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[外電] Lakers 2.0: The failed reboot of

最新2019-06-01 14:00:00
推噓260 ( 2633438 )
標題:Lakers 2.0: The failed reboot of the NBA's crown jewel 作者:Baxter Holmes (ESPN) http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/26821790/lakers-20-failed-reboot-nba-crown-jewel 翻譯有誤請指證 正文 - Lakers 2.0: The failed reboot of the NBA's crown jewel 湖人2.0 : 重啟失敗的桂冠寶石 (標題就這麼難翻 = =) IN THE WEEKS after the Los Angeles Lakers' 2016-17 season ended in mid-April, with the franchise failing to reach the postseason for the fourth consecutive year, more than 30 Lakers staffers -- largely from basketball operations -- gathered at the team's practice facility in El Segundo, California. 17年結束賽季的那個4月,球場聚集著多達30餘名的湖人員工 - 大多數來自籃球營運方面 Before them were Rob Pelinka and Earvin "Magic" Johnson, who had been formally introduced in March 2017 as the Lakers' new front-office leaders -- with Johnson, an iconic player from the team's 1980s "Showtime" era, serving as its president of basketball operations, and Pelinka, who had famously served as Kobe Bryant's agent, as the general manager. 在他們面前的是佩琳卡 & "魔術" - Kobe的經紀人 & "Showtime"的魔術 Neither possessed front-office experience but were chosen by Lakers president and governor Jeanie Buss, who had fired the organization's longtime general manager Mitch Kupchak and, separately, her brother Jim in February 2017. 女王解僱了庫胖,還有她的兄弟,在即使兩人沒有營運經驗的前提,還是聘用了兩人 This gathering would serve as one of Pelinka and Johnson's initial attempts to address the basketball operations staff in a more formal setting -- and to make an impression regarding their managerial style. 這是兩人第一次在眾人面前,正是作為球隊經理與他們的員工們發表談話 In his remarks, Johnson expressed excitement about the task ahead, but he also made clear he didn't accept excuses or mistakes, and that those who weren't on board with the new management and their mission should leave, according to six staffers who were present. 根據在場六人的指控 - 魔術明確的表達自己的興奮,但也告知員工, "你們不能犯錯,也沒有藉口,而且那些跟我不在同艘船上或是不願接受命令的人該離開" Pointing upstairs, toward his office, Johnson drove home his point. He had a large stack of resumes sitting on his desk -- "a thousand" of them, multiple staffers recall him saying -- and he could replace any of them at any time. 在我的辦公桌上有上千履歷可以取代你們 - 多名工作人員如此說 "It was shocking," said one Lakers coaching staff member who was present. "If you're going to be in this business, you bring enough pressure on yourself. You don't need more pressure, especially from someone who's supposed to be an ally." "非常的震驚" - 我們從事著高壓的行業(籃球事業的頂點),你已經不需要更多的壓力, 而它們卻來自你的頂頭上司. - 那個原本應該在背後支持你的人 一個教練組的人說道 其實也不意外 魔術一臉想開除助教組的樣子, 恩 ... 球迷也是 The message would set the tone for what many staffers describe as Johnson's confrontational demeanor over the next two years. "If you questioned him on anything, his response was always a threatening tone," said a Lakers front office staffer who interacted with Johnson directly. "He used intimidation and bullying as a way of showing authority." 用些訊息來對魔術兩年的掌權生涯做總結 1.他會用威脅的來對應你的質疑 2.他用恐嚇與威脅來維持權威 When Pelinka and Johnson ascended to their posts, there was talk of a new beginning, the start of returning the Lakers to greatness. The era was even given a sleek brand: Lakers 2.0. 當佩琳卡跟魔術出現在這個位置的時候,我們都祈許湖人重返偉大, 這段時期,我們給出了湖人 2.0這個標誌 But the era was short-lived, culminating in Johnson's sudden resignation during an impromptu news conference on April 9. He cited "backstabbing and "whispering" as reasons for his abrupt departure. In just over two years, what was deemed a bold front-office experiment had failed. 但這是一個短暫的時期,隨著魔術在四月辭職,並且用'背刺'與"密語"作為離職原因 被認為大膽的""陣前辦公"" 宣告失敗 During the nearly hour-long session with reporters in the halls of Staples Center mere minutes before the Lakers played their final game of the season -- a loss -- Johnson made tepid remarks about his working relationship with Pelinka, who would now be alone in attempting to chart a new path forward for the team. 而在這之前,我們本季最後一場比賽,也是最後一場敗戰結束後的幾分鐘 他還發表了與佩琳卡間的感性發言,並表示將為球隊制定未來的方向 Forty-one days later, Johnson's remarks about Pelinka would sharpen. In an appearance on ESPN's First Take, Johnson admitted that the duplicity and deceit were coming from none other than Pelinka, his general manager. 41天之後,隨著魔術與佩琳卡間的謠言越演越烈.前者更直接在ESPN上承認 他離職所提到的欺騙與心口不一就是指佩琳卡 "I start hearing, 'Magic, you are not working hard enough. Magic's not in the office,'" Johnson told First Take. "People around the Laker office were telling me Rob was saying things. ... So I started getting calls from my friends outside of basketball saying those things now were said to them outside of basketball, now just not in the Lakers' office anymore." 他說他從別處聽到佩琳卡說他不夠努力 甚至都不再辦公室(幹 這是事實阿) 所以他現在不是湖人辦公室的一員了 The conversation continued, but ESPN's Stephen A. Smith wanted to circle back to comments about backstabbing. SAS想要把話題拉回到"背刺" (NBA政論家) "Does Magic Johnson feel betrayed, and if so, by whom?" Smith asked. "If you are going to talk betrayal," Johnson replied, "it's only with Rob." 你說你被誰出賣? - SAS問 Rob - 魔術給出明確的回應 On the court, the Lakers missed the playoffs in LeBron James' first season with the team, ending his streak of eight consecutive NBA Finals appearances. Virtually all of the Lakers' young talent was publicly dangled in trade talks for superstar Anthony Davis, sowing mistrust between those players and management -- and between those players and James. Johnson and Pelinka allowed James' management team what was considered unusual access by many people around the team and league. And tensions boiled over in an early February locker room blow-up. All of it put the organization in a near-constant state of disarray, as epitomized on the night of their final regular-season game, when Johnson resigned without telling anyone in the organization, including Buss. Three days later, coach Luke Walton and the organization agreed to part ways. LBJ在連續8年總冠後第一次錯過了季後賽 AD交易中 謠言在小將間蔓延,這造成了球員跟管理者間的信任問題, 更造成他們與LBJ間的信任問題 這一切都讓湖人像是一團亂麻,而在他本人辭職後.我疼與他的教練組也與湖人分道揚鑣 After Walton's departure, the resulting head coach search, led by Pelinka, proved rocky -- with the Lakers' top two candidates -- Tyronn Lue and Monty Williams -- turning down the job before Frank Vogel accepted. (Williams took the same position with the Phoenix Suns, and the Lakers' negotiations with Lue, who was said to be their top candidate, broke down late in the process.) Multiple staffers described the aftermath of these moves as leaving the organization in a state of "shock" and "confusion." 而我疼離開後,由佩琳卡主導的選帥事件也證明了湖人現在的黑暗 魯跟MW都拒絕了這一職位 According to nearly two dozen current and former team staffers, ranging from occupants of executive suites to office cubicles, in addition to league sources and others close to the team, the Lakers under Johnson and Pelinka were fraught with dysfunction, on and off the court. These sources, who feared reprisal and weren't authorized to speak publicly, describe Pelinka and Johnson as managers who made unilateral free-agent acquisitions; triggered a spate of tampering investigations and fines; berated staffers, including Walton; and created an in-house culture that many current and former longtime staffers said marginalized their colleagues, inspired fear and led to feelings of anxiety severe enough that at least two staffers suffered panic attacks. 超過20位懼怕報復而匿名的成員說 兩人在湖人的掌權時期充滿混亂,他們並沒有正確的運作應該發揮的職能 他們單方面的想得到FA球員,卻引來了大量的調查與罰款 包含我疼在內的職員被指責,這形成了很糟糕的風氣 他們被邊緣化 也感到焦慮 至少兩名員工工作在恐懼之中 As one ex-Lakers star privately told confidants, "It's f----ng crazy over there." 正如一位湖人明星球員說的 - 瘋狂襲捲了那裡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1559054600.A.B75.html

704 則留言

Zodelyst, 1F
要睡覺了@@ 明天繼續

Zodelyst, 2F
※ 編輯: Zodelyst (, 05/28/2019 22:47:01

chrisplash, 3F

ken6030133, 4F

Lacus0827, 5F

lonzoslaker, 6F

lonzoslaker, 7F

alankira, 8F

lonzoslaker, 9F
說穿了,Jeanie Buss就是個花瓶,沒啥能力造成的

chrisplash, 10F

NIKElove, 11F

lonzoslaker, 12F

lonzoslaker, 13F
Rich Paul基本上也是幕後黑手

lonzoslaker, 14F
Magic+Paul 完全搞亂了我湖原本的方向,笑死

tong2012, 15F
我有看到一段 去年選秀原本要選spellman 但湖人選秀分

tong2012, 16F
成兩間 Magic Pelinka一間 選秀組一間 結果Magic那間最

tong2012, 17F
後選Wagner 大家都傻眼 後來Pelinka表示他跟Hart聊過後H

tong2012, 18F
art說Spellman有疑慮 但Pelinka其實只跟Hart聊過幾分鐘

Zodelyst, 19F
其實一直到現在 我也覺得選Wagner沒問題

Zodelyst, 20F

BanJarvan4, 21F
還以為有什麼猛料 結果文章前面那個也太兒科了

s880st, 22F
那原本該選Mitchell Robinson變成Wagner,這樣子是失敗嗎

s880st, 23F

JoelEmbiid, 24F
反正選誰都一樣 沒差

JoelEmbiid, 25F

tong2012, 26F
若這篇沒錯 真正要選的是Spellman

tong2012, 27F
看完這篇 滿滿的惆悵 完全不會期待有什麼大咖要來湖人了

TheoEpstein, 28F

dragon803, 29F

dragon803, 30F

dragon803, 31F

hasebe, 32F

dragon803, 33F

dragon803, 34F

dragon803, 35F

hasebe, 36F

dragon803, 37F

lonzoslaker, 38F

dragon803, 39F

jc110099, 693F
找可愛TALK 如果這點被判定為 未經許可 私下接觸球員

jc110099, 694F

Lacus0827, 695F

jc110099, 696F
有 新聞有說 快艇總管跑去等可愛經過 想跟他打招呼還是

jc110099, 697F
怎樣 但是可愛不認識他 所以直接走掉沒理

jc110099, 699F
喔 是總裁 不是總管 不過差不多 都是高階行政管理階層

Lacus0827, 700F


lwei781, 702F
可愛使用上 可能要很保護 反正重點幾乎是季後賽

Lacus0827, 703F

ltmps, 704F

ltmps, 705F

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