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[新聞] 天豐能源獲准興建1GW離岸風場Storgrundet

推噓17 ( 21474 )
1.媒體來源: NS ENERGY 2.記者署名: NS Energy Staff Writer 3.完整新聞標題: Skyborn's 1GW Storgrundet offshore wind farm gets environmental permit 4.完整新聞內文: Once fully commissioned, the Swedish offshore wind project will have the potential to produce between 3TWh and 3.5TWh of clean energy per year, representing approximately 70% of the current electricity requirements in Gavleborg county. 一旦上線,該瑞典離岸風場將有每年發電30~35億度的潛力,換言之約等於 耶夫勒堡七成的電力需求. Germany-based offshore wind company Skyborn Renewables has secured the environmental permit to develop the 1GW Storgrundet offshore wind farm in Sweden. Granted by Swedish Land and Environment Court, the permit allows for a maximum of 51 wind turbines. The permit marks a significant milestone in realising the Swedish offshore wind farm, said Skyborn Renewables. The company said that bringing the Storgrundet offshore wind project online is subject to further approvals, including the permit for grid connection. 位於德國的天豐能源,獲得在瑞典建設Storgrundet離岸風場的批准. 該許可由瑞典土地與環境法庭授予,最多可興建51座風機. 天豐能源表示, 這是標誌著瑞典將實現離岸風電的重大里程碑. 該公司表示Storgrundet離岸風電仍需進一步批准,包括併網許可. To be located about 15km from the mainland in Gavle and Soderhamn municipalities, Gavleborg County, the Swedish offshore wind project is planned to become operational before the end of 2030. Once fully commissioned, the Storgrundet project will have the potential to produce between 3TWh and 3.5TWh of clean energy per year. This represents approximately 70% of the current electricity requirements in Gavleborg county. 該風場位於耶夫勒和瑟德港,離岸15公里,預計2030年開始運作. Skyborn Sweden interim managing director Hanna Magnusson said: “We welcome the Court’s decision, which constitutes a central milestone for Storgrundet Offshore and brings us closer to realising this long-planned project. We will now focus on securing the remaining permits. “At a time when the demand for fossil-free electricity is at its peak, Storgrundet will contribute significantly to Sweden’s clean energy transition. 天豐瑞典臨時總監Hanna Magnusson表示,這是Storgrundet風場的核心里程碑, 使我們更接近實現這個長期計劃. 今後我們將專注於獲得剩餘的許可. 當對無碳電力的需求達頂峰之際,本風場將對瑞典能源轉型做出巨大貢獻. Earlier this year, Skyborn Renewables submitted separate permit applications to the Swedish government to build the 3.9GW Eystrasalt offshore wind farm and the 2.8GW Fyrskeppet offshore wind farm in the Bothnian Sea. Once completed, the Eystrasalt and Fyrskeppet projects are expected to generate 15TWh and 8 TWh-11TWh of clean energy, respectively, per annum. 今年稍早,天豐向瑞典政府提交了個別的許可申請,在波的尼亞海興建容量3.9GW的 Eystrasalt離岸風場和容量2.8GW的Fyrskeppet離岸風場. 預計完成後,Eystrasalt和Fyrskeppet將年產150億和80~110億度的清潔能源. Last month, the offshore wind company and its partners secured an extended financing agreement to wrap up the construction of the 640MW Yunlin offshore wind farm project in Taiwan. 上個月該公司與投資夥伴達成了延長融資協議,以完成台灣640MW雲林允能 離岸風場建設. 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體: http://pse.is/59gpph 6.備註: 瑞典已經完了! 瑞典勢將崩潰! 因為離岸風力,它不發電!! 它真的真的 不 發 電 今後瑞典將天天停電,工廠全面停擺, 晚上點蠟燭過夜,冬天燒柴取暖, 這就叫"文組治國"! -- 國民黨的能源政策 反燃煤發電 https://reurl.cc/KkLGp9燃氣發電 https://reurl.cc/vkZAMy燃氣接收站 https://reurl.cc/QdGM7b核廢料 https://reurl.cc/mn4gqj離岸風電 https://reurl.cc/xZ4RQ1太陽光電 https://reurl.cc/4Q7L1v需量競價 https://reurl.cc/ykjRka -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1695552654.A.EE0.html

99 則留言

AustinRivers, 1F

joumay, 2F

NENE31, 3F

OGC168, 4F

nptrj, 5F

yoshilin, 6F

JamesSoong, 7F
瑞典雲豹! 瑞典森崴!

ams9, 8F
https://bit.ly/3PPfWoZ 28 December 2016220.129.207.239

koexe, 9F

spzper, 10F
重點是離岸風力它不發電! 懂嗎?

Gallardo, 11F
納米是什麼? 人家有瑞典雲豹,瑞典森崴,瑞典賴品妤就夠了

ams9, 12F
"2016..However, without subsidies, it has220.129.207.239

ams9, 13F
been seen as too expensive.."

koexe, 14F

ams9, 15F
歐洲目前想蓋新核電 尤其大型的國家 除了與220.129.207.239

ams9, 16F
俄羅斯合作的外 其他包含法國 都有資金隱憂220.129.207.239

koexe, 17F

spzper, 18F
沒錯,像法國每年都向德國買電, 到2022已經連續買11年

koexe, 19F
雖然我記錯了 之前印象有看過一個北歐國家114.27.186.8

koexe, 20F
啟用大型核電廠 結果是芬蘭 哭哭114.27.186.8
沒關係幫你補充, 芬蘭新蓋"1座"核電EPR機組Olkiluoto 3 只花了
(3600億台幣)而已,真是太便宜了~ http://pse.is/58kj5m 太便宜 太超值惹~~

ams9, 21F
芬蘭案例 剛好證明推文路透社新聞裡 批評者220.129.207.239

ams9, 22F
指出的 又貴又慢220.129.207.239

ams9, 23F
延宕18年 成本原PO講了220.129.207.239

koexe, 24F
也不會改變有啟用的事實啊= =

ams9, 25F
事實 還有更嘲諷的 法國馬近期轉彎 想大推核220.129.207.239

ams9, 26F
電 力保核電產業 結果電網公司出報告 新核電220.129.207.239

ams9, 27F
太慢 在那之前必須大增再生能源220.129.207.239

ams9, 28F
這也是某些核電批評者所提 幹啥不一開始就將220.129.207.239

ams9, 29F
資源放在再生能源 儲能 氫等 偏讓核電排擠其220.129.207.239

ams9, 30F

koexe, 31F

ams9, 32F
儲能 氫能等在大力發展中 上面提到了220.129.207.239

koexe, 33F

koexe, 34F
按他的概念 還沒有出來就是詐騙114.27.186.8

ams9, 35F
再補充一點 芬蘭OL3成本 暴增為原定3倍以上220.129.207.239

ams9, 36F
只論已出來的 那芬蘭的例子就在那面220.129.207.239

ams9, 37F

koexe, 38F

koexe, 39F
說 趕緊說出來啊! 別客氣吶~

spanda0730, 109F
裝置容量與實際發電量 呵呵1.34.207.68
瑞典政府就是一群文組廢物 呵呵笑死!
※ 編輯: sevenfeet ( 臺灣), 09/25/2023 20:35:35

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