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[新聞] Senate and House pass 45-day measure t

最新2023-10-01 11:37:00
推噓10 ( 1118 )
原文標題: Government shutdown live updates: Senate and House pass 45-day measure to keep government open 原文連結: CNBC https://t.ly/gR9rF 發布時間: UPDATED SAT, SEP 30 20239:11 PM EDT 記者署名: Kevin Breuninger Amanda Macias Rebecca Picciotto 原文內容: (原文為瀑布式新聞,僅貼最近三篇) 6 MIN AGO Senate overwhelmingly votes to keep government funded for next 45 days The 45-day continuing resolution passed in the Senate at 9:03 p.m. ET, less than three hours before the federal government would have shut down. The stopgap bill passed in a 88-9 vote. — Kevin Breuninger 參議院以壓倒性多數投票決定在未來45天內保持政府資金 這項為期45天的持續決議於美國東部時間晚上9:03在參議院通過,距離聯邦政府關閉不 到三個小時。 權宜之計法案以88-9的投票結果獲得通過。 — 凱文·布羅伊寧格 ------ 9 MIN AGO House Democratic leaders say they expect McCarthy will advance Ukraine aid bill House Democratic leaders vowed to pursue more aid for Ukraine as they celebrated the passage of the short-term funding bill. “On the House Floor, we passed a spending bill that meets the needs of hardworking American taxpayers and provides billions for disaster assistance at the level requested by President Biden,” four top House Democrats said in a joint statement Saturday night. The statement came from House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, and California’s Pete Aguilar, the caucus chair, and Vice Chair Ted Lieu. “Moving forward, there is still work that needs to be done, including by renewing support for the valiant Ukrainian effort to defeat Russia on the battlefield in the name of freedom and democracy,” they said. “When the House returns, we expect Speaker McCarthy to advance a bill to the House Floor for an up-or-down vote that supports Ukraine, consistent with his commitment to making sure that Vladimir Putin, Russia and authoritarianism are defeated.” “We must stand with the Ukrainian people until victory is won,” the Democrats said. — Kevin Breuninger --------- 1 HOUR AGO Final vote on stopgap spending bill begins in the Senate The Senate has begun to vote on final passage of a stopgap bill that will keep the government open and funded for the next 45 days. The measure, which passed the House hours earlier, proceeded to a vote by the unanimous consent of the Senate. The vote requires the support of 60 senators to pass. “I have very good news for the country: Democrats and Republicans have come to an agreement and the government will remain open,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the floor before the proceedings started. “The American people can breathe a sigh of relief,” he said. The bill came to a vote less than four hours before midnight, when the federal government was set to shut down. — Kevin Breuninger 心得/評論: 這場戲又演完了 下一場要等45天 所以這幾周的Fed+預期政府導致的股市不振 總算告一段段落了吧? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1696123476.A.6A9.html

20 則留言

lpmybig, 1F
先崩45天 下輪領更多

winston06, 2F

ppuuppu, 3F

sukimq, 4F

tomdavis, 5F

Detonate, 6F
再演一千次也都會過 看這個高潮的人在想什麼

ivan1116, 7F

ej03xu3, 8F
[新聞] Senate and House pass 45-day measure t

horseorange, 9F
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/01/2023 09:37:43

EXDes, 10F

SaintsRow, 11F

SaintsRow, 12F

redbeanbread, 13F

sunalmon, 14F

Severine, 15F
台灣在休會倒數的時候 也會挑燈夜戰啊 至少以前會

peter98, 16F
45天後剛好是感恩節前夕 懂玩

wmguo, 17F
[新聞] Senate and House pass 45-day measure t

awss1971, 18F
意外嗎? 喔~~一點也不意外~~

SaintsRow, 19F

herculus6502, 20F
我 你給我看這個

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