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Re: [Live] 客場對狼隊 英超第22輪

最新2023-02-12 06:37:00
推噓67 ( 670203 )
※ 引述《simonown (賽門王)》之銘言: : → simonown: https://i.imgur.com/hUE0lFQ.png
Re: [Live] 客場對狼隊 英超第22輪
02/05 01:51
: → simonown: 這種聲音都開始浮出來了 大家坐穩了 02/05 01:51 : → simonown: https://tinyurl.com/2attyz6p 02/05 02:23 : → simonown: 被問到為何這季開局都這麼慢 渣叔回說u know why 對於 02/05 02:24 : → simonown: 你所寫的東西 很難跟你交代 如果別人問的話我會回答 02/05 02:25 : → simonown: https://tinyurl.com/2xjsxofw 02/05 02:31 : → simonown: DaveOCKOP立刻轉了然後說 This is crazy 02/05 02:31 : 推 IloveJTT: 所以是擺爛抗議嗎 02/05 02:32 : → simonown: 然後渣叔也終於透露出點隊球員的不滿了 02/05 02:34 : → simonown: https://i.imgur.com/JCU3tjr.png
Re: [Live] 客場對狼隊 英超第22輪
02/05 02:34
這場賽後的渣叔很不場面話(外加跟James Pearce槓上) 把訪談轉過來略翻一下好了 希望這場不會是什麼我軍歷史轉捩點的一場...... 最重的我覺得是這幾句: The leadership (in the defense) is missing. I can’t explain it, I think why would you do that? But they did it anyway.” --- Jurgen Klopp: “I’m so disappointed and angry” by Mark O Connell 04.02.2023 (輸球)沒有理由,我無法解釋。 可怕的開局,前兩球不該那樣被進,但因為我們自己的錯所以就發生了。我們應該要 守得更好,那期間太被動了。 需要改變,我沒得解釋,很抱歉。 我們下場比賽需要立刻做出變動,對於前15分鐘我非常失望且憤怒。難以言喻。 開局太可怕,所有事都事與願違,令人挫折且失望。我們親手鑄下前12分鐘的錯 ,那不該發生,難以接受。前12分鐘大概是最差勁的時刻。 狼隊值得三分。 一般的時候我們把那當成一個艱困的時刻,但今天的前15分鐘不是那樣,我們所做的 完全不OK。 我們最好快點做出改變,100% 真的,我無從說起,很抱歉。防守上的領導完全消失, 我無法解釋,我在想為什麼你們(球員)要這樣幹?但他們就還是做了。 早早丟球不是我們的慣習,但今天的丟球是不可接受的。 我們自己製造了問題,我被問說這是不是去年打了63場比賽的結果,是的,那有影響 ,但現在已經二月了,而且我們有一整週可以準備。 我沒提被進的第三球是因為這才是對手下半場第一次傳過中場線,而前兩球,在我念 了一整週而且開賽前還提醒過,依然丟了那兩球這是很恐怖的。 - “There is no excuse for it. I cannot explain it.” “It was a horrible start. Two goals which cannot happen like that. But it happened and we were 2-0 down because of our own fault. We should have defended better. We were passive in that period.” “It needs to change. I have no explanation. I’m sorry.” “We have to change it immediately in the next game. I’m so disappointed and angry about the first 15 minutes, I can’t find the words for it. “The start of the game was absolutely horrible, the opposite of what we wanted to do. Very frustrating and very disappointing. We caused our misery with the first 12 minutes. That cannot happen. It’s really tough to swallow. These first 12 minutes were the worst for a while.” “Wolves deserve the three points.” “How long do we want to suffer? It is one explanation in general yes, but not for the first 15 minutes here today. What we make of it in this moment is absolutely not OK.” “We better change it. That’s true, 100%. I have no words for it really, I’ m sorry. The leadership (in the defense) is missing. I can’t explain it, I think why would you do that? But they did it anyway.” “Conceding early goals is not unfamiliar to us but the way we conceded them today was not acceptable.” “We caused problems for ourselves. I got asked if it was down to the 63 games last season. Yes, it had an influence, but it’s February and we had a full week to prepare.” “The third goal I don’t count because it was the first time they passed the halfway line in the second half. The other two goals, going into a game with all the things we said during the week and before the game then this is the start is horrible.” https://www.daveockop.com/latest-news/jurgen-klopp-im-so-disappointed-and-angry/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 另外補一些 James Pearce 在 TA 提到的記者會內容 (上面那篇沒提到的) https://theathletic.com/4155868/2023/02/04/jurgen-klopp-liverpool-form/ 我清楚我的工作,你也清楚,我在這裡不是要解釋我怎樣建隊。我會被你評論,那OK ,但今天我做的就是不夠好。 今天的比賽有著天壤之別,頭12分鐘與後續的表現。下半場前25~30分鐘我們踢得不錯 除了沒進球之外。 很難總結,球隊缺乏信心,你也能看到,但事情還是出在防守,要堅實、主動。你不 需要很有信心才能防守吧,只要把你的人卡在對手與球中間,截住球、避免被過啊。 你可以看到Bajcetic很有信心,但其他人就不一樣了。不過下半場就算信心低迷,我 們還是有機會踢出比賽,如果我們進一兩顆球應該不會太驚訝。 我不認為球員在他們最好的狀態,我喜歡這樣嗎?不。但我依然知道他們很棒,他們能 做什麼。我們如果不推自己一把,那些事就會繼續發生。7~8 個球員都跟被進的第一顆 或第二顆無關,但他們全都受影響了。這是我們要克服的,我沒有失去對他們的信心, 但我看到我們有些地方得進步的。 - “I know my job, you know my job, it’s not to explain here how I can build up my team. I will be judged by you, which is fine. But today was not good enough, what I did. “We saw different games today — the first 12 minutes, then an okay away performance where we created, we were there. Then we started the second half extremely well, 25 to 30 minutes brilliant, a super away game without scoring. “It’s really difficult to summarise. The team is not full of confidence, you can see that, but it was about defending, being compact, being active. Do you need a lot of confidence for that? I’m not so sure. Just put your body between the ball and the opponent, block the ball, avoid the cross. “You saw Stefan Bajcetic is obviously full of confidence, all the others start a bit different. But in the second half, with low confidence, we were still able to play this game, and nobody would have been surprised if we’d scored once or twice.” Asked if he had lost confidence in his players, Klopp said: “I don’t think they are at their best at the moment. Do I like that? No. But I still know how good they are, and how they can be. These things happen because we don’t help ourselves. Seven or eight players had no part in the first goal, seven or eight had no part in the second goal, but everybody is influenced by it. These other situations we have to go through. I haven’t lost confidence in the boys, but I see where we have to improve.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW,渣叔槓 James Pearce 的發言 (被提問為何本季開局都這麼慢熱): "You know why. For all the stuff you wrote. If someone else wants to ask that question that is fine." --- 蠻驚訝這場渣叔賽後的反應,感覺是對球員/對記者積怨到不演了orz -- 白羊與蛾的天馬行空/對話式/非典型非遊記 https://www.facebook.com/GOATnMOTH http://www.instagram.com/GOATnMOTH -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Liverpool/M.1675537036.A.89C.html

Re: 回文串

> Re: [Live] 客場對狼隊 英超第22輪
Liverpool02/05 02:57

270 則留言

d51510, 1F

lane34, 2F
問題是JP有寫什麼很重的話還是誤解嗎 我不記得有

simonown, 3F
應該也沒 所以其他記者才都這麼震驚吧

lane34, 4F
渣叔說唸了一整週還是一樣散漫丟球 是我也會氣死

lane34, 5F
或者渣叔就是氣頭上 JP明顯就是知情人 這樣問很故意?不懂

lane34, 6F
渣叔不能噴上面的人 再不快點有個明確交代 渣叔肯定走

simonown, 7F

simonown, 8F

leeleeg, 9F
※ 編輯: simonown ( 臺灣), 02/05/2023 03:33:38

simonown, 10F
"have to change it immediately in the next game"

simonown, 11F
如果是指換掉態度不對的球員的話 那就看下一場誰被拉了

simonown, 12F
當然也可能只是換換戰術陣勢 只是我覺得他今天對著球員

simonown, 13F
說的成分特別重 只差沒明白點出是誰了

AhCheng, 14F
記者問題先不說,渣叔對著球員說重話 處理不好就是直接爆

AhCheng, 15F
炸了,未來如果確定的話 希望他還能有這種權力就是 該整

AhCheng, 16F

Supasizeit, 17F

Supasizeit, 18F

yeadean, 19F

yeadean, 20F

shifa, 21F

IloveJTT, 22F

IloveJTT, 23F

lane34, 24F
心態疲乏了 也沒有新的火花 當然一直輸球會放大問題

lane34, 25F
看到渣叔上次記者會說冬轉我們不會有引援的表情 心疼死

volfken, 26F
渣叔氣炸應該是他還不想掀鍋蓋 但明明很知道球隊狀況的

volfken, 27F

simonown, 28F

simonown, 29F

simonown, 30F

simonown, 31F

Torreschu, 32F
我們家除了Konate沒人踢滿世界盃吧? 是在累啥?

apestage, 33F
只有前場是活的 剩下真慘

apestage, 34F
我看這下換血 精彩了 整組壞光光

apestage, 35F

apestage, 36F
然後沒歐霸 沒歐冠 一堆球員不想來 進入黑暗期

apestage, 37F

apestage, 38F
從球團到高層 到教練 到制服組 到球員 壞光光

apestage, 39F

simonown, 265F
卡拉格有一篇最新長文 https://tinyurl.com/2hkkd5cb

simonown, 266F
1.有點質疑沒買到Tchouameni時 渣叔的選擇是等貝林漢姆

simonown, 267F
而不是馬上尋求中場替代者 當時是有錢的 然後不解

simonown, 268F
買Gakpo 不是典型渣叔愛用的類型

simonown, 269F

simonown, 270F

simonown, 271F
3.對渣叔選人眼光仍然很有信心 但球隊立即需要一個總監

simonown, 272F
(以上摘錄略翻 建議看原文比較能理解他的語氣)

simonown, 273F
btw 原本說閃辭想離開足球休息的Ward蠻可能去AJAX

simonown, 274F

AhCheng, 275F

lane34, 276F
這就是我覺得渣叔一把抓的憂慮 有專門的人來看比較好 見解

lane34, 277F
也比較有不同面向 續亨四年問題不大 大的是沒有再看新中場

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