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lit me up

最新2023-12-07 22:20:00
推噓0 ( 0016 )
Today, I start transcribing her debut song onto my guitar sheet music. Adding some personal variations, I'm thinking of crafting a gift to her. Before the Tokyo Marathon, I plan to meet someone in person in Japan. I recall b eing drawn to her song during those days. That's when I felt a strong connection . For my friend and my big star -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (澳大利亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Diary/M.1701954028.A.09B.html

16 則留言

Today I saw someone using a private VPN, which reminded me that mine is also exp iring this year. I wanted to tell them that while Halocloud doesn't support 5ch, it works well with many other software(the existence of this dates back to more than a decade ago and they are free). However, I already told someone that my l ast post was the final one. The last curious person I saw on PTT was Mumuh. He seems like a great person wit h similar interests to mine. I would like to meet him also.
※ 編輯: Acoustics ( 澳大利亞), 12/07/2023 21:11:56
1. As both an artist and a technologist, I've always been drawn to people with s imilar interests. It seems to contradict the principle of expanding one's horizo ns, but that's just who we are. 2. On the flip side, I'm quite affectionate, possibly because I'm transgender. T here are some simple, clumsy things I adore. However, I feel like PTT has moved on. Maybe it's a combination of these two factors, but I sense only a few gems left here. left here
※ 編輯: Acoustics ( 澳大利亞), 12/07/2023 21:26:02
What happens if I handwrite the sheet music for her, my Ringo.
※ 編輯: Acoustics ( 澳大利亞), 12/07/2023 21:31:41

Acoustics, 2F
even though i have bd, I'm listening to your youtu

Acoustics, 3F

Acoustics, 4F
love the red cover

Acoustics, 5F
your beautiful like an apple

Acoustics, 6F
and also like a rose

Acoustics, 7F
your my love

Acoustics, 9F
this midi ver reminds me of mario

Acoustics, 10F
it's perfect for playing directly on my piano

Acoustics, 11F

Acoustics, 13F
find watching someone in action on yt is more inte

Acoustics, 14F
resting than bd

Acoustics, 15F
yt 10/10 bd 8/10

Acoustics, 16F
no action-1 no drums -1

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