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Re: [情報] 賀 魔影墓場喜提最爛賽季

最新2024-04-07 15:52:00
推噓80 ( 80072 )
※ 引述《westwade (秋思化刃滿了嗎...?)》之銘言: : https://i.imgur.com/RV5NmlW.jpg
Re: [情報] 賀  魔影墓場喜提最爛賽季
: 留存率突破下限 擊敗熔爐 : 一堆智障負面詞 獎勵跟沒有一樣 : 作裝機制鳥 : 屍體還只能保留64格 : 1000小時測試團隊? : 這季根本是把以前被唾棄的要素集合起來吧 : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro. 官方跳出來公告要改進了 這次也是燒的不小 台服這次第一次參與公測 謝謝你GGG給我們良好的遊戲體驗 :) 論壇連結 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3501124 一樣做懶人包 不做翻譯 : Hi everyone, : : Thanks for all the feedback and bingo cards. Zizaran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERKd5KzcSi8
: To get straight to the point of the improvements to the league, here's what : we're currently doing today in the studio. Our hope is to get each change out : as soon as it is ready. 還沒確定patch釋出日期 會盡快 : Area to Area or Map to Map gameplay: 圖內的機制相關改動(開燈籠 掉屍體等) : We will be allowing you to itemise corpses as they drop, so you can choose to : collect the corpse or itemise it for free. As a result itemising corpses in : all contexts will now be free, as opposed to the 1 Chaos Orb it currently : costs. 屍體掉出來可以直接物品化或是進停屍間,從停屍間物品化也變成不用錢了 : Each of the downsides from area to area will now display the increase to the : amount of Collectable Corpses and Allflame Embers they cause. 會顯示屍體和餘燼獎勵 : We will be increasing the amount of Collectable Corpses and Allflame Embers : dropping relative to difficult mods substantially. : : We will be further increasing the amount of Allflame Embers dropping : additionally to the above. : : We will be adding new Allflame Ember packs that are more rewarding. : : We will be revising the rewards and pack sizes from existing Allflame Ember : packs in Endgame to make them substantially more rewarding also. : : We will be making the Devoted Modifiers more rewarding, notably the ones that : are granting Currency Items. 更多屍體 餘燼掉落(會根據詞綴難度增加),更多種類的餘燼,更多獎勵 : We are lowering the danger of the more dangerous modifiers especially at : Endgame. 降低詞綴難度 : Grave-Crafting: 做裝系統 : You will now be able to select the Base Type of the item you want to craft. 可以選基底 : As such, we are removing some of the Crafts that allow you to influence : Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence armour types, as they will no longer be : necessary since you can just freely select the base type. Note that special : base types will still need to be obtained through certain corpses, such as : Atlas Base Types, and League Base types like Stygian Vise. 不會有力量/敏捷/智力裝備需求類詞(因為可以直接選基底了 不是沒有能力詞) : We are increasing the chances of many of the rarer crafts like Fractured : Modifiers and Mirrored outcomes significantly. 增加破裂 複製詞的機率 : We've removed the "Tiers" from most of the crafts. They'll now have the : values of the existing highest tiers always. For example, instead of being : able to get 200% or 500% increased chance for Lightning Modifiers, it will : now always be 500%. 移除屍體詞綴中的Tier 本來有200%~500%增加機率 現在只會有500% : We have taken all the crafts that affect the Modifier Rating and compressed : it into a single craft that affects all modifiers, instead of being type : specific. This will not affect existing crafts you have, those will stop : dropping and the new one will start dropping once it's deployed. 提升詞綴階級的屍體會被統合成一個通用的 本來可能是+50/+100物理詞綴T 現在就是+50/+100詞綴T : You will be able to directly use Coffins on your List of corpses in your : Morgue panel instead of trying to find them within the Morgue. : Ctrl+F will go to the Search (Currently must be clicked). : We will be sorting crafts by their type, instead of by level, making it much : easier to find crafts that affect a specific type of modifier, like Fire : Modifiers. QOL改動 棺材可以直接從列表裝屍體,不用再進入停屍間找屍體裝 ctrl+f會跳到搜尋 & 會自動排序 : The grave-crafts that reroll Sockets and Links have been significantly buffed. 骰洞骰連線的詞綴會BUFF (沒講怎改) : There is a lot more happening in between the cracks but instead of me getting : into all of that I am focusing my attention towards getting the fixes ready : faster as that's what is more important! I will update more as we are making : more changes. : : This is just what we're immediately working on and will do more as soon as : it's needed and we have resources available. The long weekend here : unfortunately cost us the capability to respond to larger changes as fast as : we'd like and a huge lesson going forward is to make sure we don't deploy : expansions on public holiday weekends as we don't have the personnel : available to make changes as fast as we want. 後面沒啥重點 改動整理來說給正面評價 但是能不能救起整個機制還很難說 但還是沒有解決機制會強暴人的問題== 為何不讓詞綴也像餘燼一樣要拉進去才有效果 一開始開圖保持沒詞綴的樣子 想跳過的人就不用管了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1712020933.A.507.html

Re: 回文串

> Re: [情報] 賀 魔影墓場喜提最爛賽季
PathofExile04/02 09:22

152 則留言

※ 編輯: hh123yaya ( 臺灣), 04/02/2024 09:24:33

amsmsk, 1F
沒完全改到點上 應該說這機制就這樣了

ss900065, 2F

ljh109, 3F

zxcchiou, 4F
這改動可以取消這個機制嗎? 剛進圖不想打這個機制欸

BinarrY, 5F
改來改去就是比較爛的花園 = =

rr856658, 6F

IAmLaguna, 7F
詞墜過濾共用我覺得會影響不小 拓荒裝好做很多

MoneyBlue, 8F

amsmsk, 9F
先扛著這機制怪做拓荒裝 好像哪裡怪怪的

MoneyBlue, 10F

MoneyBlue, 11F

MoneyBlue, 12F

hh123yaya, 13F
法壓真的沒啥救 連防禦詞綴都沒有

MoneyBlue, 14F

MoneyBlue, 15F

MoneyBlue, 16F

MoneyBlue, 17F

MoneyBlue, 18F

wedman, 19F
做裝就算了 進圖前那個機制可以搞好嗎 根本沒獎勵

tung3567752, 20F

tung3567752, 21F

scott414, 22F

a05150707, 23F
QOL第一條是 棺材可以直接從列表裝屍體,不用再進入停

a05150707, 24F
感謝 我還沒包過屍體所以看不懂XDD

lorence810, 25F

lorence810, 26F
比不過舊機制 只能期待還有什麼獨特的詞被挖掘出來

qd6590, 27F
看起來至少改了會從大便變成 比較難用的做裝機制

newhand997, 28F
幹 就不能直接弄個預覽成果嗎

hanmas, 29F
直接選基底很屌欸 拓荒跟神一樣

andy2626zz, 30F

andy2626zz, 31F

thbygn98, 32F

thbygn98, 33F

thbygn98, 34F

c121125, 35F

amsmsk, 36F

kingroy, 37F

colechen, 38F

amsmsk, 39F
GGG有說會變好 但是多好就

c871111116, 142F

urrusa7, 143F
聖所跟挖礦對我來說都是不存在的機制 超級無聊

hh123yaya, 144F
PN出來了 但地震豪恐怖 給別人發

kay00077, 145F
負面全面大砍 正面全面提升 做裝ui改善 終於做個人了

kingroy, 146F

kingroy, 147F

kingroy, 148F

kingroy, 149F
後有空的雙加1做出來的機率不低 就是屍體麻煩

Eliphas, 150F
小更新了 但是不能自選要不要打本季機制還是最大問題...

su4vu6, 151F
你可以自選阿 (標準

Godright, 152F

zxp9505007, 153F
過章節都會遇到超強菁英怪 整個很燥

hh123yaya 作者的近期文章

Re: [閒聊] Kripp quit啦
※ 引述《snowpoint (暱稱)》之銘言: : https://shorturl.at/iwHKQ : 還好上季西粉西夠了,今天沒有讓我去躺海灘的衝動 : 不過每次開季不是都很垃圾嗎? : GGG這回是幹了啥?讓Kripp第一天就不爽
更多 hh123yaya 作者的文章...