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[外絮] 湖人總管Pelinka:湖人不需要交易掉選秀簽

最新2019-05-17 20:55:00
推噓52 ( 57545 )
來源: SBNations 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yxdjnkka Rob Pelinka thinks that the Lakers don’t have to trade their pick, because younger players drafted in the top-five can still contribute to winning 總管Rob Pelinka認為湖人不需要交易掉選秀簽,因為前五順位的年輕球員仍然有助贏球 After the Los Angeles Lakers miraculously overcame the odds Tuesday night and moved up to snag themselves the No. 4 pick, Rob Pelinka hopped on a conference call to field questions about the exciting night and path forward. 星期二晚上,湖人克服了不可能的機率,神奇的拿到了第四順位選秀權,總管Rob Pelinka 開心的進行會談,講到這開心的一晚以及將來湖人的走向。 The Lakers are in a much better spot than they ever could’ve realistically hoped for and have options they wouldn’t have had otherwise thanks to their luck, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have tough decisions to make. Pelinka, in his own meandering way, detailed what the next couple months have in store for a franchise looking to build on Tuesday night’s momentum (h/t: Mike Trudell of NBA.com): 由於湖人的好運氣,湖人現在處的位置比他們之前所期待的都要來的好,多了一些以前他 們沒有的選擇。但是,這不代表他們就沒有困難的選擇要做。Pelinka用他婉轉的方式仔細 的講述未來這幾個月湖人球團會如何重建: “I think our goal is to have an extraordinary successful and winning season, but I think if you look around the landscape of the league, there are young players that come in in the top five of the Draft and have an immediate impact and do great things, even in the playoffs. 「我認為我們的目標是完成一個不凡以及贏球的球季,但是我認為看看現在聯盟生態,一 些前五順位的新秀就可以在比賽發揮影響力,做很棒的事情,甚至於到季後賽。」 “We’re going to have to look really, really hard at the candidates we could select there and see if they can have an immediate impact on winning. There is a precedent around the league where young players have (had success). 「我們會很仔細評估我們可以選擇的新秀,看看他們是不是可以立即幫助到球隊獲勝。在 聯盟裡有一些先例,一些年輕球員可以馬上幫球隊贏球的例子。」 “But again, if we can use (the pick) in a trade that solidifies us in a better way, we’ll look at that as well. I think it’s early in the evaluation process, obviously we just were awarded the top pick, so now begins the fun of dissecting all the different options and making those choices.” 「但是,要再次說明,若是我們可以用選秀簽達成一樁交易,可以讓球隊更強更好,我們 也會看看那方面的可能性。我認為現在還在早期評估階段,但是我們剛拿到高順位選秀, 現在正是要開始有樂趣的階段,好好看看所有不同的選擇,然後做決定。」 Look: Jokes aside at the way Pelinka talks, it is good to see him using a bunch of words without really saying anything. This isn’t even sarcasm, either. It’s an important skill to be able to talk and not give anything away. The above quote is exactly that. 看看Pelinka講話的內容,看他講了一堆話但是卻沒講出什麼東西出來。這也不是諷刺,這 是一種很重要的技巧,能夠講一堆東西但是卻沒透露出任何口風,上面的這段話就是例 證。 Pelinka does understand that this is quite the gift to fall out of the sky, though: 不過Pelinka真的知道這簽是天上掉下來的禮物: “I think that, listen, when you make decisions there are multiple factors … I do think that rookie contracts are extraordinarily valuable, because usually you’re getting extremely talented players at cost-controlled numbers. 「聽著,我認為當要做一個多方都會影響的決定時....我認為年輕球員的合約是非常有價 值的,因為大家可以用一個非常便宜的價格就可以得到一位極有天份的球員。」 “So that’s one of many factors we’ll look at when deciding to select a player there or using it as a trade asset. But the way we make decisions as a front office is to look at all the factors. I don’t think there’s any one factor that will control it. 「所以當我們決定要選哪個球員或是用這簽去當交易籌碼時,那會是一個我們會仔細評估 的因素之一。但是,身為制服組,我們做的決定要多方考量,我不認為這是單一因素去控 制的。」 “We’ll look at everything and make a decision for what’s best to have an extraordinarily successful, winning year next year, because that’s what our fans expect, and that’s what we’re going to deliver to them.” 「我們會看完所有的評估,然後做出一個會有助我們下一季成功的決定,因為那是我們的 球迷想要的,而也是我們想給他們的。」 Again, this is basically Pelinka saying that the Lakers have a ton to figure out and will do all they can to improve their standing for next season and beyond. 又來了,基本上Pelinka就是說湖人有很多事情得要搞清楚,然後他們會盡可能改進他們明 年以及之後的排名等等。 Still, there are a couple notes to make here: First, Pelinka makes a note about how players at the top of the draft can step in and immediately help a team. While he’s obviously correct, the hope here is that he would not pick a player for their readiness to help rather than talent level. The draft scouting department has been overwhelmingly successful, but last year’s draft group wasn’t great and the Lakers can’t afford to strike out like that again if they wind up using this pick. 然而,有一些點還是可以看:第一,Pelinka提到高順位新秀球員可以成為即戰力,馬上就 可以幫助到球隊。他當然是對的,現在是希望他不要選球員是選可以馬上幫球隊的,而是 要根據他們的天賦來選。之前選秀球探部門成功,但是去年的選秀人才並沒有那麼好,所 以今年若是湖人決定要選秀,他們可不能搞砸。 Another concern here is the very glaring lack of clarity on the decision-making process. He also said in this interview that he holds the same job as last season. Does this mean they dissolved Magic Johnson’s old position? Did Kurt Rambis step into that gig? Where does Phil Jackson fit into all this? And at what point will Jeanie actually set the record straight on what is going on? 另外一個讓人擔心的是他們的決策過程不透明。在這次會議中,Pelinka說他跟去年所處的 位置一樣。所以這代表了魔術原本的位置就消失了? 或是Kurt Rambis取代了那個職位? 禪 師Phil Jackson在這裡面到底扮演怎樣的角色? 以及到底Jeanie Buss什麼時候會把事情交 代清楚呢? Pelinka gave good answers to the questions given this current situation. It’ s just hard to take them all that seriously without knowing who holds how much power. 就目前的狀況而言,Pelinka算是給了很好的回答,只是不知道是誰負責甚麼,責任程度多 少不明的狀況下,很難讓大家對他講的話認真看待。 All in all, though, it’s good to have something positive to point to. The pick reopens the possibility of landing Anthony Davis in ways previously thought long gone. If they don’t use it for that, then the Lakers scouting department can once again show why they’re considered the most promising aspect of the organization. Pelinka handling this presser in the way he did was also good to see. Now the focus shifts to building on this momentum. 總之,現在好不容易有好事發生。這高順位選秀簽讓原先以為不可能交易到Anthony Davis 的希望重新燃起。若是他們不要用這簽去換AD,那球探部就要展現出為甚麼他們被視為是 湖人球團被視為最有希望的部門的理由。Pelinka這次的會議處理的算是不錯,現在目標就 是要轉向如何把這股氣勢建立起來了。 -- 湖人起飛(?) -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽
ericf129 : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
kenlin0105 : 開4我直接自殺 10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十
kenlin0105 : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
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107 則留言

jyekid, 1F

nt880245, 2F
Hunter 就選他了

purplebfly, 3F

purplebfly, 4F

okokok0410, 5F
湖人樂透簽隊~coming soon

joulin, 6F
標題有點怪 應該翻譯成沒有一定要交易比較好

Verlander35, 7F
標題是這樣講,但內文也說不排除交易可能性 都可能

joulin, 8F
因為內文明顯是 他們會多方考量 如果交易掉選秀籤

joulin, 9F
是可行的 而且是對球隊最好的 那就會交易

joulin, 10F

joulin, 11F
甚至 透露了 這個籤很可能被交易

cluster, 12F

joulin, 13F
這樣看來 說籤其實也可以留著用 比較像是客套話

hunt5566, 14F

joulin, 15F

sunkistfool, 16F

dwiee, 17F

flylife0527, 18F

KimJongUn, 19F

bypetty, 20F
不交易籤 但小醬可以談喔 啾咪

ken720331, 21F

bbbyes123, 22F
聽聽就好 開季老班底只剩LBJ我也不訝異

mmk, 23F
年輕球員幫球隊贏球的例子 就是全部賣掉換AD

mmk, 24F

allyourshit, 25F
講幹話 湖人年輕球員還不夠多嗎?

SEVEnMonth, 26F

willy50307, 27F

linearppt, 28F

yeay, 29F

leffyiscome, 30F
講了一堆跟什麼都沒講一樣 美國韓島?

leffyiscome, 31F

joulin, 32F
是的 掰掰

joulin, 33F
是說 總管的重點只有一個 "因為這支籤 重燃交易希

joulin, 34F

BusterWu, 35F
嗯嗯真的 看看小將就知道了

shwkz, 36F

BusterWu, 37F

leffyiscome, 38F
應該還是會交易掉啦 堆小將對湖人也沒啥用

kkk1234, 39F

Rocksolid, 94F

rock0525, 95F

shwkz, 96F
除非水鳥想和尼克換 不然湖人應該是籌碼不錯的

attpp, 97F

k102asdf, 98F
選到後隨便養 再隨便送出去 旅湖就是強

jiangjiang33, 99F
[情報] 一些經紀人和管理層不願與Pelinka打交道

b0023098, 100F

b0023098, 101F

OyAlbert, 102F

tomoti, 103F

EricTao, 104F
小將包 越來越大包

vking223, 105F

vking223, 106F

vking223, 107F

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