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[情報] Iksar談平衡改動內容

最新2019-05-17 14:02:00
推噓49 ( 58967 )
來源:https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/bo4ljd/_/enf5x1u/ We look at the meta every day. In day one it was Bomb Warrior. We evaluated the population, win-rate, looked at matchups, got anecdotal data on how if feels to play or play against, then played it a bunch at high levels on the ladder ourselves. Then it became Rogue, then Druid, back to Rogue, finally onto a combination of those three classes and Hunter stabilizing at the top in terms of win-rate. All along the way we talk about what changes we would make to any individual class if it got to a point we thought it was necessary. With every deck we do this, even if we're not publicly discussing what we might change. What I can say, and have said in various publications over the last week or two, is that Rogue is the class we're looking the closest at. The reason for that is that even though the best Rogue deck tends to cycle between best and fourth best archetype, it's the class with the least amount of poor matchups. When a deck is 53ish% win rate but has only 1-2 matchups below 50%, there is a high risk of the meta stabilizing around that deck. On the flip side, when you look at a class like Warrior the matchups are a little more varied, with some matchups being around 45% and some around 55%. Polarized matchups get a lot of flack for various reasons, but a great deck having good and bad matchups is a big reason why the meta is able to shift on its own rather than stabilize in one spot. Of course, it's not all about data. The reason we actually change things is because of how they feel. One of the factors that contributes to how something feels to play against is how long it's been around. For example, even if best deck X felt alright to be the best for a week, players probably won't feel like that if best deck X is still there 2 months later. That's where data comes in. We've been watching gameplay trends in data for 15 sets now and have a pretty good idea what a meta looks like when it's about to see a shift and what a meta looks like when it's completely stabilized. The part where data doesn't help is when we have decks that cast Shudderwock 15 times or have an indestructible Lifestealing weapon. Those changes are based around feel and are what we generally come to places like reddit looking for. In terms of communication, we first have to get aligned internally. This subreddit finds out what we've decided to do when we get a patch date in place, the official messaging has been written, and it's been translated into all languages. This process usually takes a week or a week + a couple days. This is all to say, once we decide to do a patch, you will all know within about 7 days of the moment we decide. 備註: 改動的日期不一定 七天前會通知讓我們做好頭七的準備 強度不是砍的標準 目前看來賊是第一號目標 只有一到兩個對局勝率是低於50% 也就是很少劣勢對局 剛在巴哈看到的 九陶郎翹班竟然沒搬ㄟ 個人意見nerf不是最佳解也不是唯一解 第一個版本本來就會讓早就成熟牌組吃香 下一個版本就會有剋星了 而且經典卡牌應該在瑟瑟發抖了(個人意見) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1557905691.A.EA5.html

134 則留言

paul26277, 1F

Jotarun, 2F

w810701, 3F

Jotarun, 4F
也沒說要砍經典 一樓不用太急

xbc125, 5F

DreamWCT, 6F

DreamWCT, 7F

a1234555, 8F

Roystu, 9F
驚懼海盜、炸雞勇者 發抖中

smilemiz, 10F

DCTmaybe, 11F

yes986612, 12F
※ 編輯: RinLink (, 05/15/2019 15:48:16

cms1717698, 13F

cloud2617, 14F
下好離手,魔塵歐印,準備金卡合起來 MingLee

hayate232, 15F
我講真的 賊現在沒有戰士那麼爽

hayate232, 16F

loyou, 17F
我記得BZ很常都是這樣耶 講賊OP然後nerf其他職QQ

luvahajlp, 18F

GivemeApen, 19F
不要砍了 先還我成長滋補

loyou, 20F

freezesword, 21F
還在等metabreaker橫空出世? 好了啦暴雪

hayate232, 22F
bz 說要砍賊 死的會是戰士 從以前的例子來看XD

hayate232, 23F
現在 賊打秘密獵 跟以前一樣 感覺82開

turningright, 24F

simon2358, 25F
一定砍賊==只會打臉 SMOrc

hayate232, 26F
不知道為什麼 現在賊 連打 1拳聖也很難搞

hayate232, 27F
但~ 賊就是有 打出上限的優勢,所以勝率不難看

hayate232, 28F
我自己完秘密獵 對到賊戰 也是很爽

hayate232, 29F
秘密獵就一直出考題給節奏賊想就好了 不需要用腦

dull70328, 30F

hank13241, 31F

hank13241, 32F

tung3567752, 33F

Hooz, 34F
又要亂nerf的感覺了 唉

rushingguy, 35F
不太可能不砍準備 真的太萬用

willy0713, 36F

willy0713, 37F

maudu, 38F
強度當然不是砍的標準 $$$才是

simon2358, 39F
準備改成下一回合法術才減費 8888

Weky, 123F
劫倞五費 準備safe

s89235ken, 124F
幹拜託砍法師 等我打到資格再砍盜賊

zaza1128, 125F

xkiller1900, 126F

xkiller1900, 127F

aaaaajack, 128F

rongyaya, 129F

ga787540, 130F

ga787540, 131F

linceass, 132F

gargoyles, 133F

alan0611, 134F

h60414, 135F