 88 percent revenue share (as opposed to Steam’s default 70 percent), will likely make for intriguing news to game makers worried about backlash and a potential loss of exposure that, some feared, could result from moving from Steam to the Epic Games Store. That said, Epic did not provide actual sales numbers, and it’s worth noting that Last Light came out in 2013, during a different era of PC gaming. On top of that, Exodus was a much larger production and got a marketing push from its publisher to match. Going forward, Epic said it intends to focus on quality over quantity—or, more precisely, quality over anime porn. “We’ll have a quality standard that doesn’t accept crappy games,” CEO Tim Sweeney told PC Gamer. “We’ll accept reasonably good quality games, of any scale, whether small indie games to huge triple-A games, and we’ll take everything up to, like, an R-rated movie or an M-rated game.” He went on to draw the line at irritating or illicit apps that piggyback on others—bloatware, as they’re sometimes known —and other overtly explicit or low-quality games: “A GTA game would be fine to us, but Epic’s not going to distribute porn games or bloatware or asset flips, or any sort of thing that’s meant to shock players. The PC’s an open platform, and if we don’t distribute it in our store you can still reach consumers directly.” In contrast, Steam has adopted an (almost) anything-goes policy over the past year, with exceptions stemming from games that are “illegal, or straight up trolling” or, evidently, people getting really, really mad at Valve. The two companies are increasingly opposed in their approaches, recently coming to figurative blows over usage of users’ data, as well. The Epic Games Store is still very new, having only launched in December of last year. It’s managed to lasso a handful of high-profile exclusives, but it ’s still relatively lacking in games and features. It remains to be seen whether Epic can make good on its promises and maintain its momentum, but it’ s certainly shaking things up. ==== 標題的膨脹軟體 (Bloatware) 是指佔了記憶體和空間但用戶用不到的軟體,沒意外就是 在酸Steam功能太多。 簡單來說就是Epic的負責人Steve Allison在吹噓。 抓幾段來看.... 他提到Metro Exodus銷量是前一版Metro: Last Light的2.5倍。但Last Light是2013年於 Steam上架的遊戲,那是另一個PC時代的事了。 總之因為我們Epic很棒,所以一定會有更多遊戲廠商過來。 然後是這段.... Going forward, Epic said it intends to focus on quality over quantity—or, more precisely, quality over anime porn. “We’ll have a quality standard that doesn’t accept crappy games,” CEO Tim Sweeney told PC Gamer. “We’ll accept reasonably good quality games, of any scale, whether small indie games to huge triple-A games, and we’ll take everything up to, like, an R-rated movie or an M-rated game.” He went on to draw the line at irritating or illicit apps that piggyback on others—bloatware, as they’re sometimes known —and other overtly explicit or low-quality games: “A GTA game would be fine to us, but Epic’s not going to distribute porn games or bloatware or asset flips, or any sort of thing that’s meant to shock players. The PC’s an open platform, and if we don’t distribute it in our store you can still reach consumers directly.” 展望前程,Epic說他會專注於品質而不是數量,或著更精確地說品質優於動畫色情。「 我們有著不接受任何蹩腳遊戲的品質要求。」Tim Sweeney如此對PC Gamer說道。「我們只 要相當優質的遊戲,任何等級的都可以,從小型獨立遊戲到大型3A遊戲,到任何我們能佔 有的,像是R級電影或M級遊戲。」他想要和那些刺激性或色情apps劃清界線,像是那些大 家都知道的膨脹軟體或著是明顯低品質的遊戲。「GTA類遊戲對我們來說是好遊戲,但 Epic不會上架色情遊戲或膨脹軟體又或著套模複製 (asset flips),及任何會嚇到玩家的 東西。PC是個開放的平台,就算我們不上架這些遊戲,他們也有方式直接聯繫到玩家。 」 總之就是我Epic好棒棒,Steam好爛爛的吹噓就是了.... -- 「......歡迎大家光臨天象館。」 「這裡有著無論何時都決不會消失的,美麗的無窮光輝。 「滿天的星星們在等待著大家的到來。」 ── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1553144098.A.F6A.html

241 則留言

tzouandy2818, 1F

PorscheAG, 2F

jerrykuo0518, 3F

flyingwhale, 4F
asset flip好像是指使用預設素材製作的粗糙遊戲

Zephyr6, 5F
說實話Gabe 大神根本沒把其他平台放在眼裡吧

dragonne, 6F

Zephyr6, 7F

Zephyr6, 8F

hiyori9977, 9F
最後一段是不爽不要用的意思就對了 哈

kaj1983, 10F

kaj1983, 11F

wizardfizban, 12F
asset flip 不知道怎譯比較好就直譯了

jim8596, 13F
※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 03/21/2019 13:06:38

kaj1983, 14F

shena30335, 15F

sakyle, 16F
好平台給你們用吧 我繼續用爛steam :(

opopkl852, 17F

opopkl852, 18F

wizardfizban, 19F

cress0128, 20F

cress0128, 21F
要我是家長 我也不會給小孩用Steam

alisha2224, 22F

cress0128, 23F

gn00386614, 24F

alisha2224, 25F

alisha2224, 26F

cress0128, 27F
有人選擇主機 有人選擇家機 每個家庭不同吧

alisha2224, 28F

cress0128, 29F
家裡的PC管理者是我 孩子是使用者鎖權限

alisha2224, 30F

SupCat, 31F

cress0128, 32F
你沒能力監管 不代表別人沒辦法喔!

alisha2224, 33F

jasontseng1, 34F

cress0128, 35F
那是蠢人的問題 不該是我們要去煩惱的

alisha2224, 36F

alisha2224, 37F

alisha2224, 38F

jim8596, 39F
要監督直接叫小孩用主機了 不用被橘子騙

loadingN, 230F
我宣布不參選總統 你反色情 你以為廠商在乎你嗎

qq204, 231F

lilith2000, 232F
爸媽控制慾強 小孩以後沒希望壓...溫室中的花朵...

lilith2000, 233F
身為父母該做的是 教導小孩與引導小孩 而不是去控制

dice456, 234F
推樓上 推文裡的控制慾假聖人只有噁心

perry1478522, 235F
不賣色情遊戲? 有夠失敗= =

thxwhat, 236F
Steam優點不就是 不踩底線就不設限 剩下交給市場機制

tonyhom, 237F
Steam不是也有家庭監護功能嗎= =

dogppatrick, 238F

kooyoo1144, 239F
Ok 不賣這種遊戲 拜拜

LipaCat5566, 240F

MichaelRedd, 241F

hitlerx, 242F
膨脹軟體 Nekopapapapapaaaa

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