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[討論] 起風了 外媒Bloomberg報導柯

推噓11 ( 13216 )
Bloomberg 5/19以後沒有柯文哲新聞 那時候感覺外媒不把他當一回事 不過今天再次報導 講的是游盈隆的民調 以下全文供參+不負責任亂翻 Taiwan Political Upstart Threatens to Eclipse KMT as No. 2 Party 台灣新政黨威脅國民黨第二大黨地位 -Survey shows Taiwan People’s Party with 22.2% support 民眾黨獲22.2%支持 -Results show faltering support ahead of January 2024 election 結果顯示2024/1大選前民意有所動搖 By Cindy Wang and Samson Ellis (Bloomberg) -- The Kuomintang, the political party that ruled China and then Taiwan for much of the 20th Century, is at risk of losing its position as the island’s main o pposition as a relative newcomer cements its position as the second most popul ar force in domestic politics, a new poll shows. 20世紀長期統治台灣的國民黨可能失去目前第二大黨地位 The Taiwan People’s Party, established in 2019, has an approval rating of 22. 2% compared to 20.4% support for the KMT, traditionally one of Taiwan’s bigge st parties, according to a poll released Thursday by the Taiwanese Public Opin ion Foundation. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party received an approval r ating of 24.6%. This is the first time that three political parties in Taiwan have received ap proval ratings of over 20%, the foundation said, calling it a potential “supe r bombshell” for the 2024 elections. 基金會指出這是第一次三個黨都取得20%以上支持率 The survey was conducted June 12-13 and has a margin of error of about three p ercentage points. Taiwanese voters will choose their next president and a cohort of lawmakers in January, with the results helping set the course for both cross-strait and US -China relations for years to come. Why Taiwan’s 2024 Election Matters From China to US: QuickTake The election is shaping up to be a competitive three-way race between the ruli ng DPP, which is determined to maintain Taiwan’s effective political independ ence; the KMT, which seeks closer ties with China; and the TPP, which advocate s for dialogue with China while presenting a middle-of-the-road alternative to the other two parties. DPP決心台獨 KMT要加強中國聯繫 民眾黨主張跟中國對話 同時尋求中間路線 The polling results represent a “severe crisis” for the KMT, which has lost almost 3 million supporters over the past four years due to factional infighti ng, according to the foundation. 民調結果是國民黨嚴重危機,基金會指出過去四年該黨失去300萬支持者 主因派系內鬥 But the outcome is by no means a win for the DPP. The numbers are “a serious warning” to President Tsai Ing-wen’s ruling party, showing it has lost the s upport of over 3 millions voters since the last presidential election in 2020, the foundation said in a statement. 基金會指出民進黨也不應高興,因為2020年以後該黨同樣流失300萬支持者 While the poll is sobering news for the KMT, for now the party remains a more influential force in Taiwan’s politics than the TPP. The KMT governs 14 out o f Taiwan’s 22 counties and municipalities. It has 37 lawmakers in the 113-sea t legislature, compared to five for the TPP. KMT在政壇影響力仍高於民眾黨 國民黨拿下14縣市首長(共22縣市) 且有37國會席次( 民眾黨5,共113席) Thursday’s results showed the TPP’s highest support rating since its foundin g four years ago, the foundation said, highlighting that Taiwanese voters are keen for a “meaningful third choice” other than the two traditionally larges t parties. 本次民調為民眾黨成立後最高支持率 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1686818079.A.BFD.html

31 則留言

DustToDust, 1F
可以轉成國語嗎 阿北看不懂49.217.73.102

hebeisme5566, 2F
※ 編輯: blow5566 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2023 16:40:58

ss123428, 3F

ss123428, 4F

ss123428, 5F
[討論] 起風了 外媒Bloomberg報導柯

stlinman, 6F
Bloomberg 不是非常講求數據準確性嗎?

benqlove, 7F
※ 編輯: blow5566 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2023 16:45:08

AwokeN, 8F
野雞媒體 DPP都放棄台獨了27.53.120.154

aakkssqq, 9F

coeXist, 10F

coeXist, 11F

coeXist, 12F
政黑綠粉:民眾黨就親民黨 這次選不上就36.237.153.172

coeXist, 13F

coeXist, 14F
彭博認證民眾黨主張要與對岸溝通 而民進36.237.153.172

coeXist, 15F

coeXist, 16F

conanhide, 17F

closer0616, 18F

Dia149, 19F

undeadmask, 20F
彭博社也上船了 還有誰沒上船123.241.235.249

hydra3179, 21F

Nobita, 22F

ben101068, 23F

ben101068, 24F

Nobita, 25F

lc85301, 26F
DPP 也準備下去吧111.249.128.158

Caroney, 27F
什麼野雞報導 民進黨早就放棄台獨了49.216.162.102

yzlin2002, 28F

Delisaac, 29F

Delisaac, 30F

victoryman, 31F

blow5566 作者的近期文章

[討論] 柯翻桌能淨增加自身支持率的原因
1.綠軍(支持度不變):本來就恨他 不缺毀諾這一條 2.柯粉:(不變)理由其實跟上面很像,經過什麼厭女兩岸一家親都沒跑的 真的純 更何 況前幾天都是覺得柯被騙 毀約反而大快人心 3. 藍(有增有減,我猜還是減少):增的部分,侯的弱曝光不利地
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