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[花邊] Draymond在Inside the NBA完全沒有貢獻

最新2024-05-19 23:08:00
推噓90 ( 1081889 )
先附上原文: https://defector.com/draymond-green-brings-nothing-to-inside-the-nba 昨天Reddit有一篇討論串非常熱絡,不輸金狼戰的熱度;美國那邊的鄉民對Draymond這幾 天頻繁出現在TNT上頭感到反感,且認真討論他的評述缺失 昨天晚上看完原文,因為也蠻喜歡Insideguys這幾個老頑童,裡頭提到了Inside the NBA這檔節目為何會成功且讓大家喜歡的原因,個人是蠻認同的,所以來分享一下文章 ---- Draymond Green Brings Nothing To ‘Inside The NBA’ Draymond在《Inside the NBA》完全沒有貢獻 It's possible that the Inside the NBA crew is in its final postseason together , with the scuttlebutt that NBC has outbid Warner Bros. Discovery to get in on the next NBA TV deal. While the nostalgia cycle for the "Roundball Rock" era has already started, as have the eulogies for the current era, the bosses at TNT Sports have come up with a shrewd move to help soften the blow: Make the desk worse by bringing in Draymond Green. 有消息說NBC已經擊敗華納兄弟探索,贏得了接下來的NBA電視轉播權,這也意味著《 Inside the NBA》團隊可能正在度過他們的最後一個季後賽。與此同時,TNT Sports的老 闆們想出了一個聰明的辦法來減少節目可能消失所帶來的影響把Draymond帶進團隊,讓 節目變得更糟。 Green has been in the TNT orbit for a few years now, occasionally joining the desk from time to time, working this season's All-Star Game, and running his weird little mini-documentary about how Falcon-punching his younger teammate was a test of adversity to bravely overcome. The 34-year-old Warriors forward is clearly positioning himself for a post-career tour of duty in sports media. Why else would he break out the podcasting rig hours after losing a playoff game if he wasn't truly committed to getting these takes off? It makes some sense; he has a defined personality and knows ball. 這幾年,Draymond偶爾會出現在TNT的節目中,這個賽季的全明星賽上也有他的身影,還 有那個奇怪的小紀錄片,講述他如何「勇敢地」克服與隊友的衝突。這位34歲的勇士前鋒 顯然在為退役後的體育媒體生涯做準備。否則,他為什麼在輸掉季後賽後還要馬上開啟播 客錄音設備?這樣看起來有點道理,他有明確的個性,也懂籃球。 On the other hand, Green is best known for melting down and hurting his opponents. Also, his podcast sucks. He seems to view Inside The NBA not as a source of basketball analysis, but as a platform from which to be dismissive and settle scores. When Bulls guard Alex Caruso came on the show on Wednesday and mentioned what a bummer it was that his teammates Coby White and DeMar DeRozan both finished as runners-up in two NBA end-of-season awards, Green butted in and smirked that DeRozan couldn't have won Clutch Player of the Year because his team didn't win enough. Barkley correctly pointed out that Green' s team was unceremoniously ejected from the play-in. 但另一方面,Draymond最出名的還是情緒失控和傷害對手。而且,他的播客也很爛。他似 乎並沒有把《Inside the NBA》當作一個分析籃球的頻道,而是一個可以讓他去輕視他人 ,以及算舊帳的平台。當公牛後衛Alex Caruso上節目說到他隊友Coby White和DeMar DeRozan在賽季末的獎項中都是亞軍時,Draymond插話說DeRozan不能贏最佳關鍵球員獎, 因為他的球隊沒贏夠多。Barkley隨即補槍,Draymond你的球隊也在附加賽中被淘汰。 來源: https://x.com/NBAonTNT/status/1790880438157713546 Also on Wednesday, when the show interviewed Jayson Tatum after the Celtics advanced past the Cavaliers, Green managed to belittle the Timberwolves, Pacers, Thunder, and Al Horford in the course of asking one question, which Tatum artfully sidestepped. 同樣是在週三,當節目採訪了剛剛戰勝騎士的塞爾提克球員Jayson Tatum時,Draymond在 提問過程中還貶低了灰狼、溜馬、雷霆和Al Horford,而Tatum則是巧妙地避開他的問題 來源: https://x.com/NBAonTNT/status/1790920021264224621 Worst of all, Green was permitted to analyze the play of Timberwolves center Rudy Gobert, a man he put in a chokehold in a game this past November. Green has harbored a grudge against Gobert for years. He transparently does not like or respect him. While it's not the job of a studio analyst to be even-keeled and rational at all times, it's hard to glean any useful insight from his analysis of the Nuggets-Wolves series when the only real message he wants to communicate is This guy sucks. You can also find that in the comment section of any NBA Instagram post. 最糟糕的是,Draymond被允許分析灰狼中鋒Rudy Gobert的表現,在去年11月的比賽中, 他還曾經掐住Gobert的脖子。Draymond對Gobert懷有多年的怨恨,明顯不喜歡也不尊重他 。雖然一個運動節目分析員不需要時時刻刻保持公平理性,但當他的分析全都是「這傢伙 很爛」時,實在難以從中獲得有用的見解。你甚至可以在隨便一則NBA Instagram貼文裡 頭,都能找到類似這樣的輕藐評論。 來源: https://x.com/NBAonTNT/status/1790622832696693127 The strength of Inside the NBA is the crew's willingness to get weird and do bits. The desk dynamic can produce occasional moments of comedic genius, like the time Chuck complained about Shaquille O'Neal getting praise for reading off of a teleprompter then immediately stumbled over his words, when Shaq pushed the outer limits of mathematics with his bonkers gas-filling strategy, or when Shaq opined that the Moon is roughly twice as far from Atlanta as California is. It's the proper combination of self-deprecation and old-man grouchiness, with Ernie Johnson serving as an effective moderator and Kenny Smith as the teacher's pet. There are a lot of 2012-era reaction GIFs in 144p and the occasional low-energy sourness that can make the show corny and unwatchable, but for the most part, it works. 《Inside the NBA》的魅力在於他們願意搞怪和玩一些有的沒的那些有喜劇天份的傢伙 總能在那張小辦公桌上產生妙不可言的精彩時刻比如Chuck抱怨Shaq只是因為正確讀了 提詞機上的詞而受到讚賞;或是有次Shaq用自己的瘋狂加油理論挑戰了數學這門科學的極 限;又或者當Shaq說月球和亞特蘭大之間的距離大約是月球到加州的兩倍時。有趣的自嘲 、類似老頑童之間的發牢騷,再配合上一個有效率的主持人Ernie Johnson,以及他們的 寵物Kenny,所有上述元素完美地結合在一起。儘管節目中不時還是會出現一些過時的特 效,或是偶爾的低能量抱怨,讓它顯得老土且想馬上轉台但大多數時候,節目還是很好 笑。 And it works because they can laugh at themselves. Chuck and Shaq are always jabbing each other, but they take their in-studio beef exactly as seriously as they should. When Shaq wants to settle a score nobody else cares about, or bring Nikola Jokic on after he won MVP specifically to tell him he shouldn't have won MVP, the rest of the group can move the show along. You don't need one more guy who does the same thing, but worse. 這節目之所以成功,是因為他們能自嘲。Chuck和Shaq總是互相打趣,但當他們要嚴肅地 討論事情時,卻又總是正經八百。如果Shaq突然翻起一個沒人想關心的舊帳,或是在 Jokic獲得MVP的當晚接受訪問,卻當著面告訴他我認為你不該獲得MVP時,其他人依舊能夠 挽救,並且讓節目可以繼續進行。你不需要另一個人來做同樣的事,而且做得更糟。 Green is on the desk for the wrong reasons, and he simply doesn't have the juice. He's not funny, and he can't contain an ounce of his competitive nature . It's a letdown to come off the high of something like Jokic's Game 5 masterpiece and get to Green smirking and talking about how other teams are cooked, as if he isn't in the studio because the Warriors were play-in chum. Stop trying to relitigate the 2017-18 DPOY vote; the game's on. Draymond加入這個節目是出於錯誤的原因,而且他根本沒那個實力。他不搞笑,也無法控 制自己的競爭天性。見證了Jokic第五場比賽的驚人表現之後,卻接著看到Draymond在節目 上嘲笑其他球隊的糟糕狀況時,真的讓人感到失望就像他忘了自己是因為勇士在附加賽 被淘汰才坐在這裡一樣別再重提2017-18年度最佳防守球員的投票了,現在是看比賽的時 候。 ---- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1715996275.A.698.html

215 則留言

suckmanisme, 1F

kevinduh4, 2F

asdatp, 3F

kingchen5, 4F
連歐尼爾跟老巴都能拉下臉了 蛋綠真的不適合做節目

Wwc0130, 5F
這節目就是要聽幹話搭配一點正經 前天那個VC搭JC也

Wwc0130, 6F
是不行 有夠無聊

s925407, 7F

s925407, 8F

love1500274, 9F

s925407, 10F

takataka, 11F

Trulli, 12F

takataka, 13F

Wardyal, 14F

love1500274, 15F
又不是沒找過其他來賓 其他來賓就真的沒啥爆點

同意 別讓他進到這個畫面 不和諧

toto831206, 17F

chenliu0716, 18F

headcase, 19F
季賽的失敗者 季後賽很閒可以上節目

toto831206, 20F
你要不要查證一下資料再來 TNT合約到明年啊

pfw, 21F

yeustream, 22F

turnpoint, 23F

turnpoint, 24F

turnpoint, 25F

Zante, 26F

vinc4320, 27F
想聽籃球談話節目只服Paul George

Zante, 28F

sxing6326, 29F

sxing6326, 30F

a9564208, 31F
Shaq 霸凌別人但至少他是司機,嘴綠?

yuchiwang, 32F

yourmmaa, 33F

jerrystarks, 34F

JKjohnwick, 35F

DuoDuokk77, 36F

XDKab1g0n, 37F
簡單來說 歐肥老巴的效果 他沒有 技術分析又不到家

XDKab1g0n, 38F
那他沒特異功能了 還要在這邊給人嫌喔

XDKab1g0n, 39F

FengQQ, 202F

s310213, 203F

s310213, 204F

megumirei, 205F
小蟲防守從來沒故意傷人 都是心理戰跟卡位 嘴綠表

megumirei, 206F
面是硬漢 根本都是燬人生涯的故意犯規

megumirei, 207F
這種辣雞不要節目講一堆屁話 自以為優秀

pett, 208F
嘴綠又不能給人講 這種沒幽默感的 淘汰吧

jayzforfun, 209F
以及他們的寵物Kenny XD

tarantula32, 210F
推 但teacher's pet也太直翻

dustinhuang, 211F

phantom, 212F

chioyuan, 213F

sj210444, 214F

Hard1980, 215F

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註:不確定這樣的內容是否適合情報分類,有需要修正再麻煩提醒我一聲,3Q--- 來源整理: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/Oid5I1Tuwo 過去NBA季後賽歷史上,曾經出現過九次由當季MVP和DPOY所在球
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