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[情報] 新賽季隊長由詹姆士擔任 副隊長奇爾維爾

最新2023-08-13 23:09:00
推噓195 ( 1950194 )
Reece James has officially been confirmed as Chelsea Football Club’s new captain. A boyhood Blues supporter who joined our Academy at six years old, Reece was the club’s standout choice to lead us on and off the pitch this season. 'I'm so happy to take on the role and responsibility,' said James. 'I know I've got big shoes to fill because we have had huge captains here in the past, but I am excited. 'I have been at Chelsea pretty much my whole life. I started here when I was six and to come through the Academy is tough. But to go on and become captain, it's a great feeling for me and my family.' Head coach Mauricio Pochettino said: ‘This is a decision taken by me and the club. We are very pleased Reece will captain the side this season. ‘He leads by example and his attitude and dedication to Chelsea has been clear throughout pre-season. He proudly wore the armband during our summer tour and will take up the challenge of leading our squad with his own approach and ideas.’ Co-sporting directors Paul Winstanley and Laurence Stewart said: ‘Reece’s connection with Chelsea has been forged over 17 years. He understands the traditions of the club and the responsibilities that come with being captain. ‘He knows the standards required to win at this club – both from his time in the Academy and the first team – and it is a very proud moment for Reece and everyone connected to the club.' Reece, whose sister Lauren plays for our women’s side, celebrated success throughout his time in the Academy. He twice won the FA Youth Cup as part of our Under-18s; his second triumph in the competition came as captain in 2018. A loan in the Championship with Wigan Athletic followed. Reece made 46 appearances for the club and was named Player of the Year and Player's Player of the Year. He was also handed the captaincy for his final game at the DW Stadium. Reece was integrated into the Chelsea first team ahead of the 2019/20 campaign by Frank Lampard. He scored on his debut – a long-range finish against Grimsby Town – and struck a memorable goal in the Champions League against Ajax. There were 37 appearances made in that debut campaign. Reece would go on to make 47 during his second season the men’s side. It was a campaign that ended in spectacular fashion: we claimed the Champions League for the second time in our history. Reece started the final against Manchester City in Porto and produced an excellent performance at right wing-back to ensure the trophy returned to Stamford Bridge. The UEFA Super Cup and Club World Cup would be claimed the following season, which saw Reece hit six goals in 39 matches in all competitions. He also established himself as a key figure in the England side. Reece was limited to 24 appearances last term due to injury but has featured regularly throughout pre-season under Mauricio Pochettino. And the next time he walks out in Chelsea blue, he will do so as club captain. https://www.chelseafc.com/en/video/introducing-our-captain -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1691597756.A.675.html

389 則留言

b710168, 1F

RockBottom, 2F
現在算四代車嗎? 新的時代要開始了

PowderSnow, 3F

trent427, 4F
※ 編輯: Drogba11 ( 臺灣), 08/10/2023 00:33:06

Formsan, 5F

abs60516, 6F
48M報Lavia 凱塞多海鷗開90+10 拒絕跟尤文互換力宏了

iamnotgm, 7F

indoor, 8F
沒人要他 看來沙烏地是唯一的歸宿了

Aquarius128, 9F

Aquarius128, 10F
薪很傷 可惡

Formsan, 11F

andy00xx, 12F
感覺是不想加價40M 殺一下應該還是可以換吧

Formsan, 13F

trent427, 14F
Tyler Adams HWG

trent427, 15F

VCvinsanity, 16F

abs60516, 17F
20M而已 買很合理

Formsan, 18F

z83420123, 19F
沒有433吧 就加拉格往前 雙後腰3~4人差不多

Drogba11, 20F
我個人覺得啦..即便這單被海鷗宰了 也得認了

Drogba11, 21F
新賽季前五就有歐冠 我覺得真不差這一兩千萬

Drogba11, 22F
沒有凱賽多 我依照現在中場要拚前五太難了

faelone, 23F
Tyler Adams防守數據不差,20M真白菜價

Formsan, 24F

Drogba11, 25F
酷狗斷過一次阿 這次第二次

Drogba11, 26F

Formsan, 27F
現在戰局很亂 跟利物浦在搶凱塞多跟拉維亞 這週末應該會

Formsan, 28F

Drogba11, 29F
酷狗是在我們這邊是半月板 不太一樣 抱歉

nbahoop, 30F
2個比利時背骨 報應來了吼

GroveStreet, 31F

trent427, 32F
凱怕有好價錢可以賣 看教練了

z83420123, 33F
拜仁和皇馬都只想租 沒啥意義

trent427, 34F

Drogba11, 35F
沒買斷 不用談

Formsan, 36F

CHRush, 37F
亞當斯應該來了 現在至少有一個存防守中場了

CHRush, 38F

trent427, 39F
利物浦報價凱賽多的消息DO 羅馬諾都沒報 可信度存疑

z83420123, 380F
[情報] 新賽季隊長由詹姆士擔任 副隊長奇爾維爾

rizer, 381F

rizer, 382F

z83420123, 383F
先發沒看懂是誰去左邊 7252又受傷了?

z83420123, 384F
抱歉 先發有7252我看錯

z83420123, 385F

Drogba11, 386F

Drogba11, 387F

trent427, 388F
352 好妙

abs60516, 389F
還不錯的感覺? 兩閘應該還是靠後居多 試試看囉

Formsan, 390F
三後衛 先求穩

CHRush, 391F

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