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前SAS之A350退租機(MSN391)將交予公開拍賣 A350-900; MSN 391; SE-RSC; C40W32Y228 2020/3 交機 2022/11 Storage https://www.planespotters.net/airframe/ airbus-a350-900-se-rsc-sas-scandinavian-airlines/ro1ng1 sold “as is, where is” without recourse or warranty. (這好像與法院拍賣雙B 有 87%類似) 華航/星宇/德航... 表示: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://www.airstream.aero/ airstream-exclusively-mandated-to-sell-one-a350-900-aircraft/ Airstream is pleased to announce that we have been exclusively mandated to offer for sale an Airbus A350-900 aircraft (MSN 391). Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank as security agent (the Security Agent) will hold a public foreclosure auction (the Auction) to offer for sale the following collateral (the Collateral): (1) one Airbus A350-900 aircraft with manufacturer’s serial number 391 and all related equipment, documents and records (the Aircraft); and (2) claims against SAS entities in the chapter 11 proceedings relating to the lease of the Aircraft (the Claims). Interested parties may bid for the Aircraft and Claims together or as separate items. The Auction will be held virtually through video and/or telephone conference on 6 July 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time and administered by Airstream International Group Limited. The Collateral shall be sold “as is, where is” without recourse or warranty. The Security Agent reserves the right to credit bid at the Auction and to delay or cancel the Auction at any time. For more information, including qualifying bidder requirements and auction procedure details, please contact Alex Vandeleur of Airstream International Group Limited (alex@airstream.aero). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1685798801.A.D92.html

17 則留言

kanx, 1F
現況交機, 這只能請檳榔陳去標了

mithralin, 2F

klementhsu, 3F
笑死 這邊也有小施梗

rocky9137, 4F
要不要吃檳榔? “榔色生死戀”

domago, 5F
飛機都有維護資料 二手車只能靠經驗

alphanet, 6F

js52666, 7F

barsax8, 8F
阿文 壓郎客去領錢咯~

myself3217, 9F

macings, 10F

macings, 11F

macings, 12F

macings, 13F

macings, 14F

macings, 15F

markelf, 16F
張先生~(呸) 你網站上看欸那台350吼~ 剛剛賣掉了啦,但是

markelf, 17F
更新一下, 2架 ex-SAS A350 都要拍賣. 其實,會貼這個= 華航/星宇 循此管道拿到A350的機率不太高. 華航提早引進787 租機的機率可能還高些. 星宇則是在多方push 空巴後, 喬出提早交機時程.
※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 06/07/2023 19:50:54

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