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Fw: [情報] Chelsea Janes 支持 Arcia 報導記者

最新2023-10-14 07:54:00
推噓34 ( 34060 )
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1bAAtmn6 ] 作者: ccpz (OoOoOo) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] Chelsea Janes 支持 Arcia 報導記者 時間: Fri Oct 13 10:39:42 2023 https://twitter.com/chelsea_janes/status/1712612301604303148 Hey there, I’m the other reporter who reported what Arcia said in the clubhouse Monday night. I didn’t name him because I didn’t see who said it. But I’m sick of watching people, particularly colleagues in the media, criticize my friend @Jake_Mintz for it. A 我也寫了一篇 Arcia 的新聞,但因為當時不確定是誰說的而沒寫出名字。 可是我對 Jake Mintz 被眾人批評感到不太舒服。 -- Cameras were rolling. Recorders were rolling. In fact, last night, I asked Arcia if he knows recorders are rolling in the clubhouse. He said, through his interpreter, that “there are. I don’t know that they have to be there, but they are.” 當時記者,攝影機,錄音機都在休息室內到處亂晃。我在事件後還問 Arcia: "你有認知到記者在休息室採訪嗎?",他透過翻譯回答: "雖然我不知道他們會在這時來採訪,但我知道他們在這" -- 1) He yelled the phrase when cameras and recorders were rolling. I have audio. Had he done it at a slightly different moment, a camera sending an interview live to the truck might have caught it. Would you be eviscerating that network? Or would you say, 1. 他在記者四處訪問時說出那些字,我也錄下來了。假如你知道 攝影機現場直撥還說那些東西,難道還會罵他們不該播報嗎? -- Shouldn’t say that with cameras around? 還是說你會檢討自己不該在攝影機前亂講話? 2) Suggesting you shouldn’t report something said in the presence of MORE THAN A DOZEN reporters because it “wasn’t meant to get out?” is suggesting reporters should be protecting players from themselves. That’s not our job. It’s theirs. 2. 假如你認為就算在一大群記者前,他們也該保護球員,不要報導私下的內心話? 但這不是記者的工作,球員自己就該注意。 -- And 3) HE SAID ATTABOY HARPER. It wasn’t a slur. It wasn’t hateful. It was trash talk and the only reason anyone cares that it got out is because they know it would motivate Harper to beat them. Which implies the Braves do not feel they can handle a motivated Bryce Harper and are 3. 他只是說了:"好樣的" 垃圾話。並不是貶低他,也不是仇恨。 只因為你不希望他受到挑釁就不該報導? 那是不是代表勇士害怕因為 Harper -- Willing to suggest that is why they lost the other day. Otherwise, why not laugh it off? And frankly, shouldn’t everyone in the Atlanta clubhouse have far greater concerns after an 10-2 loss than whether Bryce Harper is mad at their shortstop? They lost by 8! 被挑釁後全力全開而輸球?不然幹嘛這麼在意這報導? 而且比起 Harper 抓狂,勇士更應該擔心他們 10-2 輸了8 分! -- I didn’t say something sooner because I thought this was overblown. And frankly, I thought it wouldn’t help. But I am genuinely disgusted by the way some media members are acting like a reporter was in the wrong for this. He wasn’t. 我不會再對這炒過頭的事件發表意見,而且我認為這樣也沒幫助。 但我覺得站在反對報導那方的媒體讓人不舒服。 -- And if the Braves let this be the story of their series, that’s on them. Win and it goes away. Period. 假如勇士認為休息室的報導規範很重要,那就這樣吧。 但為什麼不趕快贏得系列賽讓一切煙消雲散呢? Jon Heyman 也贊同他: https://twitter.com/JonHeyman/status/1712646163906621638 Very Worthwhile thread. I’m amazed media people r criticizing a reporter for reporting what was said in front of many reporters. He’s supposed to guess the player wanted it heard but not reported? Plus, this seemed to only become regrettable after Harper responded with 2 homers! 為什麼要批評球員在記者前的講話被寫成報導呢? 難道我們要讀心判斷哪些該報導,哪些不該? 而且他們好像在 Harper 打了雙響炮才後悔, 而不是報導出來就後悔! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1697164784.A.C46.html

94 則留言

Melonbrother, 1F
※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 10/13/2023 10:40:59

Chanlin01, 2F
學鼓人直接把費城人打爆不就好了 出頭一堆

polanco, 3F
Fw: [情報] Chelsea Janes 支持 Arcia 報導記者

mschien8295, 4F

mschien8295, 5F

polanco, 6F

GenjiEd, 7F

skypieadream, 8F

Axy8, 9F

earnformoney, 10F
看成Chipper Jones

MKAngelheart, 11F
Arcia的回應真的不行 多講多錯…

MKAngelheart, 12F
記者並沒有違規 更何況你有意識到有人在 嘴巴還那

MKAngelheart, 13F
麼大 而重點更在 把費城炸爛就沒這些事情了 但並沒

MKAngelheart, 14F

csticker, 15F
看來也知道有媒體故意嘲諷大聲的喔 被打爆才哭哭

sppray, 16F

Bilison, 17F

DoraPtt, 18F
有實力就自己炸兩隻 下去放假嘍

appshjkli, 19F
輸不起 哭哭

ChienEric, 20F
其實他也沒有貶低 然後被報出去之後就被塑造成敗人品

Fitzwilliam, 21F

ccpz, 22F
@Fitzwilliam OK
※ 轉錄者: Fitzwilliam ( 臺灣), 10/13/2023 12:58:26

Fitzwilliam, 23F
Jon Heyman和Ken Rosenthal支持報導Arcia舉止的記者

Fitzwilliam, 24F

Fitzwilliam, 25F

Fitzwilliam, 26F

Fitzwilliam, 27F

saidon, 28F

Fitzwilliam, 29F

Sulstan, 30F
Belcher都可以on camera直接動手X記者了亂講話還好啦 呵

Sulstan, 31F
實際上就如他說的Win & it goes away.JUST WIN, BABY!!

uranusjr, 32F

simonown, 33F
1.Arcia是在背景打鬧 壓根不是接受訪問

simonown, 34F
2.Jake Mintz是在Podcast喇賽把人家抖出來 不是寫啥報導

simonown, 35F
這就不是什麼報導自由 是你偷聽八卦在那邊當散播bitch

stephanal, 36F

simonown, 37F
當然不會明文禁止你gossiping 但大台記者有要格局這樣嗎

youngpaper, 38F
世風日下 管不住囉

ts012108, 39F
這樣搞 真的以後球團大家都會更嚴格

Kydland, 84F
我臉 但我的看法不會變 如果我是公關主管 我最多就是找

Kydland, 85F
記者溝通喝咖啡 然後找球員請他們多加留意 這樣就好 公

Kydland, 86F
關處理要委婉圓融 維繫關係 除非是刺客記者那樣違反規定

Kydland, 87F

bestteam, 88F

bestteam, 89F

Sulstan, 90F
XDDDDDDDDD.Because correlation equals causation here!

appshjkli, 91F
第一天上MLB嗎 笑死

Herb5566, 92F

Herb5566, 93F

Herb5566, 94F

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