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[外絮] Oner:我的冠軍造型想在遊戲中踢Bengi的

最新2024-05-04 17:51:00
推噓16 ( 1605 )
來源:https://reurl.cc/yLmkWO 來自於 Oner 的賽後採訪,聊到了自己的冠軍造型 In 2023, T1 etched its name into League of Legends history once again, leaving fans to wait for the fourth iteration of the org’s World Championship skins. Among them, T1’s star jungler Oner chose Lee Sin as the champion for his first Worlds skin. But he’s not the first T1 player to pick this champ. A decade prior, back in 2013 when SKT T1 won its first League World Championship, the team’s jungler at the time, Bengi, picked Lee Sin for his Worlds skin. In an interview with Dot Esports during the 2024 Mid-Season Invitational, Oner shared that he wanted to do something special with his Worlds skin—something that would probably give fans a kick of nostalgia. World champions have the opportunity to contribute to the creation of their Worlds skin in League with their own ideas for special animations, offering a personal touch that adds depth and resonance to their champion’s legacy. When Riot approached Oner about the exclusive animation for his Worlds skin, he suggested for his Lee Sin to kick Bengi’s, in a way to “deliver a message ” saying “a new skin is out.” Now, he’s waiting to see if Riot liked his idea and actually put it in the game as he hasn’t had the chance to see how the skin came out yet. Bengi’s Lee Sin stands alongside other iconic skins like Faker’s Zed and Impact’s Jax, representing the dawn of a dynasty that shaped the competitive League landscape for years to come. But it’s time for the new generation of champions to kick out the old one—quite literally. There is no official news or announcement on when the T1 2023 Worlds skins will be released yet, although many speculate Faker’s Hall of Legends skin might see the light of day sooner rather than later. As the League community eagerly anticipates the release of the 2023 Worlds skins, one thing remains certain: They’ll kickstart a new legacy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oner:我的李星造型要可以踢Bengi的! Bengi:西....... 這次MSI T1 的訪問是不是都Main幹話的LUL 但Oner也說代表一種提醒的感覺,一個我的造型要上了的概念。 不知道Riot 會不會真的做出來LUL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1714805320.A.6E0.html

21 則留言

game147, 1F

cornsoup, 2F

HanKWanG1994, 3F
C8 shake it!

abd86731, 4F
這麼狠喔肌肉 D:

zChika, 5F

yln860331, 6F
我記得之前不是說是想碰拳還是有互動嗎 現在變踹飛

yln860331, 7F

zChika, 8F

rainnawind, 9F

Ashuya, 10F
肌肉想傳達 T1的新李星冠軍造型出了啦 這個訊息==
※ 編輯: www846www ( 臺灣), 05/04/2024 15:11:00

wwl0909, 11F

BusterPosey, 12F
笨雞:給家洗 出個勒?

SYUAN0301, 13F

Suntia, 14F

sx642220012, 15F

maxliao, 16F
BENGI三冠耶 要敬老尊賢一下

yu7777, 17F

z23061542, 18F

Yuebaitw, 19F
Bengi:你肌肉大 這次讓你

tjtsyhssy, 20F

ilove640, 21F
好啊 現在要這樣不敬老尊賢XD

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