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[花邊] Kenny Smith因對Sabrina的評論遭受批評

最新2024-02-21 09:44:00
推噓107 ( 1103125 )
來源: https://www.foxnews.com/sports/nba-broadcaster-kenny-smith-faces-backlash- sabrina-ionescu-remarks-3-point-contest http://tinyurl.com/y598h3ys By Ryan Gaydos 原標題: NBA broadcaster Kenny Smith faces backlash over Sabrina Ionescu remarks after 3-point contest NBA評論員Kenny Smith因為三分大賽後對Sabrina Ionescu的評論受到反彈聲浪 Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry and New York Liberty sharpshooter Sabrina Ionescu put on a 3-point spectacle during NBA All-Star Weekend festivities on Saturday night. 金州勇士球星Stephen Curry與紐約自由人神射手Sabrina Ionescu,在NBA全明星週的星 期六晚間上演一場三分球表演賽事。 It was the first time a 3-point contest between NBA and WNBA superstars occurred. Ionescu nearly topped Curry in the matchup but lost 29-26. Ionescu was shooting from the NBA 3-point line, which is about 12 to 18 inches farther from the WNBA line depending on the area of the floor. She used the WNBA basketball, which is smaller than the NBA basketball. 這是NBA和WNBA超級球星之間第一次的較量,Ionescu在比賽過程中差點贏過Curry,而最 後以26比29輸掉比賽。Ionescu是從NBA的三分線外投籃,這條線距離WNBA約12~18英寸, 使用的是比NBA用球小的WNBA用球。 Ionescu was able to hold her own. Ionescu一樣可以不落下風。 https://i.imgur.com/MnsJR8m.jpg
[花邊] Kenny Smith因對Sabrina的評論遭受批評
"This was so authentic for the both of us to be able to be here, finally not in a closed gym, shooting in front of everyone watching and understanding what it means for ourselves but also the bigger picture," she said afterward. " This is where I wanted to be.... It's changed the landscape of how people view what we're doing." 「對我們兩人來說,站在這裡是多麼的真實:不是在封閉的體育館,而是在所有人的收看 和理解面前投籃,這不只是對我們自身的意義,還有著更大的願景。」他在賽後提到:「 這就是我想做的...這讓人們如何看待我們的所做所為有了變化。」 The commentary during the matchup was something that caught the eye of viewers . Basketball fans were particularly upset with TNT broadcaster Kenny Smith and his suggestion after Curry had only beaten Ionescu by three points. 賽事期間的某個評論被觀眾們注意到了:TNT的播報員Kenny Smith在Curry只以三分險勝 Ionescu後的言論讓籃球迷特別不滿。 "She should have shot it from the women's line," the former Houston Rockets guard said. "That would have been a fair contest. I still support Sabrina. But she should have shot it from at the women shoot from." 「她應該從女籃三分線投籃的,」這位前休士頓火箭後衛這樣說:「這該是場公平的賽事。 我仍然支持Sabrina,但她應該從女籃三分線投籃的。」 Smith's broadcast partner, Reggie Miller, wondered why Smith would want those boundaries on her when "she wanted to shoot from there." Smith的播報搭檔-- Reggie Miller,很納悶在Ionescu自動請纓在NBA三分線外投籃時,為 什麼他會有這種想法。 "She should have shot from the line. There is a women's tee in golf and there is a men's tee for a reason," he added. Smith補充道:「她應該從女籃三分線投籃。因為女子高爾夫有女用釘座,男子高爾夫也 有男用釘座。」 https://i.imgur.com/9KbBgWz.jpg
[花邊] Kenny Smith因對Sabrina的評論遭受批評
After an awkward exchange about playing with dolls, Smith said he wanted Ionescu to shoot from where she shoots from in the WNBA. 在這個「女生就該玩洋娃娃」的尷尬對話後,Smith說他希望Ionescu應該從她熟悉的WNBA 三分線外投籃。 Smith was immediately met with criticism. Smith馬上遭到批評。 "Kenny Smith was an absolute clown last night lol," Savage Sports wrote on X. "Sabrina Ionescu narrowly loses to Steph Curry in the 3 point contest. She would've tied the other men for the lead. And all Kenny Smith has to add is ‘she still should've shot from the women's 3 point line.’ NBA probably should do better than that lol." 「Kenny Smith昨晚絕對是隻小丑lol,」Savage Sports在X(Twitter)撰文提到:「 Sabrina Ionescu在三分球大賽惜敗給Steph Curry,但她跟其他男人的領頭羊 (Damian Lillard)打平手阿,結果Kenny Smith只想說:『她應該要從女籃三分線投籃』, 在NBA三分線外投籃可能比較好啊lol。」 "Still thinking about Kenny Smith's commentary during the Steph/Sabrina event ," ESPN's Justin Tinsley wrote, adding that Smith came off "condescending as hell." 「還在理解Steph/Sabrina比賽期間Kenny Smith的言論」ESPN的Justin Tinsley寫道,並 補充說明Smith成功的「狗眼看人低」。 ABC's LZ Granderson added: "That was a chance to be an elder statesman… he decided otherwise." ABC的LZ Granderson表示:「他很適合擔任老男政客的...看來他沒有這樣想。」 "We needed a woman on the headsets, too. So much nuance & storytelling missed, " WNBA legend Sue Bird wrote. 「我們應該也要讓女性戴上耳麥,她們有太多的小故事或該說的話沒講出來了」WNBA傳 奇Sue Bire寫道。 The Athletic's Andrew Marchand panned Smith's commentary in a column, saying he "spoiled an otherwise great 3-point contest moment." He added that Smith's comments should have been made before the contest started. The Athletic的Andrew Marchand在專欄上痛批Smith的說法,稱他「破壞了原本美好的三 分大賽時刻」,並認為Smith應該在賽前評論此事。 https://i.imgur.com/sjmefSs.jpg
[花邊] Kenny Smith因對Sabrina的評論遭受批評
"What Smith said as the Golden State Warriors' Stephen Curry edged out the New York Liberty's Sabrina Ionescu in a made-for-great-TV 3-point contest was distracting because of its lack of logic and timing," he wrote. "We watched a fun sports Picasso, and Smith could strangely only talk about the canvas not being exactly right in his eyes." 「Smith針對金州勇士Stephen Curry在這個偉大的三分球賽事轉播,險勝紐約自由人 Sabrina Ionescu的言論,很讓人分心,因為他的邏輯和講話時機都不對。」他寫道:「 我們在看一幅很有趣的畢卡索作品,而Smith很奇怪,只看到說這個畫布有問題。」 The competition raised money for each of their foundations. While the competition was fierce, they both left with smiles on their faces. 這場賽事為他們倆的基金會挹注不少資金。比賽雖然激烈,但他們都笑著離開球場。 "I don't know what's going to come out of it, but me and Sabrina talked about how cool of an opportunity it is to do something that's never been done before in our game," Curry said. 「我不知道這賽事對未來會怎麼樣,但我和Sabrina提到,我們有這個機會做以前沒在賽場 上出現的事是多麼酷的事情。」Curry說。 "And for her to have a presence on this stage is going to do a lot to inspire the next generation of young boys and girls that want to compete and see themselves in either one of us. Wherever it goes from there, we know we can kind of plant our flag as doing something really special." 「對她而言,能出現在這一個舞台,對下一代的年輕男女是一個很大的鼓舞。他們透過我 們倆,想贏過自己、審視自己。不論來自何處,我們知道我們可以插上我們的戰旗,做些 特別的事情。 看不懂Kenny Smith在想啥 同樂會笑笑就好 講一些有的沒有的讓自己被網爆 0.0 (多益0分翻譯 有錯誤請指教 先謝謝大家了) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1708311231.A.648.html

238 則留言

PanaS0Nic, 1F
這是NBA和WINA超級球星之間第一次的較量 ???

Chanlin01, 2F

Allencash, 3F

simon0529, 4F

cysticercus, 5F
覺得還好 用平常比賽的距離也算是公平

ohya111326, 6F
應該讓Curry投女籃的三分線才對 這樣才公平

zsp9081a, 7F

GoodGoodEat, 8F
這種太性別歧視了吧 噁心老男發言欸

zsp9081a, 9F

rkilo, 10F

rkilo, 11F

pdsjenny, 12F

zsp9081a, 13F
※ 編輯: ralfeistein ( 臺灣), 02/19/2024 11:00:42

jackylin1999, 14F
啊人家熟悉的就是wnba距離 不就是希望出發點能夠公

george60309, 15F
痾 這樣要炎上喔...

jackylin1999, 16F
平點而已 女權真的無下限

whitemist, 17F

yowhatsupsli, 18F

e2167471, 19F

kingianlin, 20F

cado0824, 21F

e2167471, 22F
但其實勝負本來就不重要 話題性有出來就好

cado0824, 23F

GoodGoodEat, 24F
女生就該怎麼樣 男生就該怎樣 這話真的不行

rkilo, 25F

jackylin1999, 26F
因為差一點而已啊 如果差很多不就聽起來更歧視

cado0824, 27F

rkilo, 28F

whitemist, 29F

same60710, 30F
女籃那位要的是真公平啊 覺得很讚

chinhan1216, 31F

GoodGoodEat, 32F
抱不平的話 就好好稱讚他的表現就好 提三分線幹嘛

cysticercus, 33F

same60710, 34F

chinhan1216, 35F

Fafnir316, 36F

XperiaArcS, 37F

rkilo, 38F

a11011788, 39F

ewayne, 228F

yeustream, 229F

yeustream, 230F

yeustream, 231F

Akabane, 232F
球就不一樣還同一個起跑點 真的是自助餐拼命吃

kevmo, 233F
照樓上説的話 齊頭式平等才是真平等吧 笑死 要不要

kevmo, 234F

semicoma, 235F
@ewanyne 我甚至懶得回應你 哈哈哈哈哈

drsung48, 236F

drsung48, 237F
政治正確講求因人廢言 男人談性平要小心

drsung48, 238F
如果是女人講 就是鼓勵sabrina用優勢獲勝

Michaelpipen, 239F