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[新聞] 六開發商獲選澳洲首座離岸風場可行性許可

推噓5 ( 5014 )
1.媒體來源: energy-omni 2.記者署名: energy-omni 3.完整新聞標題: Six Bidders Win Feasibility Licenses For Australia's First Offshore Wind Farm 4.完整新聞內文: Six developers have been granted feasibility licenses for offshore wind farm development in Australia. High Sea Wind, Gippsland Skies, Blue Mackerel North, Kut-Wut Brataualung, Ørsted Offshore Australia 1, and Star of the South Wind Farm have all been chosen to proceed after submitting applications last year. The feasibility licenses allow developers to undertake detailed environmental assessments, geotechnical surveys, obtain approvals and undertake further consultation on their proposed projects. The announcement is set to be made during an address by federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen at the Energy Users of Australia Association annual conference in Melbourne on Wednesday morning. 六家開發商獲得澳洲離岸風場開發之可行性許可。該許可證允許開發商 進行細部的環評、岩土工程勘測、獲得批准並研議進一步計畫。 此事由聯邦氣候變化和能源部長鮑文週三於墨爾本正式公告。 Additional projects asked to review proposals The government said it also intended to grant a further six licenses to Iberdrola Australia OW 2 (Aurora Green wind farm), Greater Gippsland 2 OWP Project (Gippsland Dawn), Navigator North Project, Ørsted Offshore Australia 1 (Gippsland 02), Kent Offshore Wind, and Great Eastern Offshore Wind Farm Project Co. These additional proponents have been asked to revise and resubmit their applications to remove any overlap with other projects. Meanwhile, a decision has been made not to grant feasibility licenses to the remaining 25 applicants. 政府準備向其他六個離岸風電專案也授予許可證。 這些專案日前被要求修正並重新提交申請,排除與其他專案的重疊區域。 Bowen first declared the area off Gippsland as a suitable location for renewable wind energy in December 2022. Additionally, it is estimated the projects may create more than 15,000 jobs during construction and another 7,500 ongoing positions once the turbines are operational. 鮑文2022年12月首次宣佈吉普斯蘭地區為再生能源發展的合適區域。 初步估計,這些獲許可的專案單在施工期就能創造超過15000個工作機會, 一旦風機運轉,將再創造7500個持續性的工作。 Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D'Ambrosio said the projects were key to meeting the state's renewable energy target of 2GW of offshore wind energy generation by 2032. It is important to note that the developer can be only gained the final approval for building offshore wind farm after the proposed feasibility has been further proven and approved. 維多利亞州能源暨資源部長Lily D'Ambrosio表示,這些專案是實現該州 2032年離岸風電開發達2GW目標的關鍵。 Ørsted’s first offshore wind project in Australia Ørsted Offshore Australia 1 has been granted a feasibility license for the development of an offshore wind farm in Australia, located 56-100km off the coast of Gippsland, Victoria, out of sight of the coast, benefiting from favourable wind conditions and expected to be operational in the early 2030s The next steps for the projects include site investigations, environmental assessments, and supply chain development. Ørsted stated that the company will progress the projects with a view to bid in future auctions run by the Victorian Government, supporting the state’s target of 9 GW offshore wind by 2040. The first auction is expected to start in late 2025. Ørsted Offshore Australia 1風場獲得開發可行性許可,該風場 位於維多利亞州吉普斯蘭海岸56-100公里處,且在海岸肉眼視線之外, 預計2030年代初投入運營。 沃旭能源將持續推進,在維州政府準備開發的風場區域加入競標, 支援該州2040年最終實現9GW離岸風電的目標。 第一輪預計將於2025年底開始。 Subject to the above steps and a final investment decision, the projects are expected to be completed in phases from the early 2030s, with the aim to maximize dual site synergies through shared resources and economies of scale. Ørsted estimates the cluster has the potential to generate a combined 4.8 GW of renewable energy, which can eventually power the equivalent of four million Australian homes. 這些計畫預計從2030年代初分階段完成,透過資源共享以及經濟規模, 最大限度發揮兩個場址的協同效應。 沃旭估計該處有潛力發展4.8GW的再生能源,相當於為400萬戶澳洲 家庭供電。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體: https://www.energy-omni.com/en/news/article/cc1ZZ64JW6qn6zWa 6.備註: 澳洲已經完了... 澳大利亞聯邦 勢將崩潰! 因為離岸風力,它根本 不 發 電! 今後澳洲將天天停電,工廠全面停擺, 晚上點蠟燭過夜,冬天燒柴取暖, 經濟大蕭條,大崩潰~ 民眾大飢荒,大失業~ 終於一夕退回二戰前 這就是文組治國的下場! -- 離岸風力加強電力網第一期計畫台電出606億,只跟業者收6000萬? https://imgur.com/aTsYHfZ.jpg
[新聞] 六開發商獲選澳洲首座離岸風場可行性許可
當場抓到能源造謠仔! 狠狠打臉!! 狠狠打臉!!! https://imgur.com/grKZ243.jpg
[新聞] 六開發商獲選澳洲首座離岸風場可行性許可
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1714819969.A.0FE.html

19 則留言

s820912gmail, 1F
中國 離岸風電裝置量 世界第一!

BBQ2591, 2F

xzcb2008, 3F
=.= 澳洲風季風很大的36.232.197.56

jma306, 4F
我不知道習近平貪多少油水 只知道民進黨114.26.90.192

jma306, 5F
掏空台電 向全民吸血114.26.90.192

jma306, 6F
台電債坑越挖越大 核四還沒認列虧損114.26.90.192

jma306, 7F

qweertyui891, 8F
澳洲地多大 台灣地多大114.137.60.181
難道澳洲的離岸風電,是蓋在陸地上? 真是太...太可怕惹~

jma306, 9F
啥中國韭菜 你認識誰了114.26.90.192

jma306, 10F

jma306, 11F
如果懂就不會一直發問了, 為什麼懂的人都不願意分享呢?

jma306, 12F
台電的電力政策 關習包子啥事114.26.90.192

jma306, 13F
不然民進黨要等2027 讓習包子買單台電嗎114.26.90.192

jma306, 14F
不替台電買單就不統一 這樣嗎114.26.90.192
,輸送了多少? 為什麼不能發問? 難道中國網管,已經管到台灣來了? 台灣還有言論自由嗎?

jma306, 15F

jma306, 16F
民進黨信徒 怎有臉扯對岸而自滿呢114.26.90.192

jma306, 17F
怎麼可能呢? 當然是由國民黨民眾黨聯手, 在本會期親自廢除 傅總召與黃國昌委員,絕不打假球,本會期一定廢除惡法,
誰敢造謠黃國昌委員"不敢廢除再生能源發展條例", 誰就是狗養的賤畜

pttenjk, 18F
以為報明牌 辜狗一下真有沃旭能源概念股118.231.200.23
為什麼沃旭把惡魔的手,伸向澳洲? 南半球未來還有一片淨土嗎?

wvotyyj5, 19F
習近平為什麼急著蓋離岸風電? 他到底收集了多少
? 誰來告訴我?
※ 編輯: sevenfeet ( 臺灣), 05/04/2024 22:08:31