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[新聞] 普丁將在2024繼續連任

最新2023-11-07 08:59:00
推噓30 ( 33316 )
Exclusive: Russia's Putin to stay in power past 2024, sources say By Guy Faulconbridge November 6, 20235:35 PM GMT+8Updated an hour ago MOSCOW, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin has decided to run in the March presidential election, a move that will keep him in power until least 2030, as the Kremlin chief feels he must steer Russia through the most perilous period in decades, six sources told Reuters. Putin, who was handed the presidency by Boris Yeltsin on the last day of 1999, has already served as president for longer than any other Russian ruler since Josef Stalin, beating even Leonid Brezhnev's 18-year tenure. Putin turned 71 on Oct. 7. The sources, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of Kremlin politics, said that news of Putin's decision had trickled down and that advisers were now preparing for the campaign and a Putin election. For Putin, who opinion polls show enjoys approval ratings of 80% inside Russia , the election is a formality if he runs: with the support of the state, the state media and almost no mainstream public dissent, he is certain to win. "The decision has been made - he will run," said one of the sources who has knowledge of planning. A choreographed hint is due to come within a few weeks, another source said, confirming a Kommersant newspaper report last month. Another source, also acquainted with the Kremlin's thinking, confirmed that a decision had been made and that Putin's advisers were preparing for Putin's participation. Three other sources said the decision had been made: Putin will run. "The world we look out upon is very dangerous," said one of the sources. A foreign diplomatic source, who also requested anonymity, said Putin made the decision recently and that the announcement would come soon. While many foreign diplomats, spies and officials say they expect Putin to stay in power for life, there has until now been no specific confirmation of his plans to run in the March 2024 presidential election. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment. Peskov said in September that if Putin decided to run, then no one would be able to compete with him. The Kremlin has dismissed reports that Putin was unwell as disinformation spread by the West. RUSSIA AT WAR While Putin may face no real competition in the election, the former KGB spy faces the most serious set of challenges any Kremlin chief has faced since Mikhail Gorbachev grappled with the crumbling Soviet Union more than three decades ago. The war in Ukraine has triggered the biggest confrontation with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis; Western sanctions have delivered the biggest external shock to the Russian economy in decades; and Putin faced a failed mutiny by Russia's most powerful mercenary, Yevgeny Prigozhin, in June. Prigozhin was killed in a plane crash two months to the day after the mutiny. The West casts Putin as a war criminal and a dictator who has led Russia into an imperial-style land grab that has weakened Russia and forged Ukrainian statehood while uniting the West and handing NATO a mission. Putin, though, presents the war as part of a much broader struggle with the United States which the Kremlin elite says aims to cleave Russia apart, grab its vast natural resources and then turn to settling scores with China. "Russia is facing the combined might of the West so major change would not be expedient," one of the sources said. Russian weapons production is soaring. Russia forecasts its $2.1 trillion economy will grow faster this year than the European Union. The price of Urals crude oil, the lifeblood of Russia's economy, averaged $81.52 per barrel in October. TIGHTENING SCREWS For some Russians, though, the war has shown the faultlines of post-Soviet Russia. Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny says Putin has led Russia down a strategic dead end towards ruin, building a brittle system of corrupt sycophants that will ultimately bequeath chaos rather than stability. "Russia is going backwards," Oleg Orlov, one of Russia's most respected human rights campaigners, told Reuters in July. "We left Communist totalitarianism but now have returned to a different kind of totalitarianism." Several hundred thousand Russian and Ukrainian soldiers are estimated to have been killed or wounded in just over a year and half of war, far more than the Soviet official casualties in the entire 1979-1989 war in Afghanistan. Before his mutiny, Prigozhin castigated Putin's generals for the war and what he cast as its incompetent execution and warned that Russia could face revolution unless the elite got serious. "This divide can end as in 1917 with a revolution," Prigozhin said one month before his mutiny. Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-putin-stay-power-past-2024- sources-say-2023-11-06/ --簡譯-- 克里姆林宮傳出普丁決定參與明年3月的總統選舉。 他將是史達林以來任期最長的國家元首。 有消息指出,普丁團隊已經開始準備競選。 民調顯示,普丁有高達8成的支持率,若參選肯定獲勝。 克宮發言人拒絕針對此事發表評論,但在9月曾說沒人能跟普丁選。 此外,還駁斥了普丁生病的傳言。 --機翻-- 戰爭中的俄羅斯 雖然普丁在選舉中可能不會面臨真正的競爭,但這位前克格勃間諜面臨著 自三十多年前米哈伊爾·戈巴契夫與搖搖欲墜的蘇聯鬥爭以來克里姆林宮領導人所面臨的 最嚴峻的挑戰。 烏克蘭戰爭引發了自1962年古巴飛彈危機以來與西方最大規模的對抗; 西方制裁為俄羅斯經濟帶來了數十年來最大的外部衝擊; 六月,普丁面臨俄羅斯最強大的傭兵葉夫根尼·普里戈任的一場失敗的兵變。 叛變兩個月後的第二天,普里戈任在一次飛機失事中喪生。西方將普丁視為戰犯和獨裁者 ,他帶領俄羅斯進行帝國式的土地掠奪,削弱了俄羅斯並建立了烏克蘭國家地位,同時團 結了西方並賦予了北約使命。 不過,普丁將這場戰爭視為與美國更廣泛鬥爭的一部分,克里姆林宮精英稱,這場鬥爭的 目的是分裂俄羅斯,攫取其豐富的自然資源,然後轉向與中國算帳。 一位消息人士稱:“俄羅斯面臨西方的聯合力量,因此重大改變並不合適。” 俄羅斯武器產量正在飆升。 俄羅斯預測其 2.1 兆美元的經濟今年的成長速度將超過歐盟 。 俄羅斯經濟的命脈烏拉爾原油10月份平均價格為每桶81.52美元。然而,對一些俄羅斯 人來說,這場戰爭揭露了後蘇聯時代俄羅斯的斷層。 被監禁的俄羅斯反對派政治家阿列克謝·納瓦尼表示,普丁已經將俄羅斯帶入了走向毀滅 的戰略死胡同,建立了一個由腐敗諂媚者組成的脆弱體系,最終將帶來混亂而不是穩定。 「俄羅斯正在倒退,」俄羅斯最受尊敬的人權活動家之一奧列格·奧爾洛夫(Oleg Orlov )7月對路透社表示。 “我們離開了共產主義極權主義,但現在又回到了另一種極權主義 。” 據估計,在短短一年半的戰爭中,已有數十萬名俄羅斯和烏克蘭士兵傷亡,遠遠超過蘇聯 官方統計的1979-1989年阿富汗戰爭的傷亡人數。 在叛變之前,普里戈任嚴厲譴責了普丁的將軍們的戰爭及其執行不力的行為, 並警告說,除非菁英認真起來,否則俄羅斯可能面臨革命。 「這種分歧可以像 1917 年那樣透過一場革命來結束,」普里戈任在叛變前一個月說道。 ---- 人家都要連任了 台灣國內還在報普丁又死了 比起習近平 普丁還是願意演一下俄羅斯還是民主國家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1699269242.A.8E3.html

52 則留言

不是死了? 這是哪一個普丁?

kyotaoyuan, 2F

vvrr, 3F

polanco, 4F

karta018, 5F

Forcast, 6F

moon74326, 7F

chocoball, 8F

xyzgod999, 9F

jujubobo, 10F

qwer338859, 11F

bth060104, 12F
普丁是個種族 跟周杰倫一樣223.139.177.222

toe761115, 13F

kamelol, 14F

purplebfly, 15F

purplebfly, 16F

a0986188522, 17F

npbmlb, 18F

stlotwa, 19F

intointo, 20F
又要選了 不死鳥111.82.186.208

tzouandy2818, 21F
什麼連任 黨媒都說已經死了42.79.166.40

uller, 22F

Tenging, 23F

s8800892000, 24F

aadsl, 25F

vdml, 26F

verydolungbe, 27F

quanhwe, 28F
死了是俄媒放出的消息 八卦仔在高潮什麼114.137.56.144

hsiang1049, 29F

wwwson1256, 30F
党媒信俄媒? 誰比較可悲27.51.50.177

hideonirl, 31F

omfg5487, 32F

chrisbbs, 33F

asgardgogo, 34F

jokerleo815, 35F

Xenogeous, 36F

kashiwa27, 37F

babyalley, 38F
哪個普丁阿 這是第幾版的42.72.22.122

metcc80211, 39F

bread10x, 40F

peterzheng, 41F

alex00089, 42F

erowii, 43F

fallinlove15, 44F

leevarchu, 45F

nalaculan, 46F

glayian, 47F

ericsonzhen, 48F
不是說心臟病 怎麼又可以連任了111.81.62.32

st86188go, 49F

easonli000, 50F

onlyfun68, 51F

gio8562, 52F

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