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[新聞] 世界最老的狗Bobi去世

推噓9 ( 10111 )
Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31 By Kathryn Armstrong BBC News The world's oldest dog ever has died at the age of 31 years and 165 days. Guinness World Record holder Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, passed away at his home in Portugal on Saturday. His death was announced on social media by a veterinarian who met Bobi several times. "Despite outliving every dog in history, his 11,478 days on earth would never be enough, for those who loved him," wrote Dr Karen Becker. Bobi became both the world's oldest living dog and the oldest dog ever in February - beating an almost century-old record for the latter title. The previous oldest dog ever was Australia's Bluey, who died in 1939 at the age of 29 years and five months. Bobi's grand old age was validated by the Portuguese government's pet database , which is managed by the National Union of Veterinarians. The identity of Bobi's successor to the title of world's oldest living dog has not yet been revealed. Bobi lived his whole life with the Costa family in the village of Conqueiros, near Portugal's west coast, after being born with three siblings in an outbuilding. Leonel Costa, who was eight years old at the time, said his parents had too many animals and had to put the puppies down, but Bobi escaped. Mr Costa and his brothers kept the dog's existence a secret from their parents until he was eventually discovered and became part of the family, who fed him the same food they eat. Apart from a scare in 2018 when he was hospitalised after suddenly collapsing due to breathing difficulty, Mr Costa said in February that Bobi had enjoyed a relatively trouble-free life and thought the secret to his longevity was the "calm, peaceful environment" he lived in. However, he had experienced trouble walking and worsening eyesight prior to his death. Bobi was not the only dog owned by the Mr Costa to live a long life. Bobi's mother lived to the age of 18 while another of the family's dogs died at the age of 22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67194721 簡譯-- 金氏世界紀錄史上最長壽的狗Bobi去世,享壽31歲。 上個紀錄是1939去世的狗,29歲 下一隻能挑戰此紀錄狗尚未被發現。 Bobi生在葡萄雅西岸的村莊,從主人8歲開始被飼養,家人吃什麼牠就吃什麼。 除了在2018一度出現呼吸困難之外,牠的生活是很平靜, 主人認為牠的長壽歸功於無憂無慮。 牠生命的最後苦於視力退化和行走困難。 ---- 蠻屌的 上次看牠的報導還會走 能散步 飲食也是隨主人吃 食材不調味煮熟就餵 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1698065814.A.CBF.html

22 則留言

hyperdunk, 1F
家人吃什麼他就吃什麼 那麼長壽111.240.130.54

hyperdunk, 2F

xxx60133, 3F


showwin, 5F
無憂無慮XD 那隻狗不是1.200.252.237

jokerming847, 6F
保庇保庇保佑 喔203.222.24.127

johnwu, 7F
吃人的食物還能活這麼久 超強123.195.117.241

Warnerting, 8F
重要嗎 又不是拜登的狗1.171.238.21

KadourZiani, 9F
Wu bai wu bobi27.240.160.3

spzper, 10F


james732, 12F

gunfighter, 13F
飼料本來就是方便飼主而已 其實一點223.141.151.159

gunfighter, 14F
也不健康 很多貓狗老了 肝腎也廢了223.141.151.159

gunfighter, 15F
真正愛狗人都自己用 但也不能隨便吃223.141.151.159

gunfighter, 16F

divinity5566, 17F

Kamelie, 18F

henrycc, 19F

Forcast, 20F

jack168168tw, 21F
啊這隻我記得 新聞有報過42.72.19.42

namirei, 22F
RIP 這隻有印象36.239.128.233

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