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[閒聊] 一些patch note的更新

最新2024-03-28 09:17:00
推噓13 ( 1306 )
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3496784 主要是底下patch note的後續更新部分 挑些有趣的出來(?) -- 交易網站的篩選優化跳過 -- Old: You can no longer earn Einhar, Alva, Jun or Niko Master Missions, and the accessibility to these Masters has been significantly increased with changes to the Atlas Passive Tree. Kirac still has Missions available for you though! New: You can no longer earn Einhar, Alva, Jun or Niko Master Missions, and the accessibility to these Masters has been significantly increased with changes to the Atlas Passive Tree. Kirac still has Missions available for you, though you no longer earn one Kirac Mission each day after unlocking the Atlas. 更動 : 當你解鎖地圖後(劇情過完),不再每日給你一個基拉克任務 輿圖天賦樹更新 The Mycelial Swarm Notable Atlas Passive has been removed, along with the two small Blight Crafting Option Passives in this cluster. 菌絲遍布跟旁邊2個小點已移除 (地圖儀必出現凋落且費用減半那點) -- The small entrance Passive for the Epidemiology cluster now provides "Varieties of Items contained in 1 Blight Chest in your Maps are Lucky" instead of 2% chance on Completing your Maps to gain a free use of the Blight Map Crafting Option. This change does not apply to Ruthless. 流行病學旁邊的凋落小點從[完成地圖時有2%機率獲得免費凋落工藝次數] 改成[地圖中一個凋落箱子是幸運的] -- The Commissioned Officer Atlas Notable Passive no longer causes you to gain 1 additional Kirac Mission each day. It now causes your Maps to have a 6% chance to grant an additional Kirac Mission on Completion (previously 3%). This change does not apply to Ruthless. 每日1額外基拉克任務拔了,同一點的完成地圖有3%機率獲得基拉克任務改成6% (居然) -- Small Kirac Mission Chance Atlas Passives now cause your Maps to have 2% chance to grant an additional Kirac Mission on Completion (previously 1%). 完成地圖有1%機率獲得基拉克任務小點都改成2% -- Fixed a bug where Blink Arrow of Prismatic Clones and Mirror Arrow of Prismatic Clones could not deal chaos damage with the fire version of its attack. For clarity, the skill used by these minions converts all physical damage to the chosen element, deals no elemental damage of non-chosen elements, and can add chaos damage and inflict poison regardless of the chosen element. 修正了魅影閃現射擊神秘客版本的火焰版本無法造成混沌傷害的問題 為了清楚起見,這些召喚物使用的技能將所有物理傷害轉化為所選元素 不會對非所選元素造成元素傷害,並且無論所選元素如何 都可以增加混亂傷害並造成中毒。 (所以神秘客機制反而是物轉元素而不是元素打擊的直接給點傷?) -- 其他機制的命運卡獎勵不再掉落BOSS專屬傳奇裝的命運卡 修改為 其他機制的命運卡獎勵不再掉落BOSS專屬物品的命運卡 -- 花園工藝轉換聖甲蟲已移除 -- 號召 現在只會有 1 等,現在提供「每秒恢復 2% 的生命」(之前在寶石等級 1 時為 0.7%,在寶石等級 20 時 擴大到 1.65%)。 現在的等級要求為 31 級(之前為 1 級寶石為 24 級),並且需 要 73 點智力(之前為 1 級寶石為 58 點)。 這些變更不會影響該項目的現有版本。 -- 現在劫盜中不會看到機械腰帶了 他變成新版機械腰帶(Mechalarm -> Mechanical 好喔) 新版腰帶上綴變成 [有 1 個插槽] -- 召喚法仗跟召喚物用盾牌新增一條後墜可骰 [獲得等級 1 號召] -- 女巫任務獎勵拔掉號召(但還是可以買) 聖堂無法在跟卡爾麗莎購買號召 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1711428204.A.FF3.html

19 則留言

Heartlessli, 1F

MoneyBlue, 2F

MoneyBlue, 3F

MoneyBlue, 4F

ja2200, 5F

drinkmywater, 6F
摁 很好的改動

davidliudmc, 7F
也可能核星卡加入uber掉落 畢竟核星現在是uber專屬


leslie121212, 9F

leslie121212, 10F

leslie121212, 11F
看錯 反正就是天賦樹上面要點基拉克機率比較好一點

stkissstone, 12F

c121125, 13F

c121125, 14F
※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 03/26/2024 17:21:19

Sinful, 15F

NeGe56, 16F

s971425, 17F

A10JQK, 18F
好像有看到 卡片限定地圖掉落 取消? 還是我弄錯

kingroy, 19F

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[情報] 3.24 20/20 寶石
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