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[情報] D4 1.3.0a 版本更新說明

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https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/ 中文還沒出 英文先看看 Game Updates Echo of Malphas Developer’s Note: We have noticed players tended to use their Pearls of Warding for fighting Echo of Malphas instead of on Zoltun’s Warding. We are adding in Igneous Cores—a new item used solely to summon Malphas instead of Pearls—so players don’t have to choose between extra protection in the Vaults or fighting the boss. Additionally, we have made the fight against Malphas more difficult but also increased the rewards it provides. Echo of Malphas has had their Level raised from 85 to 100. The Health pool of Echo of Malphas has been increased by 30%. A new item—Igneous Cores—now exists for the purpose of accessing the Uber Vault and Echo of Malphas(confirm player-facing names). This item will replace the usage of Pearls of Warding in providing access. Igneous Cores have a chance to drop from Vault Heralds and are guaranteed to drop from Son of Malphas in World Tier IV. Loot Updates The drop rate of Unique Stones from Malphas increased from .25% to .5%. Unique Stones now have a 3% chance of dropping from the chest after the boss. Defeating Echo of Malphas will now reward more Legendary items. Additionally, Item Level 925 items will drop more often. The Seneschal Developer’s Note: We’ve received feedback that the Seneschal does not feel powerful. The Seneschal becomes more powerful as it reaches max level, but we have noticed that many players have not had the chance to level up their Seneschal enough to experience this. We are introducing multiple changes to ensure players have more sources to earn Governing and Tuning Stones from so they can level up their Seneschal and unlock their new companion's full potential. Crafting a Governing or Tuning Stone will now always cost 200 Shattered Stone and 20 Iron Chunks regardless of level. Finding a max level Governing or Tuning Stone will now grant 150 –200 Shattered Stone. Governing and Tuning stones can now be acquired as rewards for completing Whispers. Son of Malphas now always drops 2-3 Governing and Tuning Stones. Stones awarded from Seneschal Stone Caches has been increased from 1 to 2 stones. Experience requirements for Governing and Tuning Stones have been reduced so they can be ranked up more naturally with your leveling experience. Vaults and Arcane Tremors We have made multiple quality-of-life changes to the player experience in the Vaults and Arcane Tremors. Consuming a Pearl of Warding at a Statue of Zoltun Kulle now grants 10 stacks of Zoltun's Warding, instead of 3. The max stacks of Zoltun's Warding has been increased from 300 to 999. The grace period for losing stacks of Zoltun's Warding when being hit by multiple traps at once has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds. (Ex: If 3 darts hit you in the span of 1.5 seconds, you'll only lose 1 stack instead of 3). Heralds of Malphas now guaranteed a Legendary item drop starting at Level 26, with a 15% chance to drop a second Legendary item. Knockback has been removed from all Obelisk Hazards. Chests will now appear after completing a Vault's ending encounter. These new chests will drop a guaranteed Legendary item starting from level 26+, with a 35% chance to drop another Legendary item. The projectile speed from Elemental Dart hazards has been reduced by 20%. The hitbox for floor-based Elemental Grate and Spike hazards have been reduced by roughly 15%. The spout hitbox for Elemental Pillars has been reduced by roughly 15%. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where the Gatehall would not display on the map for players on PlayStation. Fixed an issue where the Brazier could not be interacted with in certain circumstances during the Drums of the Vault quest. Fixed an issue where the Beckoning Thunder Horse cosmetic was invisible for Druid players. Fixed an issue where the damage effect and the visual effect were not in sync for floor traps in Vaults. Various stability and performance improvements. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1706323157.A.4D8.html

Re: 回文串

> [情報] D4 1.3.0a 版本更新說明
DIABLO01/27 10:39

70 則留言

kiddlau, 1F

Jotarun, 2F

qoo63112000, 3F
這賽季還在觀望中 請問這樣改的話有改變很多嗎?

linpcbar, 4F

linwukin, 5F

yspb, 6F

Victor97, 7F

Khadgar, 8F

Khadgar, 9F

DenUsLLeh, 10F

DenUsLLeh, 11F

jo0903, 12F

efreet, 13F

efreet, 14F

Chtgo, 15F
一直救d4 d2r跟屎一樣不理

fatdoghusky, 16F
陷阱完全移除不可能啦 但調簡單在情理之中

fatdoghusky, 17F
另外機奴有沒有buff? 目前看起來有跟沒有一樣

sniperex168, 18F

sniperex168, 19F

vizjeco, 20F
不錯了 快來玩

windnduck, 21F

RicFlair, 22F
好 晚上登看看

windnduck, 23F

windnduck, 24F

RicFlair, 25F
應該是會玩隕石吧 看巴哈有篇暴雪隕石感覺還不錯玩

darkangel119, 26F

Victor97, 27F
法什麼 玩野蠻人就好

Victor97, 28F

Victor97, 29F

ganlinlausu, 30F

yesmotel, 31F
[情報] D4 1.3.0a 版本更新說明
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 臺灣), 01/27/2024 13:43:00

windnduck, 32F

windnduck, 33F

RicFlair, 34F
有一說一啊 這更新速度還是進步挺大的 跟s0 s1那種

RicFlair, 35F

RicFlair, 36F
短短幾秒就20%了 嚇死我

ToBeHonst, 37F
跟上季一樣無視複製 只暫時鎖個交易問題也沒解決

ouka, 38F

RicFlair, 39F
沒玩過阿蠻+1 是有考慮 但看每個實況都在衝鋒又覺得

Allen0315, 62F
隔壁棚有趣又好玩 會來玩的妹子又多

Allen0315, 63F

Victor97, 64F
[情報] D4 1.3.0a 版本更新說明

Victor97, 65F
[情報] D4 1.3.0a 版本更新說明

Victor97, 66F

h0rizoN, 67F

guolong, 68F

guolong, 69F

p200404, 70F

Jotarun 作者的近期文章

[情報] D4 1.4.4 更新說明 (7/11上線
https://news.blizzard.com/zh-tw/diablo4/23964909 1.4.4 #55523 配置(所有平台) - 2024 年 7 月 11 日 ** 遊戲更新------------------------
[情報] D4 季中更新與S5PTR時程
官方藍帖 https://bit.ly/45kb9lz 季中更新 (Patch 1.4.3) 更新說明將於 6月14日 公佈。 更新將於 下週 發布。 第五季 PTR 將於 6月21日 的直播中詳細介紹。 《憎恨之軀》 7月18日 魂靈師職
Re: [閒聊] D2R 天梯 預測新賽季七的時間
藍帖 https://bit.ly/3QETKOv Hi all - We wanted to give a heads up on the start time for the new season for Diablo II: Resu
[情報] D4 1.4.0 更新說明
https://news.blizzard.com/zh-tw/diablo4/23964909 1.4.0 #53129 配置(所有平台) - 2024 年 5 月 15 日 ** 來自公開測試伺服器的最新消息--------------
Fw: [情報] 今年沒有blizzcon
※ [本文轉錄自 Hearthstone 看板 #1cAfb0lt ] 作者: Jotarun (forever) 看板: Hearthstone 標題: [情報] 今年沒有blizzcon 時間: Fri Apr 26 01:56:13
[情報] D4 S4 PTR 要來了
https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24078324/ THE DIABLO IV SEASON 4 PTR: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW https://news.blizzar
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