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[新聞] 必勝客推出蛇肉披薩(香港)

最新2023-11-09 19:42:00
推噓9 ( 9011 )
備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源: CNN 2.記者署名: By Chris Lau, CNN 3.完整新聞標題: Pizza Hut selling snake pizza in Hong Kong 必勝客推出蛇肉披薩(香港) 4.完整新聞內文: Pizza Hut selling snake pizza in Hong Kong By Chris Lau, CNN 3 minute read Updated 3:18 AM EST, Wed November 8, 2023 03:55 - Source: CNN Hong Kong CNN American company Pizza Hut has teamed up with a century-old Hong Kong restaurant to put a modern spin on a traditional dish, or more simply, snake on a pizza. The new offering combines shredded snake meat, black mushrooms and Chinese dried ham – all indispensable ingredients of an authentic snake stew and part of the Hong Kong franchise’s marketing plot to generate buzz online. Some diners in Hong Kong and around southern China have long enjoyed snake stew, especially during the colder months. According to a saying in the local Cantonese dialect, the best time to eat snake is “when the autumn wind begins to blow” – when they’ve fattened up to prepare for hibernation. 美國公司必勝客與一家百年香港餐廳合作,為傳統菜餚注入現代元素,或者更簡單地說, 將蛇放在披薩上。 新產品結合了蛇肉絲、黑菇和中國火腿—所有這些都是正宗燉蛇不可或缺的成分,也是 這家香港特許經營店在網上引起熱議的營銷計劃的一部分。 香港和中國南方地區的一些食客長期以來一直喜歡吃燉蛇,尤其是在寒冷的月份。 根據當地廣東話的說法,吃蛇的最佳時間是「秋風起」的時候——蛇已經養肥準備冬眠的 時候。 Many believe that snake meat has medicinal properties, improving skin conditions and warming up the body. A rich culinary culture based on snakes is common across other parts of Southeast Asia too, such as Vietnam and Thailand, where snakes are usually farmed for consumption. “Paired with cheese and diced chicken, the snake meat becomes richer in taste,” Pizza Hut Hong Kong said in a statement before the dish went on sale last week, adding that the “nourishing” meat “can boost blood circulation ” – a common belief in traditional Chinese medicine. “Combined with pizza, it marks a breakthrough from the conventional concept of what maintaining good health means while challenging one’s taste buds,” it added. 許多人認為蛇肉具有藥用價值,可以改善皮膚狀況並溫暖身體。 以蛇為基礎的豐富烹飪文化在東南亞其他地區也很常見,例如越南和泰國,這些地方通常 養殖蛇以供食用。 香港必勝客在上週這道菜上市前的一份聲明中表示,“搭配奶酪和雞肉丁,蛇肉的味道變 得更加豐富”,並補充說,這種“滋補”的肉“可以促進血液循環」—這是一種常見的 蛇肉。對中醫的信仰。 它補充說:“它與披薩相結合,標誌著對傳統概念的突破,即在挑戰味蕾的同時保持健康 。” The chain has partnered with Ser Wong Fun – a snake restaurant in Central Hong Kong with roots dating back to 1895 – to come up with the latest recipe. The 9-inch pizza, which comes with abalone sauce instead of the conventional tomato base, is on sale until November 22. CNN has sampled the pizza and found the texture of the snake similar to dry chicken. Hong Kong resident Mabel Sieh, a self-described foodie who loves to try different pizzas, said, “I think it’s scary. Snakes aren’t food in many cultures, especially in the West.” 該連鎖店與位於香港中環的蛇餐廳 Ser Wong Fun 合作,其歷史可追溯至 1895 年,推出 最新食譜。 這款9吋的披薩用鮑魚醬代替傳統的番茄底料,銷售至11月22日。 CNN(CNN)對披薩進行了採樣,發現蛇的質地類似於乾雞肉。 香港居民 Mabel Sieh 自稱為美食家,喜歡嘗試不同的披薩,她說:「我覺得這很可怕。 在許多文化中,蛇並不是食物,尤其是在西方。” But Hong Kong native Rachel Wong, a big fan of snake soup since she had her first bowl when she was a kid, is excited about the new item on the menu. “The texture is a bit like chicken and tastes like fish and other kinds of seafood. So I love having it as a high protein meal during winter,” she said. Karen Chan, general manager of Pizza Hut Hong Kong and Macao, said the company tapped Ser Wong Fun’s expertise to prepare a mixed snake recipe from the breeds of Chinese rat snakes, banded kraits, and white banded snakes. “The extraordinary snake pizzas offer a perfect balance to all flavors, both tantalizing and savory for this season,” she said. 但香港人 Rachel Wong 從小就喝過第一碗蛇湯,她是蛇湯的忠實粉絲,她對菜單上的新 菜餚感到很興奮。 「質地有點像雞肉,味道像魚和其他海鮮。所以我喜歡在冬天把它當作高蛋白膳食,」她 說。 必勝客香港及澳門總經理Karen Chan表示,該公司利用Ser Wong Fun的專業知識,用中國 鼠蛇、金環蛇和白帶蛇的品種準備了混合蛇配方。 「非凡的蛇披薩完美平衡了所有口味,既誘人又美味,適合這個季節,」她說。 Hong Kong's Pizza Hut is partnering up with a local century-old restaurant to introduce a new snake-soup pizza. And Hong Kong’s Pizza Hut locations have other plans for new menu items. The company is also introducing a pizza made with Chinese preserved sausages featured in a claypot rice dish that’s popular among local Hong Kong people when the weather cools down. It is not the first time Asian franchises of the original American brand have adopted a more adventurous gastronomical approach to celebrate local food culture. 香港必勝客與當地百年老店合作,推出全新蛇湯披薩。 必勝客 香港的必勝客門市也有其他新菜單項目的計劃。 該公司還推出了一款用中式臘腸製成的披薩,搭配煲仔飯,天氣轉涼時,這種披薩很受香 港當地人的歡迎。 這並不是美國原創品牌的亞洲特許經營店第一次採用更具冒險精神的美食方式來慶祝當地 的飲食文化。 In the past, Pizza Hut in Taiwan introduced pizzas made with durian, pig blood curds, and preserved eggs – ingredients that play a big role in the local culinary culture. Meanwhile, Pizza Hut in Japan created a pizza topped with Tonkotsu ramen (pork bone soup ramen). And the craze does not stop at Pizza Hut. 過去,台灣必勝客推出了用榴槤、豬血凝和皮蛋製成的披薩,這些食材在當地的烹飪文化 中發揮著重要作用。 同時,日本的必勝客創造了一種披薩,上面放有豬骨拉麵(豬骨湯拉麵)。 必勝客的熱潮不止於此。 Dominos put boba, the sweet tapioca balls found in bubble tea, on its pizza three years ago in Taiwan as a tribute to the local dessert drink that has gained popularity around the world. 三年前,達美樂在台灣將珍珠奶茶中的甜木薯球(珍珠)放在其披薩上,以向在世界各地 廣受歡迎的當地甜點飲料致敬。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體: https://reurl.cc/8NR6yR 6.備註: https://twitter.com/SamsonLi7/status/1721757963768184840 咬輸的拿來殺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZiwvCkbBxc
-- 「師大路夜市」→歌:北乃きい http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF95PIiVlJA
【APH】灣娘角色歌(中日字幕)(台灣;Taiwan;甲斐田雪)-POIPOIPOI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcrnK2lv2l0 https://imgur.com/IX1siOo
[新聞] 必勝客推出蛇肉披薩(香港)
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20 則留言

spring719, 1F

a27588679, 2F

james732, 3F

supahotfire, 4F

k385476916, 5F

ballby, 6F

IslamicState, 7F

zhang750115, 8F
蛇蛇那麼可愛 為什麼要吃蛇蛇220.132.145.218

Israfil, 9F

Strasburg, 10F
假的吧 哪來那麼多蛇肉49.216.49.8

STAV72, 11F

STAV72, 12F
就算香港全面禁養 雲貴的貨源也不可能斷220.135.156.198

tbrs, 13F

tbrs, 14F

reaturn, 15F

louis13, 16F

louis13, 17F

louis13, 18F

louis13, 19F

KittyColnago, 20F

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