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Re: [情報] 藥屋少女的獨語 2025 二期

最新2024-03-26 06:04:00
推噓9 ( 905 )
※ 引述《kobe30418 (吾有上將潘鳳)》之銘言: : 但我看推特上這部跟福利蓮的評價並駕齊驅 : 甚至有的人更喜歡這部 : 看照片還不是亞裔 : 這部吸引歐美人的點在哪? 既然在推特上看到,隨便在推特找個討論串來看, 不就可以略窺一二了嗎 https://twitter.com/THEGONKBONK/status/1771656265241903264 https://twitter.com/MangaMoguraRE/status/1771573942693572694 放出二期情報的討論串 Wow, can't wait for more poison mysteries and court drama! 哇,等不及看更多毒藥謎團和更多宮鬥劇! As expected... It have to get season 2 如同預期...二期必須得做 Does this show ever go beyond a "mystery of the week" sort of structure? I lost interest after 6 or 7 eps but im willing to give it another try if ik it settles into a more substantial story arc. 這個動畫會不會打破「每周解一謎」的劇情架構啊? 在看了六到七回之後我有點失去興致,但是如果知道他後續會有更重要的故事情節, 我很願意回來把他看完。 It does. It's just that they are slow on building up the plot, like actually all of the mysteries are connected to one point 它的確會。他們只是在慢慢地鋪陳劇情和伏筆, 後面你會發現所有的小謎團事實上都聯繫到一個重要事件點上。 That’s just the way long Japanese series work. There IS an overarching plot and they feed you the breadcrumbs here and there, preparing you for the future big reveals. Think first 40hrs of any Trails series’ game. And yes, Kusuriya is #2 only to Frieren. It’s just that good. 這就是長篇日本風格影視的味道啦。確實將會有你說的貫穿各謎團之情節。 他們總會在各處給你一些小線索,然後為未來的水落石出做準備。 就好像軌跡系列遊戲的前40小時一樣。 而且沒錯,Reddit上藥師少女僅次於芙利蓮,就是那麼好看。 It's not really mystery of the week. All of the mysteries maomao solves are in connection to a big plotline which comes to surface in a certain episode where a big incident happens. Everything is connected. 它其實並不是「每周解一謎」的單元劇形式。 貓貓解決的所有謎團,總會聯繫到一個最大的故事情節, 這個大事件會在某一集浮出水面,非常重大的故事發展。一切都是互相關聯的。 Second half of the show is still that format but without saying much you eventually find out that they’re all connected 動畫的後半部分仍然維持這個方針,不雷太多了但你最終會發現一切都是有所關聯的。 It's still kinda like that but when THAT episode happens the format hits you even harder 依然是這個脈絡,但是當那一集發生時,這種形式的衝擊也會更加強烈。 ceffaatt ya bunn alhamdulillah, kirain hrus nunggu bertahun2 duluu 感謝上帝,我以為我要等好幾年 Yh mari berdoa semoga gue masi idup sampe maomao punya anak selusin 來,都來,祈禱我能活到貓貓生十幾個孩子 This was an amazing journey 10 out of 10 im glad i didnt pass on this one like i almost did 真的是很好看,10/10,我很慶幸我沒有像以前的我一樣錯過了這部作品。 That's great! Really enjoyed watching this. historical romance, mystery, humor , court intrigue, drama, and likeable characters. One of the best to come out last year. 讚啦!真的很喜歡這部。 結合了歷史愛情故事,解謎,幽默,宮廷陰謀,抓馬和討人喜愛的角色。 去年最棒出色的動畫作品之一。 What masterpiece anime , from animation , to art style to character design , to storytelling 10/10 大師級動畫作品,從動畫到風格,角色設計和故事情節都是滿分。 At least we got Apothecary Diaries season 2 announcement while we didn't get " officially" for Frieren. 芙利蓮還沒有宣布二期,不過至少我們有藥師少女第二期。 Is this worth the watch? I've heard good things about it, but I never got to it. Same thing with frieren 這值得追嗎?我聽說這部很好看,但我還沒看過,芙利蓮也是。 It's a historical show, female lead, enjoyable characters and setting. It has slice of life comfort mixed in with some solid drama. Very well written. It very much is written for older audiences in mind. Recommended on my end. 這是一個歷史風動畫,女性角色主導,角色和背景設定令人愉悅。 結合了一些紮實的劇情和一些比較日常生活的插曲,劇情非常出色。 我覺得顯然是瞄準了較為年長的收視群眾,非常推薦。 both are really good. Definitely give them a chance 兩部都絕佳,絕對要追一下 its the highest rated anime on crunchyroll if that says anything. 如果他在 Crunchyroll 是評價最高的動畫那就說明了很多事情。 顯示受到了廣泛的認可和喜愛。 I love this one WAY MORE than Frieren!! But because I am not a fantasy/isakei fans at all. LN reader here too. One of the best recent non-Shonen anime 比起芙利蓮我甚至更喜歡這部!!不過這是因為我比較不是奇幻/異世界風格的粉絲。 我也愛讀輕小說,這是近來最好的非少年向動畫之一。 可以看的出來洋人也是懂行的 識貨喔 -- https://i.imgur.com/F0UmD7I.gif
Re: [情報] 藥屋少女的獨語 2025 二期
Re: [情報] 藥屋少女的獨語 2025 二期
Re: [情報] 藥屋少女的獨語 2025 二期
Re: [情報] 藥屋少女的獨語 2025 二期
Re: [情報] 藥屋少女的獨語 2025 二期
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> Re: [情報] 藥屋少女的獨語 2025 二期
C_Chat03/25 19:01

14 則留言

※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 03/25/2024 19:02:40

SunnyBrian, 1F

waree, 2F
名偵探貓貓 第2部

howard1997, 3F

dodomilk, 4F

ktakara, 5F

hsiehhsing, 6F
貓貓生幾十個小孩 我想這輩子動畫很難看到==


上最阿雜 XD

kerorok66, 9F

x5723, 10F
貓貓 第一季根本只是開胃菜

nobady98, 11F

chewie, 12F

Mikufans, 13F

kamir, 14F