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Fw: [新聞] GOG Galaxy 2.0意圖整合所有PC和家機平台

最新2019-05-24 11:11:00
推噓46 ( 46021 )
GOG Galaxy 2.0 aims to bring games from all PC and console platforms under one roof https://tinyurl.com/y4q7rvcu GOG Galaxy is a Steam-like client for GOG's digital storefront that's really quite good and offers the added bonus of being completely optional: You can conduct all your GOG-related business through it, or you can ignore it completely and continue downloading your games directly from the site and running them through Windows Explorer—or a DOS prompt, if you're a truly dedicated retro-type. Galaxy 2.0, announced today, sounds like a more ambitious undertaking, as it promises to combine all of your games, online friends, and other data in one place. The idea is that you'll connect the new client to your various online accounts and platforms, including consoles—a list hasn't been confirmed yet, but a rep said that the goal is "to have all major platforms officially integrated in the app"—at which point it will import your libraries and friends lists, essentially acting as a big-tent overlay for Steam, EGS, Origin, and so forth. It will also track all of your achievements and hours played across platforms, support cross-platform chat, and offer various sorting, filtering, and collection comparison options. User data will be stored online to enable simple syncing between devices, but GOG made a point of emphasizing that privacy is paramount: It explicitly states on the Galaxy website that "we're not spying on data from your computer" and won't share it with third parties; you'll also be able to remove your imported data from Galaxy servers "with a single click." Details are light at this point: On how you'll actually add games, for instance, an FAQ states, "In GOG Galaxy 2.0 you’re adding games through official and community created integrations. By connecting platforms, the data about the games you own is automatically imported to the application. On top of that you will also be able to manually add single games that are not connected to any platform." And on those "community created integrations": "We want to offer integrations with all possible gaming platforms. This is a challenging and time-consuming process, not only because these are technically complex projects, but they also require negotiations and agreements with partners. We want all our official integrations to be supported by respective platform holders, so we make sure they’re in-line with partners’ policies and that they’re safe." "While we’re hard at work on adding more official integrations, we’ve decided to give you—the community—an opportunity to work on your own open source platform integrations. We’re currently polishing the documentation that will be shared with you to help you build your own platform integrations for GOG Galaxy 2.0." Galaxy 2.0 has also been "rebuilt from the ground up" to offer better performance than the current client, and like the original Galaxy the updated version will remain entirely optional: If you just want to be left alone to download your games and play them in quiet solitude as God and nature intended, that will continue to be totally cool. If you want to fully embrace the future, however, you'll need to keep the other clients installed on your PC. "We’ve been in contact with several partners already, as we aim to have official integrations with all major platforms. We want all our official integrations to be supported by respective platform holders, so we make sure they’re in-line with partners’ policies and that they’re safe," a GOG rep said. For now, however, it's not saying who those partners are. It's pretty clear that GOG is taking direct aim at growing frustration with the number of launchers that gamers have to deal with these days, as well as possibly more disingenuous concerns about data privacy driven by the rise of the Epic Games Store. That might be a little opportunistic, but even so the big idea behind it is still a good one. Whether it will satisfy its intended audience will depend largely on the success of its implementation, but if GOG can pull it off it could turn Galaxy from a niche client that most of us probably ignore into an essential gamer utility. Signups for the "coming soon" Galaxy 2.0 beta test are now open at gogalaxy.com. ==== 簡單一句話,GOG推出GOG Galaxy 2.0,目標是把所有PC和家機平台整合在一起。 想加入測試的人請至:https://www.gogalaxy.com/ -- 我的故事可不那麼讓人覺得舒服。它不是那種有著甜蜜歡樂情節的幻想小說。 我的故事充滿了混亂而又難以察覺的陰影,充滿了瘋狂和噩夢, 和那些不再自欺欺人地生活的人們一樣。 ──赫曼‧赫塞── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1558572425.A.1F2.html

67 則留言

※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 05/23/2019 08:47:28

tliu257, 1F

lovinlover, 2F

sumarai, 3F

DendiQ, 4F
讚讚讚,這事就是要我大 GOG 來做

jerry931017, 5F

korgh413, 6F

sturmpionier, 7F

picaball, 8F
我覺得很棒 但不懂的是 其他平台怎麼會肯呢

widec, 9F

ftva50ly22, 10F

efreet, 11F

massrelay, 12F

seaEPC, 13F

seaEPC, 14F

seaEPC, 15F

harriswu1992, 16F

Xinlong, 17F
等這種整合平台的平台變多了之後 就會有整合整合平台的平

Xinlong, 18F
台 然後之後又...

phantom0414, 19F

rokaku, 20F

cloudin, 21F

KHopper, 22F

fantasy15, 23F
遊戲界 Trivago 的概念,真的做起來感覺很貼近使用者

Kaede5908, 24F

winda6627, 25F
整合平台是好事。我現在錢都是優先砸GOG。= =

marx93521, 26F

pekka, 27F

qainvali, 28F
E粉好了啦 相關新聞都試圖在推文引戰 不累啊

simonohmygod, 29F
佛心公司 只好推了

cms6384, 30F

chaoskyuriop, 31F
Epic 那我只好買下所有平台惹

sos911go, 32F
看前幾樓就有人想反串招黑 笑死

shadowdio, 33F

chauliu, 34F

chauliu, 35F
"我們不會監控你電腦上的數據" 偷婊EPIC

tin123210, 36F

s8018572, 37F
是要跟 launchbox競爭了ㄇ?

okagami, 38F
大平台時代來臨 給你滿滿的大平台~

ss15669659, 39F

gainx, 56F

Bob9154, 57F

Bob9154, 58F

LaplaceDemon, 59F
錢給你 cyberpunk快點出

winda6627, 60F

aaron68032, 61F
這項目也蠻燒錢的耶 年獲利不到1萬鎂的gog蠻敢的 給

aaron68032, 62F

ssarc, 63F

jefflien8, 64F
gog像超熱心網友開發一堆便民軟體 而不是要賺錢的商人

rainxo6p, 65F
我記得前幾個月好像有同樣的軟體 忘記名稱了

rainxo6p, 66F

wenliao912, 67F
沒差 繼續爽用epic

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