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Re: [問卦] 台灣人挺烏克蘭是不是很奇怪的事?

最新2023-05-20 06:33:00
推噓1 ( 1026 )
※ 引述《wahaha99 (此方不可長)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《A6 (短ID真好)》之銘言: : : 你的邏輯有一個很大的問題 : : 就是中國和烏克蘭也不是敵人阿 : : 你一直暗示中國和烏克蘭是敵人 : : 問題你沒辦法直接拿出 烏克蘭和中國是敵人的證據 : : 而是一廂情願的自己認為烏克蘭和中國是敵人.... : : 問題昨天中國還派使團到烏克蘭去勒 : : 烏克蘭在交戰中 會容許敵人派使團過去??? : : 甚至俄烏兩國的敵對關係談判 都選在第三國土耳其 : : 中國派使團直接到烏克蘭 說明就不是在敵對 : : 烏克蘭和中國目前不是敵人 : 唉 : 全世界現在正在兩極化 : 歐美為首的同盟國 : 中俄伊為首的軸心國 : 當然有部分在其中遊走的 如印度 ㄟㄟ 你有沒有想過 烏克蘭現在也是在其中遊走???? https://apnews.com/article/zelenskyy-ukraine-china-russia-xi-abcab63f7424cc15ef12d85aba180e7f Ukraine’s Zelenskyy is ‘ready’ for Chinese leader to visit ON A TRAIN FROM SUMY TO KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s president invited his powerful Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to visit his nation, saying they haven’t been in contact since the war began and he is “ready to see him here.” “I want to speak with him,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy told The Associated Press on Tuesday, the week after Xi visited Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. China had no immediate response about whether a Xi visit to Ukraine would happen. MORE COVERAGE – Ukraine's Zelenskyy: Any Russian victory could be perilous – Takeaways from AP's interview with Ukraine's Zelenskyy China has been economically aligned and politically favorable toward neighboring Russia across many decades, and Beijing has provided Putin diplomatic cover by staking out an official position of neutrality in the war. Xi, a powerful leader who commands the resources of the world’s most populous nation, is an important player in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and even China’s lack of involvement is a potent statement. Zelenskyy spoke to the AP aboard a train shuttling him across Ukraine, to cities near some of the fiercest fighting and others where his country’s forces have successfully repelled Russia’s invasion. Zelenskyy rarely travels with journalists, and the president’s office said AP’s two night train trip with him was the most extensive since the war began. Zelenskyy has extended invitations to Xi before in recent months, but this explicit call to visit comes days after the Chinese leader visited Putin in Russia last week. But the Ukrainian leader said he hasn’t communicated with Xi for the duration of the conflict. “We are ready to see him here,” Zelenskyy said. “I had contact with him before full-scale war. But during all this year, more than one year, I didn’ t have.” In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning was asked whether Xi would accept an invitation from Zelenskyy — or whether one had been officially extended. She told reporters she had no information to give. She did say that Beijing maintains “communication with all parties concerned, including Ukraine.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked whether a meeting between Xi and Zelenskyy would be useful to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, said Russian authorities “highly appreciate” China’s balanced position on the issue and “have no right to come up with any advice” on whether the two should meet. “The Chinese leader himself decides the appropriateness of certain contacts, ” Peskov said during his daily conference call with reporters Wednesday. In Washington, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the United States supports talks between Xi and Zelenskyy, “and my goodness, we’ve been saying that for weeks.” Xi’s Russia visit last week raised the prospect that Beijing might be ready to provide Moscow with the weapons and ammunition it needs to refill its depleted stockpile. But Xi’s trip ended without any such announcement. Days later, Putin announced that he would be deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, which neighbors Russia and pushes the Kremlin’s nuclear stockpile closer to NATO territory. Zelenskyy suggested Putin’s move was intended to distract from the lack of guarantees he received from China. “What does it mean? It means that the visit was not good for Russia,” Zelenskyy speculated. Ukraine’s Zelenskyy upbeat after talk with China’s Xi https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-chernobyl-anniversary-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-1000c89ffd069cc32a32c300ea6a51ae KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he and Chinese leader Xi Jinping had a “long and meaningful” phone call Wednesday, their first known contact since Russia invaded Ukraine over a year ago, and Beijing appointed an envoy to pursue a “political settlement.” The hour-long call came two months after Beijing, which has long been aligned with Russia, said it wanted to act as a mediator and a month after Xi visited Moscow. The call also coincided with indications that Ukraine is readying its forces for a spring counteroffensive. READ MORE – China says it will send peace envoy to Ukraine – Why China is trying to mediate in Russia's war with Ukraine – Chinese President Xi calls for Ukraine peace talks – Ukraine's Zelenskyy is 'ready' for Chinese leader to visit Zelenskyy was upbeat about the conversation, which offered him the chance to insert his views into what had been a bilateral dialogue between Moscow and Beijing. Russian President Vladimir Putin is eager to keep Xi close as a counterweight to the United States, which has sided with Ukraine. “I believe that this call, as well as the appointment of Ukraine’s ambassador to China, will give a powerful impetus to the development of our bilateral relations,” Zelenskyy said on Facebook. An official readout on his website called the conversation “productive” and said it leads the way toward “possible interaction with the aim of establishing a just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.” Zelenskyy emphasized the need to regain all Ukrainian lands and stated, “ There can be no peace at the expense of territorial compromises.” In an indirect reference to U.S. reports that China had considered supplying weapons to Russia for its war, Zelenskyy’s office said he asked countries to refrain from doing so because “any support -- even partial -- is converted by Russia into the continuation of its aggression, into its further rejection of peace.” China has said it won’t supply weapons to either side in the conflict. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Beijing’s “core stance is to facilitate talks for peace,” announcing that an envoy — a former ambassador to Russia — would visit Ukraine to seek a “political settlement.” The ministry’s statement struck a positive tone, giving a nod to Kyiv’s insistence that its territory cannot be broken up by Russia’s annexations and making clear that Beijing values its longstanding ties with Ukraine. “Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is the political foundation of China-Ukraine relations,” the statement said. “China’s readiness to develop relations with Ukraine is consistent and clear-cut. No matter how the international situation evolves, China will work with Ukraine to advance mutually beneficial cooperation.” Analysts expressed skepticism about the prospects for peace. The call balances China’s dialogue with Russia by showing it is “ recognizing Ukraine’s leadership and indicating Ukraine is an important entity,” said political science professor Kimberly Marten of Barnard College at Columbia University in New York. But, she added in an interview with The Associated Press, unless undisclosed details reveal otherwise, “it’s a non-starter. It’s pro-Russian. I would not guess that this holds a lot of significance for ending the war.” She noted the Chinese statement didn’t call for Russia to leave occupied areas or brand Russia as an aggressor, and refers to the situation as “a crisis, rather than a war.” Elizabeth Wishnick, of the U.S.-based think tank CNA and Columbia University’ s Weatherhead East Asian Institute, noted in an email to AP that the Chinese statement about the call contains “no mention of a Russian troop withdrawal, which, to my mind, makes this a less than serious initiative and unlikely to contribute in any major way to ending the war, which will likely be decided on the battlefield.” In Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commended China’s approach, praising Beijing’s “readiness to strive to establish a (peace) negotiations process,” while slamming Kyiv’s “rejection of any sound initiatives aimed at a settlement.” The White House described it as a positive development, allowing Xi to hear Ukraine’s view of the “illegal, unprovoked invasion.” “We think that’s a good thing,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. Talks between the two leaders had been anticipated for weeks, after China produced a 12-point proposal to end the fighting, although it did not contain details. Russia and Ukraine are far apart in their terms for peace. The Kremlin wants Kyiv to acknowledge Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and the Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia, which most nations have denounced as illegal. Ukraine has rejected the demands and ruled out any talks with Russia until its troops pull back from all occupied territories. Zelenskyy said in an interview with the AP last month that he hadn’t spoken with Xi since the war began and invited him to visit Ukraine. China has announced it was keen to act as mediator in the war that has reenergized NATO. Xi’s position reinforces China’s claim that it’s neutral in the war, despite blocking U.N. efforts to condemn the Kremlin’s invasion. While Zelenskyy has moved his country closer to NATO and persuaded alliance members to send Ukraine sophisticated weapons to help defeat Russia, Beijing has echoed the Kremlin line in accusing the West of provoking the conflict and “fanning the flames” by arming Kyiv. When China called in February for a cease-fire and peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, Zelenskyy cautiously welcomed Beijing’s involvement but said success would depend on actions, not words. Putin warmly welcomed Xi to the Kremlin, in what was seen as a powerful message to Western leaders that their efforts to isolate Moscow over the fighting in Ukraine have fallen short. Also on Wednesday, Zelenskyy used the 37th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear disaster at Chernobyl to repeat his warnings about the threat of a new atomic catastrophe during his country’s war with Russia. Zelenskyy drew a parallel between the Chernobyl accident on April 26, 1986, to Moscow’s brief seizure of that plant and its radiation-contaminated exclusion zone following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. “Last year, the occupier not only seized the (Chernobyl) nuclear power plant, but also endangered the entire world again,” Zelenskyy said in a Telegram post in English. In other developments Wednesday: —Ukrainian and Russian officials announced the latest prisoner exchange, saying 44 Ukrainian and 40 Russian POWs were released this week. The head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Andriy Yermak, said on Telegram that the Ukrainians included soldiers, sailors, border and national guards, and two civilians. —The head of the southeastern Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, Yurii Malashko, said Russia struck 19 civilian areas with 53 artillery attacks, six rocket attacks, seven drone attacks and one airstrike overnight. —At least two civilians were killed and 13 others were wounded in Ukraine since Tuesday, the presidential office said. —An Italian journalist in Ukraine, Corrado Zunino, was injured and his interpreter Bogdan Bitik killed in the southern city of Kherson. Zunino, a correspondent for La Repubblica daily, told the newspaper he suspected Russian snipers hit him after passing through Ukrainian-manned checkpoints. ___ 阿基師 都要邀請習近平到烏克蘭去了 然後你非要說他們是敵對???? 蝦??? : 還有一些真的干他屁事的 : 但先進重要國家 如G8 G20 : 都是這樣 : 我不知道八卦是不是同溫層抱團太久 : 還是只會看垃圾新聞 72新聞 : 只會從大中天三民自接收訊息 : 連現在世界變成怎樣都不知道了 你在公沙米 你是不是不會看外電阿??? 還是你看不懂英文???? 台灣沒報導 外面有報導好嗎 還是你以為三民自以外都是不可信紅媒阿 就算是美國媒體?? : : 請問一下 敵人的朋友是什麼???? : : 更白話的說啦 中國和烏克蘭還會通電話啦 : : 菜英文打電話 澤倫茲基會接嗎? : : 這就是一堆人邏輯混亂的地方 : : 因為自己用二分法 : : 自己異想天開地把中國自動放到烏克蘭的對立面去 : : 這還不是最可怕的 最可怕的是 還自己一廂情願地把對方當朋友惹 : : 國際關係是多邊關係 敵人的朋友未必是敵人 懂嗎??? : : ㄎㄎ : 當然 再早個兩年 : 我也不會說敵人的敵人就是朋友 : 但 : 這樣的時代已經來了 : 未來就是必須要選邊站 : 不過既然大家都活在平行時空 : 我也沒有什麼辦法 : 替我向平行時空的我問好 : 謝謝 我們真的是在平行空間阿 人家邀中國過去訪問 結果你那邊是敵對 可能你那邊川普連任惹吧 ㄎㄎ -- ▁▁ x ▕民進▏ 注意此ID已被國防布認證中共同路人 ▕堂章▏ ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄)ㄟ  ̄ ̄ 月巴m就在你身邊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1684474924.A.799.html

Re: 回文串

> Re: [問卦] 台灣人挺烏克蘭是不是很奇怪的事?
Gossiping05/19 13:41

27 則留言

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 05/19/2023 13:43:11

ab4daa, 1F

jma306, 2F
國際就是講利益 西瓜偎大邊114.26.103.122

jma306, 3F
澤連斯基也怕戰爭打一半 美國不繼續給錢114.26.103.122

jma306, 4F
必須有其他的備案在手邊 準備著114.26.103.122

Upswing, 5F

Upswing, 6F

jma306, 7F

phix, 8F
烏克蘭要是輸了 中俄就更囂張了223.136.87.231

Upswing, 9F

wahaha99, 10F
如果世界兩極化不會敵對 那邀請也不會118.169.10.56

wahaha99, 11F
代表友好 只能說 現在八卦就這樣了118.169.10.56

wahaha99, 12F
你們開心就好 也算是見證了一個時代的118.169.10.56

wahaha99, 13F
好的 請幫我恭喜你那邊川普連任謝謝

zhang750115, 14F
民進黨瞎挺 翻車是第一天嗎?
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 05/19/2023 13:54:33

wahaha99, 15F
你是不是不知道 瑞士凍之後 後面解凍了幾天 然後又凍 你那邊不會不知道吧 不知道去問問川普總統為什麼 XDDD
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 05/19/2023 13:56:48

wahaha99, 16F
你要談那些阿撒布魯我是沒啥興趣就是 G8118.169.10.56

wahaha99, 17F
我知道 可能我這邊的你沒興趣 可是那邊的你我感覺很有興趣阿 還特別回一篇 最後說沒興趣 我也不知道該怎麼說啦 只能說 恭喜你那邊川普連任了
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 05/19/2023 13:58:20

wahaha99, 18F
川普連任的世界是另一位 你搞錯對象了118.169.10.56
對阿 是那個中烏敵對宇宙的川普XD
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 05/19/2023 14:02:34

frankochris, 19F

frankochris, 20F

frankochris, 21F

johnko64665, 22F

johnko64665, 23F

johnko64665, 24F

johnko64665, 25F

johnko64665, 26F
其實還有一個重要因素 中國是最大的"商用"無人機生產國 例如雙方 都把 中國製的 民用Mugin-5 改裝軍用
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 05/19/2023 15:35:32

allofme, 27F