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[爆卦] 塔利班因缺水 與鄰國大打出手

最新2023-05-29 16:33:00
推噓51 ( 54340 )
Iran exchanges heavy gunfire with Taliban on Afghan border, escalating tensions over water rights https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/advocacy-group-iran-taliban-fight-border-afghanistan-sound-99647995 The Taliban and Iran have exchanged heavy gunfire on the Islamic Republic’s border with Afghanistan DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- The Taliban and Iran exchanged heavy gunfire Saturday on the Islamic Republic's border with Afghanistan, killing and wounding troops while sharply escalating rising tensions between the two countries amid a dispute over water rights. Iran's state-run IRNA news agency quoted the country's deputy police chief, Gen. Qassem Rezaei, accusing the Taliban of opening fire first Saturday morning on the border of Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan province and the Afghan province of Nimroz. IRNA said Iran inflicted “heavy casualties and serious damage." From the Taliban's view, Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Abdul Nafi Takor accused Iran of shooting first. Takor said the firefight killed two people, one from each country, and wounded others. He described the situation as now being under control. IRNA, quoting Iranian police, said two border guards had been killed. However, that number may be higher. The semiofficial, English-language newspaper Tehran Times said the fighting killed three Iranian border guards. IRNA said the Milak border crossing with Afghanistan, a major trade route, was closed until further notice over the gunfight. “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers dialogue to be a reasonable way for any problem,” Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Enayatullah Khawarazmi said in a statement. “Making excuses for war and negative actions is not in the interest of any of the parties.” The advocacy group HalVash, which reports on issues affecting the Baluch people in the predominately Sunni province of Sistan and Baluchestan, quoted residents in the area saying the fighting took place near the Kang district of Nimroz. It said some people in the area had fled the violence. Videos posted online, purportedly from the area, included the crackle of machine gun fire in the distance. HalVash later posted an image of what appeared to be the remains of a mortar round, saying that “heavy weapons and mortars are being used.” Later videos from HalVash purported to show Iranian forces firing a mortar, as well as Taliban troops firing American-made machine guns at an Iranian border post. Other Taliban fighters drove armored vehicles likely left behind by NATO forces. Iran vowed not let the Taliban attack stand. “The border forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran will decisively respond to any border trespassing and aggression, and the current authorities of Afghanistan must be held accountable for their unmeasured and contrary actions to international principles," IRNA quoted Iran's police chief, Gen. Ahmadreza Radan, as saying. The clash comes as Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi earlier this month warned the Taliban not to violate Iran's water rights to the Helmand River. Raisi's remarks represented some of the strongest yet over the long-running concerns about water in Iran. Drought has been a problem in Iran for some 30 years, but has worsened over the past decade, according to the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization. The Iran Meteorological Organization says that an estimated 97% of the country now faces some level of drought. The Taliban seized Afghanistan in August 2021 as U.S. and NATO troops were in the final weeks of their pullout from the country after 20 years of war. In the time since, Afghanistan has become the most repressive in the world for women and girls, depriving them of virtually all their basic rights, according to the U.N. Hunger remains endemic. While not directly accepting the Taliban government, Iran has maintained relations with Afghanistan's new rulers. Tehran also has called on the Taliban to allow women and girls to go to school. Earlier on Saturday, the Taliban's Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi met with an Iranian envoy to Afghanistan to discuss the Helmand River water rights, according to tweets from Afghan Foreign Ministry official Zia Ahmad. IRNA acknowledged the meeting, saying “that issues between the two countries will be better resolved through dialogue.” But tensions have otherwise been rising. Another video posted online in recent days purportedly showed a standoff with Iranian forces and the Taliban as Iranian construction workers tried to reinforce the border between the two countries. In recent days, pro-Taliban accounts online also have been sharing a video with a song calling on the acting defense minister, Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob, to stand up to Iran. Mullah Yaqoob is the son of Mullah Mohammad Omar, the Taliban’s late founder and first supreme leader. “We are a government, we have power,” the song goes. “Our leader Mullah Yaqoob will stand against Iran or we are not the republic’s government. We are not slaves, our leader Mullah Yaqoob will stand against Iran.” ___ Associated Press writers Rahim Faiez in Islamabad and Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran, contributed to this report. --- 大意 塔利班 最近在邊界與鄰國伊朗 因為用水問題在邊界出現交火情況 目前造成一死兩傷 題外話 不只塔利班 法國部分地區 也出現了水源糾紛問題 ㄎㄎ -- ▁▁ ▕民進▏ 注意此ID已被國防布認證中共同路人 ▕堂章▏ ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄)ㄟ  ̄ ̄ 月巴m就在你身邊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1685307966.A.8F1.html

97 則留言

sam810626, 1F

a0986188522, 2F

coffee112, 3F

kinmengon, 4F

ohrring, 5F

grayoasis, 6F

marktak, 7F
塔綠 塔利不意外阿101.139.82.158

noreg0393933, 8F

rei196, 9F

twhuang28, 10F

kcclasaki, 11F

milkBK, 12F
靠北 台灣也會發生嗎114.32.129.203

q34355997, 13F
塔綠班缺水 跟鄰居發生衝突 沒毛病101.136.151.181

eric61446, 14F
不要傳給朋友 他們會太羨慕218.35.173.111

eric61446, 15F

Aerci, 16F

durex310, 17F

sazabik, 18F

sazabik, 19F
是的 挖幾口井把頭塞進井裡 就可以當作沒發生 井裡有水 哪裡沒水阿 把頭拿出井裡的 說缺水都是唱衰台灣 都是藍白粉 我懂

sazabik, 20F

sazabik, 21F

ispy03532003, 22F

ispy03532003, 23F

syntax123, 24F

laechan, 25F
[爆卦] 塔利班因缺水 與鄰國大打出手

ispy03532003, 26F

ispy03532003, 27F

laechan, 28F

elibra01, 29F

laechan, 30F

memories66, 31F

LoveMakeLove, 32F

greensaru, 33F

littlelinsyu, 34F

pikajoke, 35F
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 05/29/2023 07:18:23


observer0117, 37F

observer0117, 38F

observer0117, 39F

colset, 89F

negotiates, 90F

stevenyu82, 91F
塔綠班因缺水 出征自家人101.9.97.189

ironboy1996, 92F

wulaw5566, 93F

x0003, 94F
挖水井偷水 不會嗎?

basslife, 95F
台灣就海島怎麼可能會缺水 笑死人想太多61.220.127.70

godchildtw, 96F

godchildtw, 97F