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[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名

最新2021-12-10 07:30:00
推噓21 ( 2218 )
https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/15885/inven-global-awards-the-best-mid-laners-of-2021-nominees https://reurl.cc/YjxeWa https://i.imgur.com/9Okk0SP.png
[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名
Gwak "Bdd" Bo-seong From his ability to absolutely dominate in lane to flawless teamfighting, Bdd is a mid laner who is highly regarded by his mid lane peers. However, Bdd’s true value as a mid laner came from his ability to step up his game when stakes were high. 3-0’ing T1 at the LCK Spring semifinals and pushing EDG to game 5 at Worlds semifinals can largely be credited to Bdd’s performance, and he did it in a dominating fashion. For Bdd, 2021 was a year of tremendous growth, while reminding every one of his competitors why his name is to be feared in the process. 對線統治,無瑕團戰,BDD也收到了中路同行的高度評價,然而BDD作為中路的真正價值是在高強度比賽時加速遊戲進程的能力,LCK春季賽3:0 T1以及四強賽把EDG逼上第五場很大一部份要歸功於BDD,而且以一種具有統治力的方式達成,2021對BDD來說是巨幅成長的一年,也提醒了他的對手為何他的名字令人恐懼。 https://i.imgur.com/kw0Fl1K.png
[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名
Jeong "Chovy" Ji-hoon One trait that LCK mid laners all have in common is that they’re more proficient at min/maxing their resources and that all stems from having strong fundamentals in the game: the player’s laning phase. Chovy is a mid laner who’s able to utilize his deep knowledge of the game and execute it flawlessly, without missing a single detail. With his ability to CS better than his opponents even in disadvantageous matchups to his ability to create ‘montages’ with every play he makes, there’s no doubt that he’s one of the greats. LCK中路的共通點是他們擅長最大化利用自己的資源,而這一切都源自於他們強大的基本功:在對線期時,Chovy能用自己對遊戲的理解完美執行比賽,連一點細節都不會遺漏,即便是劣勢對線他的CS也不會輸給對手,而且每場比賽都能帶來精采操作,絕對能夠被稱得上是一位偉大的選手。 https://i.imgur.com/6SCz9s9.png
[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名
Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok As the greatest League of Legends player in history, Faker was a leader among his rookie teammates this year. Although Faker did not seem as untouchable as he was during his days as the Unkillable Demon King, it was undeniable that he was performing the best he ever has in years. His leadership can be largely credited to T1’s success this year, as they finished 2nd place at the LCK Summer finals and top four at Worlds, falling to DWG KIA in both series. 身為LOL史上最偉大的選手,Faker今年仍是這群新人隊友的領導,雖然Faker看起來再也不像當年不可一世的不死魔王,但不可否認的是他的表現是這幾年來最好的,他的領導力也帶領今年的T1邁向成功,最後止步於LCK夏季賽亞軍及世界賽四強,兩輪系列賽皆負於DWG KIA。 https://i.imgur.com/fC2hV2Y.png
[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名
Lee "Scout" Ye-chan 2021 was a happy ending to Scout’s Cinderella story, as EDG managed to take the upset victory over DWG KIA 3-2. As a mid laner who started out as a sub for Faker in 2015, he’s been a part of EDG since 2016, and despite making appearances at Worlds in previous years, EDG have been in a slump for a very long time. This year was obviously very different, as the right pieces of the puzzle seemed to have gathered to take it all. They put themselves back on the map with their performance in the Spring, took back the throne in the LPL when they beat FunPlus Phoenix 3-1 in the Summer finals, and successfully completed a grueling tournament run against the best of the best to win it all. 2021年是Scout灰姑娘故事的完美結局,因為EDG最後3-2擊敗了DWG KIA,2015年作為Faker的替補出道,從2016年就加入了EDG,儘管過去幾年EDG就進入了世界賽,但EDG已經沉淪許久。 今年很明顯的不同了,因為拼圖看起來已經正確的拼在一起了,他們在春季賽的優秀表現讓自己回到大眾視野中,夏季賽3-1擊敗FPX更是奪回了自己的王冠,並且在與最強者的對決中艱難贏下,拿下了冠軍。 https://i.imgur.com/fpi4hKU.png
[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名
Heo "ShowMaker" Su ShowMaker’s 2021 season was full of ups and downs. He did become the 2021 LCK Spring champion, but after DWG KIA's devastating loss to Royal Never Give Up at the MSI 2021 finals, he and the team fell into a slump. It was only after when analyst coach Yang “Daeny” Dae-in rejoined the team in the Summer split, that the team looked untouchable again. However, even when DWG KIA had their weird phase of experimenting with role-swapping, the best performing player by far was ShowMaker. The fact that he's performed so well two years in a row is an impressive feat to boot, but he was literally one game away from making DWG KIA the second team to win back-to-back Worlds. There’s no doubt ShowMaker will go down in LoL esports history as one of the best to ever grace the mid lane. ShowMaker的2021賽季跌宕起伏,他拿下了2021LCK春季賽冠軍,但隨後DWG KIA在2021 MSI慘敗於RNG,他和隊伍都陷入了低潮,直到Daeny在夏季賽重新加入,隊伍看起來又不可動搖了。 然而,即便歷經DWG KIA 輪換選手的奇怪時期時,表現最好的選手依然是ShowMaker,連續兩年的優秀表現令人印象深刻,然而他距離讓DWG KIA成為史上第二支連霸隊伍卻差了一場比賽,但毫無疑問的ShowMaker可以成為LOL史上最強中路之一。 榮譽提名:Kim "Doinb" Tae-sang Throughout most of the 2021 season, the 2019 world champions FunPlus Phoenix put on a strong performance. After failing to qualify for Worlds in 2020, they ’ve acquired top laner Jang “Nuguri” Ha-gwon and seemed to have reinvigorated themselves for 2021. Finishing 2nd place in both Spring and Summer, many experts have predicted FPX as one of the tournament favorites. However, to everyone’s shock, FPX finished their group stage run with a 2-4 record, and was eliminated as the last place team in their group. Although Doinb stumbled in the end, his performance throughout the Spring and Summer split deserves recognition. 2021賽季時,2019年的冠軍FPX都表現得很強,在失去2020世界賽資格後,他們招募了上路Nuguri讓他們看起來2021又重新振作了起來,在春夏季賽皆以亞軍作收後,許多專家都認為FPX是奪冠熱門。 然而,驚呆13億人的是,FPX最後以小組賽2-4的成績結束,以小組最後一名之姿慘遭淘汰,雖然Doinb最終跌跌撞撞,但他春夏季賽的表現仍值得肯定。 好像有人在偷臭Doinb耶 -- 蝙蝠俠的搞笑能力 https://i.imgur.com/Dx2ZGyZ.png
[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名
[閒聊] Inven Global 2021 最佳中路提名
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31 則留言

wade59420, 1F
※ 編輯: wai0806 ( 臺灣), 12/09/2021 18:47:32

iceman5566, 2F
怎麼沒有 Bay 窩圈片隊伍裡面的好貨ㄟ

pongbao, 3F

NTUKarbe, 4F

jason2325, 5F

y12544, 6F
榮譽提名 笑死

Fantasyweed, 7F
中文誰翻的阿XDDDDD 請問臭Doinb算是辱華嗎

kenken159951, 8F

yoche2000, 9F

koy784512, 10F
Doinb? 好像有人在臭
※ 編輯: wai0806 ( 臺灣), 12/09/2021 18:50:13

Fantasyweed, 11F
翻嘎蓋赫 我以為原文寫驚呆13億 我想看怎麼寫的XDD

y12544, 12F
那也沒辦法 四強中路都韓國人

qt359101, 13F
督硬幣 笑鼠

vvvv0o0vvvv, 14F

teaferry, 15F
笑死 13億人都驚呆了

piyo0604, 16F

qazxsw123, 17F

c871111116, 18F
在監獄啦 不要再問了

oDNSoIce, 19F
沒有開台 關台中
※ 編輯: wai0806 ( 臺灣), 12/09/2021 19:00:47

c871111116, 20F

takutosky, 21F

y12544, 22F

piyo0604, 23F
我們鼻地帝跟世界冠軍打到3:2 肯定是要給點尊重8==

qaz80691, 24F

cimo764, 25F

aw7square, 26F
Doinb LUL

nO25948, 27F

agb202214, 28F

Faydee0613, 29F

honeypeanut, 30F

Sponge77, 31F