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[情報] Rosenthal:業界人士對大谷合約的看法

最新2023-12-15 00:44:00
推噓9 ( 14527 )
https://reurl.cc/ka4dQb “It just doesn’t bother me,” said one executive with a smaller-market team. “Rules say it’s perfectly above board and it’s still a $46 million CBT hit, s o I struggle to see it as a dodge. Move on.” 一位小市場球隊管理層: 這不會困擾我,符合規則+依然每年要佔$46M薪資空間 我很難將其視為一種逃避奢侈稅的行為 “It’s a f—ing joke,” one team executive said of the contract structure. “It ’s a complete joke. … This f—ing guy is going to get paid for 20 years.” 另一隻球隊管理層: 付20年太誇張惹吧 The fourth player agent questioned the precedent Ohtani was setting, however. No t in terms of CBT, but in a perceived personal sacrifice to lighten the Dodgers ’ payroll. 然而有經紀人對大谷所開創的先例提出了質疑 不是在奢侈稅方面 而是為了減輕道奇隊的薪資空間,而做出的個人犧牲。 “I think it is a bad deal for Ohtani, a bad deal for baseball players,” the ag ent said. “Putting the best team on the field, that’s ownership’s issue. Ohta ni is not participating in the increase in the Dodgers franchise value, any of t hat stuff. He shouldn’t be essentially funding the way they can operate the tea m. And that’s what he’s done. He’s taking pride in doing that 經紀人A: 這對球員是張爛約,處理薪資空間是球團的責任 只不過他好像很榮幸能幫忙這事 Most agents would probably say it’s the worst thing ever, because that’s what happens when some guy does a record deal,” said a player agent, who was pointin g out how jealous and competitive his ilk can be. “I think actually in this cas e, it’s the truth: It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, for a lot of reasons.” 經紀人B: 大部分經紀人應該都會認為這是史上發生最爛的事吧 因為這發生在破紀錄合約上 That agent, like some other agents, believed the present value of Ohtani’s deal to be too low. The league and the union calculate the “discounted present valu e” of Ohtani’s deal to actually be $46 million annually, not $70 million, so t he contract could be thought of as being worth about $460 million in total over a decade. 經紀人B: 而且這樣算下來,這張合約的實際總額太低 “This is the best player ever,” the agent continued. “You’re never going to be able to surpass it. No player will be more valuable. It will be 100 years bef ore we see someone like him again. It’s the opportunity (lost) that is upsettin g to me.” 經紀人B: 他是百年難得一見的球員誒 結果只拿460M 錯失這次機會我蠻失望的 But others reacted in a more restrained manner, saying that with the deferral te rms, the contract finally just made sense. “It was in line with expectations,” said the same head of baseball ops who had wondered about the deferrals. “I think they dressed it up to get that shock va lue, that big number. But when you actually factor in the present value with the deferrals, it’s in the range you would have expected.” 一位管理層: 這符合預期呀 我認為他們這樣搞是為了獲得那個令人震驚的價值 但當你實際考慮延期的現值時,它就在你預期的範圍內 Even some rival player agents defended the deal. “Everyone loves to criticize, but this contract is a brilliant move by Ohtani a nd Andrew (Friedman of the Dodgers), and they should be applauded,” a different agent said. “Ohtani wants to win, and this structure lowers the cap hit, which enables the club to add star players. I’m betting that the Dodgers will also s ign (Japanese free-agent right-hander Yoshinobu) Yamamoto.” 但也有經紀人為這張約辯護 認為這份合約是大谷和道奇的明智之舉 他們應該受到讚揚 But Walter and the Dodgers appear to have considerable freedom as to how to allo cate that money. Per the CBA, the team could keep it in cash, or stocks, or “un encumbered assets.” The CBA also allows the league and union to agree on an alt ernative form, if the parties wish. 道奇隊在如何分配這筆原本要給的錢方面似乎擁有相當大的自由 根據 CBA 的規定 球隊可以將其保留為現金、股票或無負擔資產。 “If you ask any hedge-fund guy or real-estate guy if they think they can double their money in 10 years, they’re going to say absolutely,” a third player age nt said. “If you’re looking at this from the Dodgers’ standpoint only, there is no doubt in their mind, in their ownership’s mind, that this is probably the most favorable deal they could have ever imagined. 經紀人C: 如果你問任何對沖基金人士或房地產人士 他們是否能將這筆錢在十年內翻倍 他們會說絕對可以 所以如果你只從道奇隊的角度來看這件事 毫無疑問,在道奇老闆的頭腦中 這可能是他們能想像到的最棒合約 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1702487512.A.1E5.html

46 則留言

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/14/2023 01:12:11
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/14/2023 01:15:18

shanaandlai, 1F
這邊的評論合理 冷靜許多

Mikufans, 2F
Chris Davis延遲付款部分也15年啊還包含之前的

Mikufans, 3F

DendiQ, 4F

DendiQ, 5F

ocean11, 6F
之前大家傳550以上 可是不算延遲的 這樣低了快100M

mirrorlee, 7F
550以上主要是沒再次受傷前 受傷後從400-600都有 但大
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/14/2023 01:41:37

mirrorlee, 8F
部分都是覺得有可能挑戰500 460其實沒偏離太遠
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/14/2023 01:45:01

mirrorlee, 9F
感謝z大的節文 解開了我這兩天的疑問 如果CBA規定這筆

mirrorlee, 10F
錢可以用股票或其他資產方式存在 那簽約7億 雖然每年還

mirrorlee, 11F
是得存入大谷專戶7000萬 但實際上這7000萬是可以作為其

mirrorlee, 12F
他投資使用 那麼當然比10年4.6億對道奇球團有利

jerry00116, 13F

jerry00116, 14F

jerry00116, 15F

jerry00116, 16F

NuCat, 17F
大谷這fake二刀流想在歷史留名 玩這種小動作 令人不齒

ewayne, 18F

ewayne, 19F

Yjizz, 20F

weitomato, 21F

kiss7938, 22F

wei850616, 23F

ryuchan, 24F

GyroZeppeli, 25F
一堆人幫小市場球隊抱不平 結果他們沒意見

SULICon, 26F

goury, 27F

goury, 28F

kidney0616, 29F

geneaven, 30F

geneaven, 31F

geneaven, 32F

Ayukawayen, 33F

Ayukawayen, 34F
谷簽低了,這樣他們更難幫客戶抬價,抽成會變少 XD

NuCat, 35F
投機取巧的小人 真的那麼想幫球隊省空間直接簽底薪啊

NuCat, 36F
玩這種旁門左道 難怪連國外留言區都一堆人幹譙

NuCat, 37F
日本人就是日本人 永遠只會玩這種小動作 令人不齒

geneaven, 38F

astr, 39F

darkMood, 40F

Kydland, 41F
翻倍其實不難 5年前買QQQ 現在就翻一倍多了

goury, 42F

goury, 43F

mirrorlee, 44F
好像很多人誤解了甚麼 有錢人圈子裡的賺錢項目跟公開基

mirrorlee, 45F
金的項目能一樣嗎 道奇球團的投資項目市場上能找到一樣

mirrorlee, 46F
的嗎 那是跟一般人不一樣的圈子好嗎

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