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Fw: [新聞] Steam 8成遊戲發售頭2週收入不到五千美金

最新2020-04-10 12:26:00
推噓22 ( 22033 )
Ars analysis: ~80% of Steam games earn under $5K in first two weeks https://tinyurl.com/thehvlt It has been roughly two years now since Valve shut off the source of Steam Spy's huge, randomly sampled sales estimates and promised a "more accurate and more useful" replacement to come. We got our first glimpse of what that replacement might entail today, as Valve gave a rare glimpse into its treasure trove of aggregate sales data across thousands of PC games. The blog post sharing that data correctly points out that the raw number of games finding some minimum level of sales success on Steam has increased vastly since 2012 (when Valve launched Steam Greenlight and loosened its tight control of what games could appear on the storefront). But Valve's selective view of the data leaves out a huge mass of games that make less than $5,000 in their first two weeks on Steam's virtual shelves. An Ars analysis finds those titles have made up the vast majority of Steam releases for the last five years. Filling in the holes To get at that data for the charts above, we started with the graphs Valve itself provided in its blog post today. These lay out the number of games making over $5,000, $10,000, $50,000, $100,000, and $250,000 in their first two weeks, respectively, by release year. I used photo editing software to measure and convert the bars in those graphs into raw numbers, but the actual numbers may be off by a fraction of a percentage point from Valve's internal benchmarks (we didn't decipher the graphs for 2005 and 2006, when the total number of Steam releases was too small to draw much meaningful data). We then compared those numbers to the total number of Steam releases for each year, as collected by Steam Spy (I removed non-game software and free-to-play games from consideration, as Valve did in its data). Using that, we were able to figure out the one number that Valve pointedly failed to mention for all of these years: the games making less than $5,000 in that two-week launch period. As you can see in Fig. 3, this lowest tier of sales made up well under half of all Steam releases through 2014, a year when Steam still saw less than 1,400 total games hit the storefront. By 2015, though, the raw number of releases had ballooned to over 2,300, and our data shows that increase came almost entirely from games that were struggling to make any significant sales impact at launch. Aurich Lawson Since 2015, both the annual growth rate in Steam releases and the proportion of those releases that struggled at launch continued to increase exponentially, before leveling off in 2019. At this point, though, the ratio of Steam releases that can't hit $5,000 in initial sales has hovered around 80 percent for the last three years. As Valve acknowledges in its blog post, these launch window revenue cutoffs are somewhat arbitrary. A game that makes $4,000 in a couple of weeks could be considered a huge success for a hobbyist programmer just getting their solo start. Initial sales also don't always capture the full picture for games that may find success long after launch, as well. But Valve also points out that "most recent games earning around $10,000 in the first two weeks earned between $20,000 and $60,000 over the course of 12 months following release." Convert that to an annual revenue number for a struggling indie developer, and you can see how launch window sales of under $5,000 can easily be considered a commercial failure (though the calculus changes if a developer can crank out multiple games per year or keep sales steady for a multi-year period). What does it mean? There are two ways to look at these numbers. The first, which Valve focuses on in its blog post, is the raw number of games in those "high initial revenue" groupings (i.e. above $5,000). As you can see in Fig. 2 (and below), the number of such titles generally rose slowly after Steam launched, absolutely exploded in 2014 amid looser Steam Greenlight standards, and continued to rise from that expanded number since then. Many more total games are quickly finding a significant audience on Steam than ever before, and Valve can rightly feel good about that. But even as the number of successes on Steam has increased, the number of failures has increased even more, both on an absolute and relative basis. For developers, that means just getting a game on Steam isn't anything close to a guarantee of being able to find a significant audience these days. For players, that means sifting through Steam storefront listings full of a lot of crap that apparently very few people want to buy. Valve is constantly tinkering with its "discovery" algorithms to help with both sides of this equation, and those algorithms do the best they can to direct deserving games to their deserving audiences. But on a platform with increasingly hands-off submission guidelines and dozens of games launching every day, there are inevitably going to be a lot of losers in Steam's sales lottery. There are signs that things are improving, though. As Valve points out in its blog post, the proportion of games reaching that $10,000 initial sales milestone ticked up 11 percent from 2018 to 2019, slightly reducing the "failure rate" for a generic Steam release in the last year. And the average initial earnings for Steam games increased from 2018 to 2019 at all but the lowest percentile levels. Those numbers suggest that quality games are starting to find even larger audiences on Steam these days, while weaker titles are proving even less lucrative. That doesn't mean we'll be getting back to the relative "all killer no filler" world of early Steam any time soon, but maybe we're starting to get a little closer with each passing year. Listing image by Getty / Aurich Lawson ==== 這數據說真的完全不讓人意外。 這只是再次證明了以前有人討論過的幾個論點。 一、Steam的主要收入來自3A級大作的抽成,其它的能給Steam的收益不高。 二、遊戲業的競爭越來越激烈,而Steam能給於的幫助也很有限。遊戲數量越來越多,不可 能每個都能被玩家注意到,Steam的廣告位也就那些。 另外這新聞其實也忽視了一件事。 那就是Steam上其實不少低成本的簡單遊戲,這些遊戲能賣到五千美金都能回本了。 -- 「把已經倒下的人們的願望,還有未來的人們的希望,把這二種心情全都織入雙重螺旋 之中,挖出通往明天的道路。那就是天元突破,那就是Gurren-Lagann, 我的鑽頭....是用來開天闢地的鑽頭啊!!」 ── 西蒙 《天元突破 紅蓮之眼》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1586402945.A.639.html

55 則留言

※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 04/09/2020 11:29:29

mercuries2, 1F

mercuries2, 2F

Korsechi, 3F
以前一堆爛製小遊戲上架 現在有條件管制有好一點

hduek153, 4F
有一堆跟以前網頁遊戲87%像的 正常吧

symeng, 5F

symeng, 6F

horard, 7F

AricFeng, 8F

yuehxian, 9F

ab4daa, 10F
正常 現在門檻低了 我隔壁阿媽的狗都在做遊戲

ab4daa, 11F
只是最後的產品品質還是要靠真功夫 or $$$$$

WuDhar, 12F

tindy, 13F

leo19981, 14F

CW4, 15F

katana89, 16F
沒steam 那些遊戲也只能做成網頁遊戲給平台去賺廣告流量

katana89, 17F

Allenk, 18F
正常啊 像我這種沒打折就不買的 他發售前兩週怎賺錢


bearching, 20F

bearching, 21F

cul287, 22F

becausemusic, 23F
帕累托法則 2成的人掌控世界8成的財富 8成的收入來

becausemusic, 24F
自2成的消費者 8成的總銷量來自2成的商品

enthpzd, 25F

bestpika, 26F
然後 Steam 上面超過八成都是低成本的便宜遊戲

bestpika, 27F
便宜遊戲要賣到 5000 鎂難度很高啊 XD

bestpika, 28F

bestpika, 29F

r85270607, 30F
數量變多了 首兩周就容易被分掉

r85270607, 31F
加上不少遊走爭議的操作手法 比如以前常有一直霸佔近

r85270607, 32F

r85270607, 33F
但 玩家社群之間口耳相傳 好的獨立作品依然有出頭的

r85270607, 34F

chenpfu0394, 35F
平常看到那些本來就是冰山一角啊 不過連那些比較知名

chenpfu0394, 36F

THKLuga, 37F

THKLuga, 38F

SecondRun, 39F
拿來送都不想裝的糞G那麼多 不意外吧

wow1991512, 40F
太多半成品 就丟出來 讓買的人抓漏洞 工作室再去修改

cress0128, 41F

haseo00, 42F

felixr0123, 43F

tindy, 44F

tindy, 45F

ddavid, 46F
目前有不少跟電腦相關的數據會偏離80/20 rule,變成90/10

ddavid, 47F

ddavid, 48F

ddavid, 49F

ddavid, 50F
世界簡單,分母很容易就衝高而脫離80/20 rule

ddavid, 51F

ddavid, 52F

lpdpCossette, 53F
那些遊戲就沒有想要大賣的意圖啊 加減作爽的而已xd

lpdpCossette, 54F

lpdpCossette, 55F

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