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[情報] WM26 後 HBK 發表演說

最新2010-04-16 19:21:00
推噓62 ( 63185 )
加個防雷頁,抱歉有雷。 WWE官網影片連結: http://www.wwe.com/content/media/video/vms/raw/2010/march29-31/13976348 網址:http://bit.ly/9X4ZWT 來源:英國太陽報 by SIMON ROTHSTEIN Shawn Michaels will retire for good after his WrestleMania 26 loss to The Undertaker HBK 在 WM26 上輸給 UT 後將永遠退休 WWE legend Shawn Michaels insists his WrestleMania defeat to The Undertaker was his final ever match inside the squared circle. HBK 說 WM26 與 UT 的比賽是他最後在四方擂台中的賽事了。 Michaels put his career on the line in the main event of wrestling's showpiece, but many fans assumed he'd return to the ring just like Ric Flair and Mick Foley have done after losing supposedly 'career-ending' matches. HBK 賭上他的職業生涯。但摔迷認為他會如同 Ric Flair 與 Mick Foley ,並不真正 退休。 However giving an emotional farewell speech on Monday Night Raw, HBK said he genuinely expects to never lace up his boots again. HBK 在 WM26 隔天的 RAW 上發表了感性的告別演說,他真心希望不再穿上摔角靴。 As around 16,000 fans chanted "one more match" at him, a tearful Michaels explained his reasons for turning them down. 現場的摔迷喊著「one more match」, HBK 流淚,解釋他必須讓摔迷失望的理由。 He said: "I know how a lot of people feel about career-ending matches and I know that there are a lot of people who are going to be sceptical of my decision, and I understand that. 他說:「我知道大家對職業生涯終結的看法,也知道很多人懷疑我的決定,我完全可以 理解。」 "I do want to tell you I think about it, but I don't want to go back on my word to you. I don't want to go back on my word to The Undertaker. 「我不願意違背我對你們以及對 UT 做出的承諾。」 "For 20 plus years I have done my best to be a pretty open book in front of all you. I don't hide a lot from you when I come out here, because it is just easier for me to be who I am. 「二十多年來,我盡可能的對各位坦承。當我來到你們面前,我不隱藏些什麼,對我 來說做自己是比較簡單的。」 "And I want to honour my word to you. And I want to honour my word to The Undertaker. 「所以我要信守我對各位的承諾,也信守我對 UT 的承諾。」 "So I appreciate the 'one more match', but I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen." 「我很感謝各位希望『one more match』,但我會盡我所能確保這不會發生。」 ˙ Michaels, 44, who started wrestling when he was 19, went on to pay tribute to his best friend Triple H. 現年 44 歲的 HBK ,從 19 歲開始摔角,他要向他最好的朋友 HHH 表示感謝。 He added: "I've got to thank Hunter for being my friend when absolutely nobody else in the world wanted to touch me. 他補充:「我感謝 HHH 在全世界沒有任何人願意碰我的時候,作我最好的朋友。」 "There were a lot of people that didn't like me - many, many years ago. I was not an easy person to be around and Hunter, buddy, you never once left my side. 「許多年前,有很多人並不喜歡我。我那時不是個好相處的人,但 HHH ,老兄, 你從來沒有放下我們的友誼。」 "This is a tough line of work and everybody talks about how it's tough to have real friendships, and it is. 「大家都說在摔角這一行很難有真正的友誼,的確是。」 "But I tell you, Hunter I thank you so much for the real friendship I have been able to share with you for the last 16 years." 「但 HHH,我非常感謝你這 16 年來與我共享這段真摯的友誼。」 HBK also thanked former arch-enemy Bret Hart for forgiving his past behaviour, "that crazy son of a gun" Vince McMahon, Jesus Christ, his family and his WWE fans. HBK 另外感謝 Bret Hart 原諒他過去所作的。感謝超級瘋子 Vince McMahon。 感謝耶穌基督。感謝他的家人以及 WWE 摔迷們。 He finished his speech by saying: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels has left the building." 「各位先生女士,心碎小子 Shawn Michaels 已經離開了這裡。」他用這段話, 結束他的告別演說。 - Thank you, Shawn! 我認為最感人的是 UT 在當天的 RAW 中現身,不發一語輕壓帽沿致意的告別。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

149 則留言

Y2X, 1F

timsid99, 2F
請看影片 我說的UT那段也在影片中

mike1990, 3F
淚推敬禮!(  ̄□ ̄)/ <( ̄ㄧ ̄ ) <( ̄ㄧ ̄ ) <( ̄ㄧ ̄ )

Rodriguez, 4F
HBK的最後一場的配角應該是三條的啊!!!! 真的要退了嗎?

Y2X, 5F
看起來是認真的了...= =

ceckyo, 6F

kevinsyc, 7F
所以為什麼要把Bret Hart請回來理由很明確了...

monmo, 8F

monmo, 9F
望他三不五時能回來一下 有比賽更好 不想甜蜜下巴音樂絕響呀

freijaking, 10F

freijaking, 11F

freijaking, 12F
我不要阿!!!!!!! 我還沒看過現場HBK不能退阿 !!!!!!!!!

kevinsyc, 13F
我也以為是劇情阿orz 現在就覺得把Bret請回來就是...orz

monmo, 14F
雖然HHH後台名聲一直不佳 不過他 HBK Nash Scott Hall的友情

monmo, 15F
一直都很真誠...哀 沒能現場看過HBK這樣會成為畢生遺憾><

monmo, 16F
其實Bret那一段跟HBK無關啦 那段去年很早就在談了

monmo, 17F

monmo, 18F
這次事件最大的教訓大概就是---想衝UT的要快了 下個就是他了

kevinsyc, 19F

kevinsyc, 20F

kevinsyc, 21F

kevinsyc, 22F
只是沒有像Ric那麼大的排場讓我有小失望 orz

freijaking, 23F

freijaking, 24F

freijaking, 25F

freijaking, 26F

freijaking, 27F

kevinsyc, 28F

freijaking, 29F
唉 就不要不知多久後去看現場,HBK UT HHH Kane都退休了

kevinsyc, 30F

freijaking, 31F

birdman06, 32F
幹 雷三小啦

Rodriguez, 33F
※ 編輯: timsid99 來自: (03/31 01:48)

freijaking, 34F
這算新聞.. 新聞總是比比賽更新阿

monmo, 35F
現在在水管看 幹...最後HHH殺出來這兩兄弟讓我哭了呀...尤其

monmo, 36F
是最後的X綠色螢光棒 聽說這場Raw的Dark Match裡面 HHH踢出

monmo, 37F
SCM 然後模仿了HBK的DX招牌動作... 不曉得之後會不會有片段

monmo, 38F
t兄... UT出現在Raw是新聞傳出來的嗎? 還是有影片?

monmo, 39F
喔喔 我看到了!

kevinsyc, 137F

ce0716, 138F

ce0716, 139F

HRamirez, 140F
跟樓上一樣 雖然看了WWE十年 但就是沒什麼跟到HBK

HRamirez, 141F
大學幾乎斷斷續續 但我也很喜歡HBK 看到不爽的人

HRamirez, 142F

CerMerlan, 143F
UTI'm sorry. I love you. tombstone!

batista5288, 144F

kiwisoda, 145F

shiawasan, 146F

ciaogibye, 147F
我會看摔角 就是他 ut 還有HULK跟WARRIOR ....

sneak, 148F
Rock沒可能吧 說要 https://muxiv.com

muxiv, 149F