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[新聞] The Fed will cut rates in March

最新2020-02-29 11:15:00
推噓34 ( 39543 )
The Fed will cut rates in March the market predicts By Anneken Tappe, CNN BusinessꀊUpdated 4:39 PM EST, Fri February 28, 2020 https://reurl.cc/D1NrOj New York(CNN Business)Central banks around the world are closely monitoring th e novel coronavirus outbreak, and investors believe they will step in to keep the world's economies humming. Stocks have been selling off all week, even briefly fell into correction Thurs day, as investors and economists grow increasingly concerned about the virus' impact on global supply chains and trade. That helped sent market expectations for interest rate cuts through the roof. TheME's FedWatch Tool澵hows a 100% chance that the US Federal Reserve will c ut rates in March. The markets priced in an 11% chance of that a week ago. The probability of a standard quarter-percentage-point cut on Friday was overt aken by expectations for a half-point cut at the Fed's next monetary policy me eting on March 18. The probability of the latter was 52% at Friday's close, do wn from nearly 92% earlier in the day. The likelihood of a bigger rate cut shot through the roof later in the day, af ter Fed Chairman Jerome Powell tried to氲ounter濳he market's expectations with a statement: "The fundamentals of the US economy remain strong," Powell said. He added that the central bank was monitoring the outbreak and its economic im plications, and will "act as appropriate to support the economy." Even though the meeting date is less than three weeks away, the central bank c ould meet earlier for an emergency rate cut, said analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The溻ast emergency rate cut濳ook place in 2008. BofA also expects a half-percentage-point cut, citing disorderly market moves and a possible demand shock as a result of the virus outbreak. It said last ye ar's "insurance" rate cuts could serve as a blueprint. But the Federal Reserve might not be as quick to jump on the monetary easing w agon as investors would like. Neel Kashkari and Loretta Mester, presidents of the Minneapolis and Cleveland central banks, respectively, both said Monday there was no immediate need to c ut interest rates. James Bullard, President of the St. Louis Fed, said the cen tral bank probably wouldn't cut rates unless the outbreak escalates. "Further policy rate cuts are a possibility if a global pandemic actually deve lops with health effects approaching the scale of ordinary influenza, but this is not the baseline case at this time," he said at the Fort Smith Regional Ch amber of Commerce on Friday. After all, the economic consequences of the virus outbreak have yet to be refl ected in the US economic data that the Fed watches so closely. Large multinati onal companies like孭ppleꀨAAPL)乸nd嗰icrosoftꀨMSFT)温ave烀arned about how th e outbreak will hurt on their businesses, but America's economy as a whole isn 't all that reliant on trade and exports, which shields it somewhat from globa l economic woes. That means the Fed might not have reason to act yet. Even though啫ed cut rates three times溻ast year to stimulate the economy, it i s still above the ultra-low rates from the financial crisis. The benchmark rat e now sits at 1.5% to 1.75%. "The Fed is probably the central bank with the most room to cut, so it's almos t rational to price in more action," said Ilan Solot, currency strategist at B rown Brothers Harriman, of the heightened expectations for lower rates. Last year's cuts came on the coattails of the US-China trade war, which weighe d on investor and business sentiment. "The coronavirus has taken the baton from the trade war," said Brian Nick, chi ef investment strategist at Nuveen, adding that the virus outbreak is affectin g similar assets and industries as last year's trade war did. Are rates already too low? But some investors are skeptical if monetary policy is the right tool to help combat the fallout from the outbreak. "There is nothing that will be 'stimulated' monetarily from a rate cut or two that isn't already being 'stimulated' by the very low rate environment," said Peter Boockvar, chief investment officer at Bleakley Advisory Group. "And rate cuts aren't a vaccine and won't bring factories back and people traveling aga in." Similarly, the European Central Bank might not be the right authority to step in to stimulate the export-reliant European economy. The ECB still has not rai sed its benchmark interest rate since slashing it during theꀲ010-2012 Europea n sovereign debt crisis. While the bank might cut other interest rates, alread y-low rates could mean European countries will combat any economic fallout fro m the virus outbreak with fiscal rather than monetary stimulus, said Marc-Andr e Fongern, head of FX research at Fongern Global FX. US Treasury yields, which are an expression of future interest rate expectatio ns, have been sliding this week, with the 10-year government bond yield fallin g below 1.29% to a fresh record low. Bond yields and prices move opposite dire ctions. "In my opinion in the US, there's a conflation between hedging and the actual pricing in" of interest rate cuts, Solot said. Fixed-income products like Treasuries are a common hedge for stock investors. Given the sharp selloff in stocks, the rally in bonds and consequently lower y ields might be driven by more than just rates expectations. In the developing world, the picture looks slightly different. China, where the outbreak originated, is expected to feel the most economic pa in as businesses and factories shut down. Its central bank has already stepped in to support the country's markets and economy. Other countries in the region are following suit. The脷ank of Indonesia cut湶t s short-term lending rate by a quarter percentage point last week. The嗰onetar y Authority of Singapore said汢arlier this month that "there is sufficient roo m" to ease its effective exchange rate to combat weakening economic conditions . In South Korea, where coronavirus cases spiked last weekend, the central bankꀊleft its interest rates unchanged乸t Thursday's meeting but stressed that the bank continued to be accommodative and would act to ensure recovery of economi c growth and stable inflation. 心得: 空軍要小心 FED要出手了 美股摩台收盤前急拉 不要追空 高空低補 反彈再空 不要殺低 有爽記得要出 多軍的話 就是逢反彈減碼 不需要殺低… 也不建議攤平 可以借券放空一些 你看不爽的股票 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1582929491.A.FDD.html

87 則留言

somanyee, 1F

Luwan, 2F

yyyyy, 3F
利率降起來 QEQ起來 錢要多少有多少

a810086, 4F

kline, 5F

yitniya, 6F

hoin, 7F
最愛這種政治干預 最後崩更慘

dowcher, 8F

yyyyy, 9F

Lowpapa, 10F
簡單死了 就說一定暴漲

hoin, 11F

hoin, 12F

Luwan, 13F

Luwan, 14F

hoin, 15F

hoin, 16F
這總統只看股市 不愛看降息通膨和失業率

hoin, 17F
只狂喊要降息 不看通膨和失業率

Luwan, 18F

Luwan, 19F

Luwan, 20F

tipsofwarren, 21F
[新聞] The Fed will cut rates in March

hoin, 22F

koexe, 23F
如果是在這波肺炎爆發之前這樣說川普 這是成立 但現

koexe, 24F
在時空背景不同 川普充其量只是順水推舟

hoin, 25F
只能說川普閉嘴 不要動不動說要換fed主席

hoin, 26F

Luwan, 27F

hoin, 28F
川普底下的官通常是被請辭 哈哈

Luwan, 29F

Luwan, 30F

superAchung, 31F

abuu0929, 32F

abuu0929, 33F

devirnt, 34F

yyyyy, 35F
這跟貿易戰一樣 降息的預期有得炒了 炒到創新高!!!

bole, 36F

bole, 37F
降息VS社區感染擴大 Round 2

bole, 38F

duriamon, 39F

bole, 76F
運動員的肺搞爛了 有點可憐

Senga41, 77F
快硬鈔票打死病毒 比疫苗有效XD

somanyee, 78F

kevinzx, 79F

marunaru, 80F
三月初反彈 再來給空軍玩

LinBaoYan, 81F

LinBaoYan, 82F

lonelyla, 83F

sumerrain, 84F

neil9830409, 85F
標題 從頭到尾就都是大家的猜測

Chilloutt, 86F
文章寫這麼久才給CNN報 ? 哈哈

asdfqwer63, 87F

horseorange, 88F

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