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[外絮] 周六夜現場嘲笑嘴綠的禁賽 模仿本尊道歉

最新2023-11-20 16:49:00
推噓39 ( 40112 )
https://tinyurl.com/mrxffpj4 Ali Thanawalla, NBC Sports Bayarea Warriors' Draymond Green roasted for suspension by ‘SNL' 《週六夜現場》嘲笑嘴綠的禁賽 (SNL是NBC旗下的節目) https://twitter.com/nbcsnl/status/1726120888540529107 https://streamable.com/9b9ytr 逐字稿 Che: This week, the NBA suspended Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green five games for putting another player in a chokehold. Here to comment is Draymond Green. Whoo! Whoo! 這週,NBA對Draymond禁賽五場,因為他勒住另一名球員。歡迎本人蒞臨現場 Draymond: Thanks, Che. I appreciate y'all giving me this platform to publicly apologize. 謝謝Che。很感謝你們讓我在這裡公開道歉。 Che: Okay, so you are sorry. 那你感到抱歉了嗎 Draymond:Hell nah. Uh-uh. I can't wait to do it again. 才不呢我等不及在做一次 Che: So why are you so angry? I mean, you choked Rudy Gobert for no reason. 那你為什麼這麼生氣啊?我的意思是,你無緣無故勒住了Gobert的脖子。 Draymond: I had a reason, all right? Rudy Gobert is a tall Frenchman who's been pissing me off for years. Imagine if you had a seven-foot baguette in your face talking about,"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." You know? You want to do something, too. 我有理由,好嗎?Gobert是個高大的法國人,多年來一直惹我生氣。想想看,你面前 有個七英尺高的法國麵包對著你笑,「哈哈哈哈哈。」你懂的?你也會想做點什麼。 Che: Yeah, but you got to get why the league is mad, though, right? 但你得理解為何聯盟會生氣,對吧? Draymond: I mean, not really. It's not like I choked LeBron or Kevin Durant. You know, we talking about Rudy Gobert, the fourth-best player in Minnesota. 老實說,我不太懂,我又不是勒住了LeBron 或是KD。你要知道,我們討論的人是Gobert 灰狼隊第4好的球員 Che: Well, this has been a thing with you guys for years. It sounds like you really hold a grudge. 欸,這件事在你們之間拖了好幾年了。聽起來你真的很會記仇啊 Draymond: I mean, I wouldn't say I hold a grudge, you know, but when someone crosses me, I never forget it, so... Honestly, I feel like the whole situation is being blown out of proportion. 我覺得啦,我不會說我有記仇,但你要知道,當別人冒犯我時,我永遠不會忘記 老實說,我覺得整件事被放大了 Che: You choked a man during a game. 你在比賽中勒住一個人欸 Draymond: Okay. Yeah, but I was trying to kill him. So if you think about it, Che, I showed restraint. 是啦,但我是想弄死他,所以按照這個標準,我表現出克制 Che: So you don't feel bad even a little bit. 所以你一點也不覺得內疚。 Draymond: Oh, I mean, I always feel mad. 我的意思是,我總是覺得很生氣。 Che: No, I said bad. Draymond, Draymond, even your own coach called your actions inexcusable and said your five-game suspension was deserved. 不,我是說感到內疚。Draymond x2 連你的教練都說你的行為無法原諒,禁賽是應得的 Draymond: He really said that? 他真的有這樣說嗎 Che: Yeah. 是的。 Draymond: Hmm. Interesting. 有意思 Che:What are you writing, man? 你在寫些什麼呢 Draymond:Just a little list. Mm-hmm. Stuff I got to do later. 一個小清單,之後得做的事 Che: Draymond, this isn't even your first suspension. I mean, you one-stepped on a guy's chest. You kicked another player in the groin. Draymond這不是你的第一次被禁賽,你踩過別人的胸口,踢過別人的腹股溝 Draymond: Look, Che, I had to kick him in the groin. That's where his nuts at. 聽我說Che,我必須得踢他的腹股溝。他的蛋蛋就在那裡 Che: What is all this really about, Draymond? 這一切到底是怎麼回事? Draymond: Look, it's simple. The league is too soft these days, all right? Ain't nothing but a bunch of light-skinned dudes with side-scroll, shy-show bob hair, you know? See, me, I play dark-skinned basketball. It hit different, all right? I ain't dribbling all fancy. I ain't shooting from half-court. Mm-mm. I'm throwing big men in headlocks, and I'm putting the little ones in a stone-cold stunner like that. 理由很簡單,現在的聯盟太軟弱了,對吧?都是一些皮膚白白的傢伙,頭髮梳得像側捲 的懦夫,你懂嗎。我打的是深膚色/強硬的籃球。那種感覺不一樣,對吧?我運球不花俏, 也不會半場投籃。Mm-mm,我會對大個子鎖喉,給小個子使出斷頭台落下石的摔角技。 Che: But why? 但為何你要這麼做 Draymond: Because I'm an enforcer. That's my job. I see my teammates in trouble, and I strangle that trouble. You know, all I care about is the safety of my teammates. 因為我是一個打手,這是我的工作,我看到隊友有難,我就去勒住那個問題,你知道 我只在乎隊友的安危 Che: Okay, well, what about when you punch your own teammate in the face? 好吧,那怎麼解釋你揍你隊友的臉 Draymond: You trying to get on the list? 你是想上我的黑名單嗎? Che: No! I'm just... I'm just trying to understand. You have a very violent reputation. 不!我只想...搞清楚。你有一個很暴力的名聲 Draymond: Oh, thank you. 哦 謝謝你 Che: That wasn't a compliment, man. 老兄,這不是在讚美你 Draymond: Wait, how come nobody ever talks about the good stuff I do off the court? 大家怎麼不說我場外做的好事 Che: Like what? 像是什麼呢 Draymond: Did you know every Thanksgiving, I go down to my old neighborhood and I whip turkeys at people? Yeah. Everybody running, the birds flying. It's fun. 你知道嗎,每年感恩節我都會到老家,向人們扔火雞 大家都在跑,火雞也在飛,畫面很有趣。 Che: What kind of message do you think your behavior sends to the kids watching? 你覺得你的行為對看著你的孩子們傳達了什麼樣的資訊 Draymond: Look, to all you little hoopers out there watching me, I hope y'all learn this. Play with passion, take boxing lessons, and most importantly, be dark-skinned. 那些正在看著我的小籃球員,你們聽好了,我希望我希望你們學到這個。要熱情地打球 ,學習拳擊,最重要的,保持堅韌不拔的態度。 Che: Draymond Green, everybody. 大家,這是嘴綠 Draymond: I'm coming for your skinny ass! 我要來找你們這些瘦皮猴了 備註 模仿的像嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1700409446.A.230.html

53 則留言

jyekid, 1F
有個七英尺高的法國麵包 笑呵呵

matsuwu, 2F

a127, 3F
靠杯XD 狗貝還被嗆第四好的球員是怎樣

ARCHER2234, 4F


ABiao0220, 6F
不像啦 不過記小本本有夠哭

e8e88, 7F

crishding, 8F

pushao7L, 9F

MK47, 10F

iecdalu, 11F

Hiara, 12F

love1500274, 13F

jonestem, 14F
夠嘴就好 XDDDD

naye, 15F

chink5566, 16F

Sessyoin, 17F

FredVanVleet, 18F
蠻像的啊 但為什麼最後dark skinned那樣翻?

FredVanVleet, 19F
還偷嘴Light skin隊友(curry poole)

mashiroro, 20F

saturday5566, 21F
be dark-skinned 你翻:保持堅韌不拔的態度???
想說翻譯一個比較正面的詞啦 他是在講黑人啦
※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 11/20/2023 01:25:48

RamenOwl, 22F
超雞巴 笑死

Trulli, 23F

webberfun, 24F
笑死 夠酸

fegat, 25F
嘴綠整天嘴開開的 這個根本不像

Chtgo, 26F
好吧,那怎麼解釋你揍你隊友的臉 ,

Luka7714, 27F

sss157095, 28F

alex40214, 29F
最後是講 Wemby Im coming for your skinny ass

joveryant, 30F

rrgfe, 31F

teeeeee, 32F
笑死 感謝分享

rolandgjh, 33F

rolandgjh, 34F

rolandgjh, 35F

yowhatsupsli, 36F

xiao07, 37F

sctty, 38F
又是他們 lol 他們上次才模仿football coach Prime

sctty, 39F

redblouse, 40F

iamaq18c, 41F

vking223, 42F

yeustream, 43F
嘴得滿好笑的 XD

s8800892000, 44F

lpca, 45F

FadOut, 46F

KirkSynder, 47F
想問一下 法國麵包專指長棍麵包嗎? 看到時候疑惑了

KirkSynder, 48F

KirkSynder, 49F

Lanx, 50F

Lanx, 51F

Lanx, 52F

Lanx, 53F