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Re: [討論] 小美人魚 奧卡菲娜的rap被臭爛

最新2023-06-07 20:06:00
推噓19 ( 20113 )
※ 引述《KingKingCold (お元気ですか?私元気です)》之銘言: : 如題 看起來奧卡菲娜有在小美人魚真人版演出 : 給原版卡通那隻海鷗角色Scuttle配音 : 不確定真人版的Scuttle會變成怎麼樣 但是她的rap歌已經出來了 : 網路反應一片慘烈www : 在這裡嚴正警告,以下內容可能對你的耳朵帶來不適, : 不僅不會讓你的耳朵懷孕,還極有可能導致你的耳朵流產, : 點開前請三思: : https://youtu.be/QKlQu_p97KI
: 然後有好人給了一個7秒版的,所以你不會長痛,只會短痛: : https://pse.is/4ypzca : ...... : ......... : ............ : 本來想說什麼的,還是算了。 : YT影片底下,跟推特文底下的回應很有趣, : 但是我已經失去抓出來翻譯的能量了, : 有興趣的可以自行去觀看。 : 我要去聽LiSA洗耳朵了QQ https://youtu.be/QKlQu_p97KI
剛剛我的YT又推薦這部給我聽了, 所以我趕緊按靜音, 然後看看底下有沒有什麼新評論。 抓到幾個非常棒的評論,完全可以理解他們的心情XD: THIS IS FIRE ON MUTE 這首歌轉靜音模式就是神曲了 Awkwafina has really lived up to her name because she's captured the essence of what it feels like to be drowning in the ocean. A perfect fit for this movie. 奧卡菲娜果然名不虛傳,她成功捕捉了在海洋中快淹死了的那種感覺,跟這部電影簡直 天作之合。 This song is honestly inspiring in a way because it shows me it's possible to apply for your dream job and get it no matter how unqualified you are for it. 這首歌某方面來說實在是振奮人心,因為它告訴我不管你有多不夠格,你依然有機會獲 選去從事你夢想的工作。 This song is truly revolutionary. It should be played at max volume on repeat in every interrogation room. 這首歌真的是革命性。它應該在每間拷問室,以最高音量重複撥放。 My entire theater stood up and clapped when this song played, that way we mitigated it's sound. 我們那廳在播這首歌的時候,大家全部站起來鼓掌,所以我們就不用聽到歌的聲音了。 Honestly, though, I'm really glad Disney made this song available. On a family outing, our beloved golden retriever accidentally got into my stash of chocolate and we were hours away from any vet or grocery store. I played this song with my little phone speaker and within seconds our dog regurgitated everything. 老實說,我相當感激迪士尼作出這首歌。在一次家庭聚會,我們珍愛的黃金獵犬意外吞下 了我存放的巧克力而我們離最近的獸醫或雜貨店數小時的車程。我立刻用小喇叭播放這首 歌,數秒間我們的狗狗就把剛剛吃下的東西全吐出來了。 This song is amazing, I use it as an alarm clock and I wake up an hour earlier to avoid it ringing 這首歌太贊了!!我把它當作我的鬧鐘歌,自此我每天都自動早起1個小時以避免聽到它響 On a positive note, it gives the audience a good time to take a restroom break without missing anything. 往好處想,這首歌讓觀眾可以找到這個空檔去上廁所又不會錯過任何電影內容。 I love how this song captures the deep connection to the sea. Really makes me wanna drown myself. Thanks Disney 我最愛這首歌的地方是它深深連結著深海,真的讓我想即刻淹死自己。謝謝你,迪士尼。 Wow, finally! A song that's literally impossible to make any worse with Otamatones. Amazing! 哇!!終於!!一首你用電音蝌蚪也完全無法讓它變得更糟糕的神曲!!太神啦!! As a momma of a kid with a speech delay, this song has changed my son's and my life forever.... He finally said his first words... "Turn Off". Thanks Disney! 身為一個小朋友有延遲言語障礙的媽媽,這首歌永遠改變了我與我兒子的人生。 他終於說出了人生第一次話:關掉! 感謝尼~迪士尼~ Of all the musical performances I've ever heard, this was my 2nd favorite. All the other ones are tied for 1st. 所有我聽過的音樂表演中,這首是我第二喜歡的。至於其他所有我聽過的音樂表演則都是 平手第一名。 When my mom played this song, my dad who left yrs ago to get milk came back to turn it off. Disney brought my family back together! 當我媽播放這首歌時,我那個幾年前聲稱要去買牛奶就再也沒有回來的老爸忽然特地趕 回來把這首歌關掉了。迪士尼真的讓我與家人在一起了!! Whenever I have doubts about my abilities, I just put this song on. The burst of motivation from hearing it is enough to make me work for hours, knowing that there is a place for whatever I may produce. 每當我對自己的能力有懷疑的時候,我就會放這首歌。那瞬間爆發的動機足以讓我再持續 工作幾個小時,因為我知道,不管我做出什麼爛作品,這個爛作品總會有地方可以去。 My deaf grandpa grabbed the controller and put this on mute. Thank you Disney for curing my grandpas hearing loss!! 我的耳聾阿公搶走遙控器然後按了靜音。感謝尼迪士尼,尼們治好了我阿公的耳聾!! The true heroes are the animators that had to listen to this song on repeat as they animated the cgi frame by frame for this movie 那些動畫師才是真正的英雄,他們必須得一邊重複聽這首歌,一邊一幀一幀地給它配上 CGI。 In hindsight, what a privilege it was to grow up in the 90s. 事後看,能在90年代渡過童年長大成人,真是一種奢侈的特權。 ============================================================================= 是誰說奧卡菲娜很受美國人歡迎的?? 我看只是受迪士尼跟好萊塢歡迎吧?? 美國人臭得很爽阿XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1686042448.A.248.html

Re: 回文串

34 則留言

exyu, 1F

rockroddick, 2F

exyu, 3F
其實他們本質上本來就會幹這種事情 是碰到黑人就閉

exyu, 4F
嘴了 一點都不敢嘴了 因為會被扣歧視大鍋 選擇性做

exyu, 5F

thegame09305, 6F

thegame09305, 7F

sariel0322, 8F

ZoeyDestiny, 9F

youdar, 10F
看那下面的評論超好笑 各式套路都來亂

torukumato, 11F
我點進去聽後 我覺得他們講得都是事實啊 www

AStigma, 12F

tools, 13F

widec, 14F
全部站起來鼓掌那個也很機車 www

allyourshit, 15F
笑死 XDD

tiara, 16F

ppt12527, 17F

darkbrigher, 18F
人家把她當丑角看 華人幻想她是受歡迎亞裔

j31404, 19F

babyMclaren, 20F

babyMclaren, 21F

palapalanhu, 22F

fishthehuman, 23F
this is fire on mute我理解是 這首歌轉靜音時超讚

fishthehuman, 24F

hummingbird7, 25F
感謝指正 我改了XD
※ 編輯: KingKingCold ( 臺灣), 06/06/2023 23:26:35

AmeNe43189, 26F

lifegoeson, 27F

lifegoeson, 28F

b160160, 29F

ttcml, 30F

umin928, 31F

j27910681, 32F

m931642, 33F

Randomwalk, 34F