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[情報] MLB嗆工會違反三月協定

最新2020-06-17 11:52:00
推噓17 ( 17026 )
https://tinyurl.com/y8fvllez Deputy MLB commissioner Dan Halem suggested the union has not acted in good faith in negotiations, hinting at the league’s possible stance if and when this matter ends up before an arbitrator. By Halem’s framing, labor is taking an obstructionist stance as the league provides what it labels a “ final counterproposal” for a 72-game season. That the sides are now exchanging angry letters, even as the clock ticks on squeezing in games, is to an extent merely confirmation of that underlying state of affairs. But there’s also a nod to a serious escalation lurking just beneath the surface. Halem hints less than subtly at a possible effort by the league to disrupt the sides’ late March agreement, claiming the union has “purposely failed to fulfill its obligations” and “deprived the Clubs the benefit of their bargain” in the contract. 今天MLB提出新條件的同時 也一併嗆工會沒遵守三月簽約的規定 "故意阻撓談判" 也暗示如果把議題帶到仲裁的可能後果 ps: 如果不清楚三月協定的內容 這裡有詳細文本可參考 https://tinyurl.com/y7qocgml The agreement, of which a copy was provided to USA TODAY Sports, lists three provisions in order to play this year: 1. There are no federal, state, city, or local restrictions on mass gatherings or other restrictions that would materially limit the Clubs’ ability to play games in front of spectators, with regular fan access, in each of the 30 Clubs’ home ballparks; provided, however, that the Commissioner will consider the use of appropriate substitute neutral sites where economically feasible. 2. There shall be no relevant restrictions on traveling throughout the United States and Canada. 3. The Commissioner determines, after consultation with recognized medical experts and the Players Association, that it does not pose an unreasonable health and safety risk to players, staff, or spectators to stage games in front of fans in each of the 30 Clubs’ home ballparks; provided that, the Office of the Commissioner and Players Association will discuss in good faith the economic feasibility of playing games in the absence of spectators or at appropriate substitute neutral sites. 聯盟就是根據上色部分和工會重談薪資 關於上色部分的意思 聯盟也據說曾和工會確認過 工會也同意是要在無觀眾比賽時談減薪事宜 https://tinyurl.com/y8lcgz2j In an email that Houlihan sent to deputy commissioner Dan Halem, MLB’s lead negotiator, that was cc-ed to several other prominent league officials, he wrote on Issue 1: “Matt asked what ‘economic feasibility’ meant in Section I. I told him it meant that we would only consider playing in neutral sites or without fans if it worked for us economically. I reminded him of Rob’s comments at the outset that playing in empty stadiums did not work for us economically. But I said, for example, that we might be willing to have a conversation about playing some limited number of games in empty stadiums if players agreed to reduce their daily salaries for those games, and if it was part of a larger plan that made economic sense. Matt confirmed that that is what he thought we meant, but appreciated the confirmation.” 如果真的上仲裁庭 誰會被打臉呢? (按照上次Kris Bryant仲裁的結果 感覺現在的仲裁人很偏資方...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1592019326.A.D47.html

43 則留言

Roshiel, 1F

appshjkli, 2F
可以理解球員不想減薪啦 阿都不想談時間過去場數只會

appshjkli, 3F
變少不會變多 我真的覺得現在球員工會腦子有洞

blacklittle, 4F

willywasd, 5F
the sides remain entrenched in a disagreement ove

willywasd, 6F
r an agreement

willywasd, 7F

ocean11, 8F

vgil, 9F
球隊賺不到錢球員薪水哪來 搞到最後雙輸

sikerkuaitai, 10F
工會真的是一群87上談判桌 老闆少賺一年真的不會死

sikerkuaitai, 11F
但球員少領一年生計必出問題 把想工作的無辜球員拖

sikerkuaitai, 12F
下水 反正資方以逸待勞看勞方內鬥

t1016d, 13F

t1016d, 14F
拖到時間剩五十場左右就會讓聯盟方付出一樣的薪水 同時球

t1016d, 15F
員方領到 100% 照場次減少的薪水了

t1016d, 16F

ianshadow, 17F

ianshadow, 18F

Roshiel, 19F

Roshiel, 20F

chen5512, 21F

x265, 22F
還在共體時艱呀 應該是反過來才對吧 球員少賺一年沒關係

x265, 23F
但老闆可經不起虧損 每一分錢都要計較

x265, 24F
MLB球員不是窮人 現在低頭 以後就等著常常被人壓榨

ChrisDavis, 25F
老闆能不打就不用付薪水 當然最好 而且已經有退讓了

ChrisDavis, 26F

mirac1e, 27F
今年應該是打不成了 連縮水球季都有問題

Zodelyst, 28F

Zodelyst, 29F

Zodelyst, 30F

Zodelyst, 31F
讓保險進場 NYY根本沒差

Zodelyst, 32F
那可撥的轉播費 反正是自家的 賴了就賴了

ewayne, 33F

sampsonlu919, 34F
怒噓XXXXXXXXX天殺該死的近平肺炎 就算早就知道勞

sampsonlu919, 35F
資本來就緊張 就算也知道肺炎嚴重度 但我還是要說x

sampsonlu919, 36F

sikerkuaitai, 37F
左膠總認為世界辜負自己 卻不願正視87工會長簽的爛

sikerkuaitai, 38F
協議 搞成勞方完全拿資方沒皮條

Roshiel, 39F

Roshiel, 40F

sampsonlu919, 41F
另外就是MLB已經超過20年沒有重大的勞資糾紛 所以

sampsonlu919, 42F
早就被點名會是四大聯盟中 近期下一個面臨長期封館

Sulstan, 43F
我只想說如果2020球季不打快點把MLB TV的錢退給我

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