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Re: [閒聊] D4 營火閒聊實況 - 惡疫魔賽季

最新2023-07-22 19:55:00
推噓36 ( 37150 )
Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.0 Campfire Chat Summary https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/334223 Diablo IV Campfire Chat - Season of the Malignant- July 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZuG4Yng4bY
Wowhead 整理比較大綱的內容如下 細節有興趣可以直接點原影片聽 devs 怎麼說 ===== 一、Patch 1.1.1 - There will be another Developer Livestream next Friday to discuss Patch 1.1.1. 下週五會再開一台實況討論 1.1.1 版本更新 - Sorcerer and Barbarians buffs will be the primary focus of this Patch. 這次更新改版會著重在魔法使和野蠻人的 buff - Monster density will be increased in Nightmare Dungeons and during Helltides. 惡夢地城跟地獄浪潮的怪物密度會增加 - There will be an additional Stash tab. 倉庫會多實裝一頁 - Elixir stack size will be increased to 99. 靈藥最大堆疊數量會增加到 99 - Respec costs will be decreased by 40%. 重置技能等級的消耗降低 40% - Level 50 - 100 experience will be adjusted so that leveling will become easier. 50 到 100 等的經驗值會被調整讓升級更容易 - Patch 1.1.1 should be released within the next couple of weeks. 1.1.1 版本更新會在數週內上線 二、未來如何處理更新 How Updates Will be Handled Going Forward - When making changes to increase build diversity, let some builds be overpowered until we have provided compelling alternatives. 增加流派多樣性時 在我們提供更多吸引人的選擇之前 會先讓某些流派保持 OP 強度 - These meta changes will occur at predictable times, like the start of a Season. 這些 meta 更新會在可預期的時間發生 例如新賽季開始 - In situations where a bug is causing game-breaking damage or crashes, we'll still react quickly. 但如果是有 bug 會導致傷害破表或遊戲被玩壞 我們還是會快速反應處理 - Patch notes will be communicated at least a week before the actual patch is available. 以後版本更新說明文會在更新實裝至少一週前就公布 三、職責說明 Diablo 4 Mission Statement - A wide variety of viable builds to discover, put together, and optimize, across all five classes. 提供所有職業能發掘不同流派、統整並不斷改進的多元選擇 - New items and powers every season to keep the game fresh and increase build variety. 每個賽季都提供新裝備和新能力來保持遊戲新鮮感和流派多樣性 - Continually evolving endgame content with high monster density for powerful builds to mow down and activities to challenge your build. 持續發展 endgame 內容 提高怪物密度讓強力流派能挑戰 - Make the game more fun for players. 讓玩家覺得遊戲更好玩 四、易傷 Vulnerable Damage - Vulnerable Damage was nerfed because it was overused in almost every endgame build. 易傷被 nerf 是因為幾乎每個 endgame 流派都要用到 - Tuning changes will continue to be made in order to make Vulnerable Damage more equal to other sources of damage. 未來會繼續調整 目的是為了讓易傷跟其他來源的增傷更等價一點 五、惡夢地城 Nightmare Dungeons - Nightmare Dungeons are considered too difficult. 惡夢地城難度太高 - Nightmare Dungeons will be re-balanced so that in the future Tier 100 Dungeons will be more similar to the difficulty level of Tier 70 Nightmare Dungeons now. 惡夢地城會被重新平衡 未來 100 層的難度大概會跟現在的 70 層難度差不多 - A Hotfix will be coming out later today to decrease the difficulty of high Tier Nightmare Dungeons. 今天晚點就會有 hotfix 去降低高層惡夢地城的難度 六、削弱玩家戰力 Nerfs to Player Power - The developers have stated that there will not be a patch that nerfs classes this hard ever again. 開發人員有提到以後不會再一次砍這麼重了 - Cooldown Reduction was changed because it was considered the most powerful stat in the game. 冷卻時間減免被砍是因為這被認為是遊戲中最強的屬性數值 七、Season 2 - There will be a new Endgame activity (i.e. Nightmare Dungeon, Whispers, World Boss, etc.) added in Season 2. S2 會有新的 endgame 要素加入遊戲 (類似 惡夢地城 低語 世界王等) - There will be more options to target-farm Uniques in Season 2. S2 會有更多選項可以針對暗金獨特裝刷 - Resistances will be reworked as a part of Season 2. 抗性重製會是 S2 內容之一 八、未來更新 Future Updates - There will be additional updates after Patch 1.1.1 and before Season 2. 在 1.1.1 版之後 和 S2 賽季之前 還會有額外的幾次更新 - Leaderboards are planned for Season 3. 排行榜預計在 S3 做 - There will be opportunities to re-fight Campaign bosses in the future. 未來可能會有機會能重打主線 boss - Players will have more opportunities to acquire Uber Uniques in the future. 未來玩家會更有機會取得超稀有獨特裝 ===== 可以先想好下週五要在官方聊天室刷什麼了 KEKW -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1689970651.A.CE7.html

Re: 回文串

88 則留言

※ 編輯: a2364983 ( 臺灣), 07/22/2023 04:20:21

as3366700, 1F
易傷要改就是底層算式直接大改 只砍數值有屁用

snow5420, 2F

as3366700, 3F
乘的東西要怎麼跟加的平起平坐 這遊戲不是你們做的?

a2364983, 4F

snow5420, 5F
當初傷害計算就不要搞什麼加法乘法啊 馬的搞了個

snow5420, 6F

Rivendare, 7F
讓玩家覺得遊戲更好玩 XDDDDDDD 好喔

a2364983, 8F
先冷靜 那個我不知道是原話還是 Wowhead 在臭 KEKW

H73GT, 9F
1.1.1 會在數周後上線 一個賽季約12周...故12周上線

plus203ft, 10F

RicFlair, 11F
數週(12週)後上線 法師準備飛天 要練要快

Jotarun, 12F
不會12週啦 他們說verysoon 我猜應該2~3週

ColdP, 13F
不 純砍數值就是有用的 這是個機會成本的問題

ColdP, 14F
舉個極端一點的例子, 如果今天A傷詞條的數值是B傷詞

kitty2826, 15F
幹 開個營火伺服器就掛了 可惡啊啊啊枉費我早起

ColdP, 16F
條的2-3倍, 疊B傷就變成蠢事了

ColdP, 17F
PSN上新版本要先送審核, 從PoE的經驗來看這審核時間

ColdP, 18F
會要2-3周。所以如果是個有新版本號的改動, 除非BZ

ColdP, 19F
已經提早送審, 不然不大可能幾天後就上線

jackyan, 20F

jackyan, 21F

jackyan, 22F

jackyan, 23F

Ashaku, 24F
12週 賽季都結束了 XD

cinko, 25F

cinko, 26F

Layase, 27F
法師玩到50級了 打一下傷害都還在三位數 受不了

cinko, 28F
樓上別玩法師了 先玩死靈爽一下 等法師buff再回來

cinko, 29F

kingroy, 30F

kingroy, 31F

superLM, 32F
死靈真的太猛了 且玩且珍惜

superLM, 33F
54等就世界四了 屌虐沉淪魔殿

r77077542, 34F

s86871144, 35F

torrot, 36F

logitech2004, 37F

ericinttu, 38F
- Make the game more fun for players

novashine, 39F

Putrid, 77F
賣錢也好啊 我願意花錢買倉庫 這樣也不給

kojo1234, 78F

efreet, 79F

efreet, 80F

efreet, 81F

r901700216, 82F
以前會回答因為很酷 現在酷不起來了

tiros, 83F

pttbeigowow, 84F
讓玩家玩的更開心 哈哈哈哈 笑死人

airphone, 85F
看到這種更新日程 我為什麼不等S2或S3更完善再玩?

airphone, 86F

airphone, 87F
反正每賽季都推倒重來 是你玩遊戲 不是被遊戲玩

trombonely, 88F

trombonely, 89F

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