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[新聞] BBC:加州旅館員工阻止了大屠殺

最新2019-08-23 12:22:00
推噓33 ( 34115 )
1.媒體來源: BBC 2.記者署名 BBC報導 3.完整新聞標題: BBC News - California hotel employee 'prevents mass shooting' 4.完整新聞內容: California police say a hotel worker may have prevented a mass shooting after th e worker reported that a disgruntled colleague had threatened to shoot staff and guests. 加州警方說有名旅館員工可能阻止了大屠殺 因為他的同時不滿要威脅殺了員工和客人 Acting on the tip-off, officers arrested a 37-year-old man who was found to have high-powered weapons and ammunition at his Los Angeles home. It comes amid a wider FBI effort to prevent such shootings. That followed attacks in El Paso and Dayton that killed 31 people. Since then US authorities say they have foiled a series of alleged plots to carr y out attacks, some of which would have targeted minority groups. 警方在他家找到大批軍火 而FBI也積極正在預防大規模掃射事件 上次的掃射造成31死 美國當局也在針對特定組織 阻止這一連串的攻擊事件 The FBI has reportedly instructed its field offices to conduct threat assessment s and has also urged the public to report threats or suspicious activity. FBI要求當地官員去對任何可疑活動進行評估 What happened in California? Rodolfo Montoya made the threat to someone he worked with at a Marriott hotel ne ar Long Beach airport, Long Beach Police Chief Robert Luna said. Thank God that employee decided to bring that information forward," he told repo rters. Police said they seized multiple firearms including an assault rifle, hundreds o f rounds of ammunition and tactical gear from his home in Huntingdon Beach. The assault rifle and high-capacity magazines were illegal in California, a statemen t said. Early investigations revealed that Mr Montoya was upset over "human resource iss ues", police said. He had "clear plans, intent and the means to carry out an act of violence that m ay have resulted in a mass casualty incident," Chief Luna said. 這名犯人威脅他工作地方的同事與客人 然後警察非常感謝這名通報的員工 然後在犯人家裡搜到一堆加州違法的改槍 如高彈夾量的AR(突擊步槍) 警察也說了 他明確有意圖計畫大規模掃射 造成大量的受害者 What other alleged plots have been foiled? On Tuesday a man was jailed in Seattle, Washington, after the FBI said he threat ened to kill Hispanics in the Miami area. Eric Lin, 35, sent a message to a Hisp anic woman threatening her and her family. He also expressed support for Adolf H itler, said he believed President Trump would "launch a racial war and crusade" and called for Hispanics, black people and members of other ethnic groups to be killed or sent to concentration camps 35歲的犯人 威脅西班牙裔的婦女與她的家人 他崇拜希特勒 然後相信川普會發動種族戰爭 並呼籲把黑人 西班牙裔 其他裔的人殺死或送集中營 Also on Tuesday a truck driver was arrested in Tennessee after telling a friend he was considering carrying out a mass shooting at a church in Memphis. Thomas M cVicker, 38, had made "credible threats", the FBI said. His mother reportedly to ld the FBI he owned a handgun, used cocaine and methamphetamine and was being tr eated for schizophrenia. 這位38歲的嗑藥瘋子告訴他朋友他想掃射教堂 然後被FBI抓了 他媽也告訴FBI說他有槍又嗑 藥又正在接受治療精神病 In Ohio a 20-year-old man was arrested last Friday for posting threats against a Jewish community centre. James Reardon, 20, posted a video on Instagram of a ma n firing a gun with a caption identifying the centre in Youngstown, north of Pit tsburgh. He denies menacing and harassment charges. 這名20歲的犯人貼了一則影片 內容是開槍射某城市的標誌 然後被抓... 但他否認威脅 In Florida, 25-year-old Tristan Scott Wix was arrested last Friday after sending text messages saying he was going to commit a mass shooting to his ex-girlfrien d, who showed them to police. "A good 100 kills would be nice," one of the messa ges reportedly read. Police said they found a hunting rifle and 400 rounds of am munition at his home. 25歲的犯人告訴他女友說他想大掃射 然後警方在他家發現400發子彈與獵槍 In Connecticut, 22-year-old Brandon Wagshol was arrested last Thursday after a t ip-off from a member of the public who said he was trying to buy high-capacity r ifle magazines. Authorities said he had weapons and tactical gear and had expres sed the intention to carry out an attack on Facebook. 22歲犯人 他購買大彈夾的步槍 然後他有武器和戰術裝備 企圖打算攻擊FACEBOOK On 8 August police in Nevada arrested Conor Climo, 23, and said he had bomb maki ng materials at his Las Vegas home. He had discussed attacking a synagogue and a bar he believed catered to the LGBTQ community during encrypted online chats wi th people who identified with a white supremacist organisation, the Justice Depa rtment said. 23歲的人 他在家弄炸藥 然後透過加密與白人至上團體討論要去攻擊酒吧與猶太教堂 因為 他認為這些地方去迎合LGBTQ團體 A total of 28 people are reported to have been arrested for making threats to ca rry out mass attacks since the 4 August shooting in Dayton, Ohio, which killed n ine, and the 3 August shooting in El Paso, Texas, which targeted Hispanics and k illed 22 people. 致從8/4與8/3那幾次的大屠殺後 總共有28人因為企圖進行大屠殺而被抓 Following those shootings, the FBI said it was concerned that "domestic violent extremists" would be inspired to carry out copycat attacks and asked Americans t o report "any suspicious activity that is observed either in person or online". FBI怕那幾次大屠殺後 會激發出更多模仿犯 因此要大家通報有任何可疑的行為舉止 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49431699 6.備註: 馬的 美國真的一堆瘋子.. 阿不久安卓剛好閃過 如果他現在才爆 他八成不用回來了 現在一堆大屠殺 導致人心惶惶 大家也很害怕 會積極通報警方也正常 不要說你只是開玩笑或說說的 現在一堆人直接被FBI查水表 如果安卓那時候再剛好找到一把槍 配上他大量的子彈 裝備 直接變成FBI歡樂送 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1566478895.A.5B7.html

50 則留言

ckbdfrst, 1F
跟支那人一樣 到處威脅留島不留人61.224.182.108

tony900735, 2F

aaagang, 3F

basil54321, 4F
welcome to the hotel california~

franz10123, 5F
such lovely place220.137.45.74

p72910, 6F
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in220.136.144.229

p72910, 7F
my hair220.136.144.229

qazse000, 8F

hoin, 9F
Motel California111.71.65.10

Puye, 10F
一般人才衰小 可能上學去賣場 人多的地方122.116.197.55

Puye, 11F

qweertyui891, 12F

kenjiang, 13F

RS512, 14F

worshipA, 15F
Any time of year you can find it here122.116.141.212

Gold740716, 16F
安卓 2.0140.113.127.95

cccon1ine, 17F
果然有歌詞推文 XD223.137.18.245

KJC1004, 18F

wadx1035, 19F

Peteroo, 20F

jessicali, 21F

icou, 22F

agoodnight, 23F

koxinga, 24F

fucigniz, 25F

snsdakb48, 26F

snsdakb48, 27F

LYS5566, 28F
雖然禁槍才是治本 但這決定是正確的方向36.230.172.222

yoyoyin0119, 29F
you can check out any time you li101.14.213.0

yoyoyin0119, 30F

opengaydoor, 31F
welcome to the hotel California42.77.224.195

opengaydoor, 32F

hilemon, 33F

yan1979, 34F
反正又是暴力電玩的鍋 絕對不是槍枝問題101.8.225.27

comparable, 35F

anoreader, 36F

孫安佐運氣也太好 他要是最近才被抓的話可能1.161.17.143


Cordierite, 39F

pchunters123, 40F
such loving day39.10.126.101

bossfour, 41F
You can never leave !

seanmom, 42F
沒查電腦安裝什麼遊戲嗎 一定有槍枝邪會111.255.81.111

seanmom, 43F

ViktorGoogle, 44F

lonelysin, 45F
https://youtu.be/EqPtz5qN7HM 唱起來!

MrStone, 46F
Plenty of room at the Hotel36.225.220.111

simonohmygod, 47F
難怪可以check in 不能check out203.69.98.253

sincere77, 48F

Hans14, 49F
同事, 不是同時61.70.250.139

gwenwoo, 50F
中共武器=五毛+病死豬+垃圾 ~飄洋過海~

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[問卦] 940是不是可以歐印了
一股才10元 在怎樣大翻車 要跌破10元超難吧 ETF根本穩到不行 如果漲一元 如果歐印下去 1000萬 直接變1100萬 我就問 這把怎輸 難怪一堆人直接狂買 根本全民瘋起來 這把穩了吧?人人都台灣巴菲特
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一般在外面 很愛冠名軍規級 如軍用軍規級輪胎 軍用軍規級步槍 這種聽起來就很猛 但如果食物被冠上軍用等級 台灣人直接嘔出來 這是國軍害得嗎? 有沒有八卦? 幸好我新訓在憲校外包的 還可以 嘻嘻
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