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[新聞] 馬士基為加拿大鐵路罷工制定美西塞港應急計畫

最新2024-05-12 18:02:00
推噓28 ( 2805 )
標題:Maersk draws up contingency plans for rail strike in Canada 連結:https://reurl.cc/WxvG1e 來源:The Loadstar 記者:Charlotte Goldstone 原文: With a 22 May deadline for Canada’s rail strike looming, Maersk has drawn up its contingency plan for North America west coast port calls, but warned of an extended recovery period, significant backlogs and knock-on effects. Canadian rail workers union the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) called for industrial action following five months of unsuccessful discussions with employers Canadian National Railway (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPK C). If a deal cannot be reached between them by 22 May, rail operators and dispatc hers across Canada will walk off the job. CN said it “maintains a cautious outlook” and CPKC president and CEO Keith C reel said he was a “realist” about the situation – both operators acknowled ging that a deal might not be reached in time. Maersk said today it had been “working closely” with CN, CPKC and terminal o perator DP World to minimise congestion on the Canadian west coast ports in th e event of a strike. It will offer inducement calls to the Seattle-Tacoma Northwest Seaport Allianc e on four upcoming sailings of its TP1 service to manage US import and export rail cargo, rather than having it dispatched in Vancouver and transported cros s-border to the US. The TP1 is a 2M alliance service, and calls at ports in China, South Korea, Ja pan and Canada. Calls at Tacoma will begin with the Maria Y, due to arrive at Prince Rupert on 30 May, and Vancouver on 3 June, and continue with weekly calls for the next month. Maersk said it was still reviewing “feasible rail routings and transit times ” to US destinations via Tacoma. But this has led to concern that cargo diverted to Tacoma will cause significa nt bottlenecks across US rail networks already struggling with their own staff ing and congestion issues. And Mr Creel warned that volume influx would be exacerbated if the strike is p rolonged. “It will occur when we have a harvest coming in, when demands for our service s… have never been greater; that is the absolute worst time for it to occur, ” he said. And Maersk warned: “In the event of a work stoppage, customers can anticipate significant backlogs, with knock-on effects and an extended recovery period s hould the disruption last for more than a few days.” As a further mitigation tactic, the Danish carrier said it would divert cargo from Centerm in Vancouver to the port of Prince Rupert, however given the latt er’s reliance on rail for hinterland transport, it was unclear how this might help alleviate a backlog, other than acting as a storage facility Maersk is also “reviewing limited truck options for intra-Canada transport”. CN announced yesterday it had reached a tentative agreement with its first- an d last-mile trucking subsidiary, CNTL. The four-year agreement covers some 750 owner-operators under contract with CNTL in Canada until 31 December 2027. 濃縮翻譯: 加拿大鐵路工會與鐵路公司協商5個月沒結果 如果近期最近幾周都沒成功 預計5/22罷工 馬士基說正在跟加拿大的鐵路公司協調 目標是降低罷工對於美國西岸塞港的衝擊 但是因為調度的問題 也會影響到美國的鐵路貨運調度 心得: 加拿大工會罷工=美國西岸港口塞子? 5/22宣布,等著看好戲! 到底有多大的影響也不確定 順便預告最快今年10/1美東的港口工會也可能要罷工 美東罷工新聞連結:https://reurl.cc/lQ7Dpj 當時三月份的美東罷工新聞說要把運量從美東改到美西 結果美西可能要先塞起來了 讓我們繼續看下去 今年海運旺季保證精彩! 以上新聞華爾街日報路透社都有報導 只寫的沒有那麼詳細 加拿大罷工:https://reurl.cc/ZeyWzQ 美東罷工:https://reurl.cc/Aj0ALp ----- Sent from PttX on my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1715415328.A.48D.html

33 則留言

我滿手海運股籌碼 利多新聞自己發超爽
※ 編輯: bkprt730 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2024 16:18:12
※ 編輯: bkprt730 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2024 16:20:02

hcwang1126, 2F

x221x221, 3F
※ 編輯: bkprt730 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2024 16:25:08

lmc66, 4F
碼頭工人 鐵路工人 胡賽叛軍 航運三大貴人
※ 編輯: bkprt730 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2024 16:55:44

zerro7, 5F
謝謝一樓加持 下周三雄漲停

protoss, 6F

ppuuppu, 7F

gn02620938, 8F

marco777, 9F
※ 編輯: bkprt730 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2024 17:36:24

puni52041, 10F

a069275235, 11F
去年拜登支持西岸馬頭工人罷工 東岸肯定有樣學樣

allin2609, 12F

lala8520, 13F

MinJun5566, 14F

MinJun5566, 15F

ibanes, 16F
罷工 塞港 天災 人禍,水手們 啟航啦

kklighter, 17F

waverson, 18F

turndown4wat, 19F

aoc7175, 20F
哇塞 噴

yang57, 21F

WisestCat, 22F
NK又開始酸海運 穩了

sleego, 23F
[新聞] 馬士基為加拿大鐵路罷工制定美西塞港應急計畫

lk1824, 24F
別怕,2021的師兄弟們都即將歸位! https://i.imgur.com/hRzoO0Y.jpg
[新聞] 馬士基為加拿大鐵路罷工制定美西塞港應急計畫

YakultSlime, 25F

g0t24568, 26F
靠 夢回2021

honda0919, 27F

uller, 28F
※ 編輯: bkprt730 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2024 22:04:32

pttrr, 29F
星期一 往上一根

imba789, 30F

tpegioe, 31F

ian9510, 32F
還好我權證也買100萬了 趕緊噴

brendon7831, 33F