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Fw: [新聞] Getting Over It的世界紀錄是假的被取消

最新2019-03-28 17:58:00
推噓42 ( 43117 )
Seemingly Unbreakable Getting Over It World Record Turns Out To Be A Fake https://tinyurl.com/y4b9wh44 In Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, a man in a pot tries to climb a mountain with a sledgehammer. A Chinese speedrunner named Ccfst recently seemed to help that man climb the mountain faster than anyone before him, setting a new world record that struck some as impossible. The skeptics were right. Over the weekend, Ccfst admitted he had cheated. On March 17, Ccfst said “I will not send a false record of goi again,” according to a screenshot of a now-deleted comment on Chinese social media provided by Keronari, the chief moderator of the Getting Over It speedrunning records page. Ccfst has since deleted his Getting Over It videos hosted on the site and the moderators of the speedrunning page have removed his world record and banned him from submitting records for six months. According to a Google translation of post currently at the top of Ccfst’s Bilbili page, he plans to continue speedrunning the game and eventually earn a legit record. Ccfst did not immediately respond to a request for comment. At the beginning of the year, the fastest anyone had completed Getting Over It was in one minute, 19 seconds. That record was set by Norwegian speedrunner Rengj. Then on January 31, Ccfst upended everything with a video purporting to show him completing the game in 1:13. Most of the game’s records are separated by fractions of a second. Coming in several seconds ahead of the previous mark is practically unheard of. “When he posted his 1:13 time it was pretty hard for us all to believe, because it was honestly an insane run but the run itself looked completely legit,” Keronari told Kotaku in a Facebook message. He’s not just a Getting Over It mod but a speedrunner. “It wasn’t spliced so there were no frame cuts to spot. Getting good at Getting Over It requires no end of patience and hardwork, as any little mistake can sned the player tumbling back down the mountain. Getting good enough to speedrun it requires grinding through those challenges until playing the game becomes like muscle memory, and even then it’s an uphill battle. Ccfst’s run looked too easy to many, and indeed it was. In a recent Reddit post on the subject, some in the Getting Over It speedrunning community said they’d suspected Ccfst of cheating from the start, but Keronari told Kotaku that it’s still not 100 percent clear what his method was. “With all of his videos deleted it’s hard to say when exactly it was that he started to cheat, and it was even hard to spot that he was cheating,” he said. Still, there are theories. “We believe he had used cheat engine to slow the game down (this also slows down the in-game timer) which would help make his movements easier, [give him] more time to react to everything,” he said. The theory is that a cheater using this method could then speed up the video to make it look like a normal run. There is still a copy of the 1:13 speedrun up on YouTube, which even now as an admitted fake is breathtaking to watch. Keronari said that prior to Ccfst’ s confession, the Getting Over It speedrunning community was in a weird place. “Some of the community members are probably relieved more than anything else,” he said. “Ccfst had killed some of the competitiveness in the grind for world record because of how far ahead he was.” In the days shortly after the record’s removal, a speedrunner called Stillow managed to set a new world record at 1:17. “There’s a bit of motivation now for some of the top runners to try grind that top spot again,” said Keronari. He said he’s content to let Ccfst learn from his mistake and doesn’t want to ban him from the community forever. But when he does return, Keronari plans to review his footage more closely. “We don’t want to go into all the details about these methods but one is that we would require a submission from the same player that has the in-game sound turned on—slowing the game down then speeding the video up would require the speed of the sound to also increase,” he said. ==== 第一名的速通紀錄 Getting Over It WORLD RECORD By ccfst (1:13) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_HQ8c3mr0s
但現在被證實是假的.... 這位ccfst是中國玩家,他承認他作弊了。 所以我跑去翻中國那的資料 https://tinyurl.com/y2qz3p7w 【中國玩家《掘地求生》速通世界紀錄因作弊被取消】據Kotaku報導,中國玩家/B站UP主 Ccfst 曾創下了《掘地求生》1:13 通關的速通世界紀錄,自此之後,玩家社區中的不少 人都認為其通關視頻存在作弊嫌疑。在本月17日,Ccfst本人承認了自己的作弊行為,並 刪除了自己的速通視頻。作為懲罰,speedrun官網已經取消了他的成績,並禁止他在六個 月內提交新的紀錄。而有粉絲則表示“破紀錄真的那麼努力,不道歉也罷”以及“開了掛 也辛苦了”。 ==== 所以是BiliBili的UP主? https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv2274856/ BiliBili那的討論..... 所以是用變速齒輪作弊? -- 「......歡迎大家光臨天象館。」 「這裡有著無論何時都決不會消失的,美麗的無窮光輝。 「滿天的星星們在等待著大家的到來。」 ── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1553232145.A.851.html

61 則留言

※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 03/22/2019 13:23:01

yokozuna, 1F
樓下不用噓了 我幫你說 中國人 LUL

can18, 2F

can18, 3F

eighth, 4F

wayi0421, 5F

SupCat, 6F
“中國” 道盡一切

pponywong, 7F
XD 應該是把速度調慢去玩 然後用正常速度去錄影片

pponywong, 8F

tonyhom, 9F
這種遊戲也要開掛 LUL

wlwillwell, 10F

tank555, 11F

roea68roea68, 12F

BHrabal, 13F

Kenqr, 14F

gohow, 15F
連作弊都不會 廢物

ztO, 16F
努力使人強大 努力加上作弊 則讓你無懈可惜 直到被揭穿

suleyman, 17F

ztO, 18F

tavern, 19F

han72, 20F

deray, 21F

MK250, 22F

lacoste1113, 23F

s58111158, 24F

s58111158, 25F

s58111158, 26F
更正 49秒才對

Irenicus, 27F

XtinaGrimmie, 28F

dlshao, 29F
之那人 90%不能信

HuangJ, 30F
中國 外掛 作弊 看到結局我就安心了

amos30627, 31F
這也能作弊 支那人劣根性有多重

kuso10582, 32F
覺得TAS的記錄沒啥好比的 因為基本上人是不可能辦到的

madeinheaven, 33F

qscgg, 34F
中國需要自己一個賽區,讓他們自己去比神仙speed running

VoyagerKid, 35F

yellowboy, 36F
中國 外掛 作弊 三個字放在一起真和諧

edwardxearl, 37F

baozi, 38F
支那人不作弊不外掛才是新聞 真的是地球之癌

Ten6666, 39F

logitech2004, 50F

bc015128, 51F
大家不要太苛刻了 作弊是中國人的天性

uland26922, 52F

henry455235, 53F

KenWang42, 54F

scottc, 55F
厲害了 我的國

這就是STEAM版某版主最愛的中國人 笑死

zxp910608, 57F

r85270607, 58F
這種超高境界的修練風格 也要作弊 完全不知道在想啥

wsad66, 59F

lewisleex, 60F

jay0215, 61F