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[情報] 圖赫爾下課

最新2022-09-12 19:25:00
推噓124 ( 124091 )
https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/article/tuchel-we-lacked-a-lot 圖赫爾:今天我們缺少很多東西 06 Sep 2022 沮喪的圖赫爾觀看了藍軍在本賽季第一場歐冠比賽中0-1落敗,他誠實地評價了 自己和球隊的表現。 https://i.imgur.com/nxi9n10.jpg
[情報] 圖赫爾下課
薩格勒布迪納摩在對陣克羅埃西亞的比賽中率先領先,一直保持到比賽結束。藍 軍的進攻戰術只有兩腳射正,里斯˙詹姆士在比賽接近尾聲時擊中了門柱,這次表現 遠低於圖赫爾的預期。 “我對自己很生氣,我對表現很生氣,”主教練圖赫爾分析道,“我們所有人的 表現都非常糟糕,不夠精確,不夠快速,不夠有攻擊性,不夠堅決。個人表現是不夠 的,整個球隊也是不夠的,這就是我們今天輸掉這場比賽的原因。” 圖赫爾承認,目前並沒有多少球員能達到巔峰狀態,他補充道: “我需要找到一個解決辦法。很明顯,每個人都表現不佳。我真的不知道今天的 表現是怎麼來的。在我看來,這就是缺乏渴望,缺乏強度,缺乏贏得對抗的決心,無 法在最高水平和最艱難的比賽中拿出好的表現。” “我們不能指望這樣在英超和歐冠中取得勝利,歐冠是我們能參加的最艱難的賽 事,我們顯然還沒有達到想要的水平。我曾認為我們走在不錯的道路上,而我對球隊 今天的表現感到驚訝。” 圖赫爾說,他對自己不滿意的原因是,他沒有看到好的表現... “我認為上一場比賽幫助了我們,我們在對陣西漢姆聯的艱難時刻做出了反應, 我們在需要一點運氣的情況下很走運,然後我們完成很好的訓練,我認為球隊已經準 備好了。” 圖赫爾被問到切爾西是否低估了迪納摩... “我個人沒有,但如果我們這麼做了,我們就有大問題了。”他表示。 https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/tuchel-we-lacked-a-lot Tuchel: We lacked a lot - 06 Sep 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20220907A00CXY00 直播吧9月7日訊 歐冠小組賽首輪比賽,切爾西在客場以0-1的比分不敵薩格勒布迪納摩,遭遇開 門黑。 賽後,切爾西主帥圖赫爾表示:“我們沒有拿出應有的表現,同樣的事情總發生 在我們身上。我們比賽開局踢得不錯,那些半得分機會我們沒能很好的把握。前15分 鐘還是20分鐘,當我們本該讓比賽在自己的掌控之下。然後,我們被對手通過反擊打 進一球,我們太輕易丟球了。自那之後,我們就陷入了掙扎中。” “顯然,我們沒有出現想要的位置以及應該處在的位置。所以,這取決於我和我 們一起找到解決方案。在目前情況下,我們什麼都東西都缺失了,我們要分析的東西 太多,我也是其中之一,我對自己很生氣,對我們的表現也很生氣,我沒想到情況會 是這樣。” (二怪) https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/62815129 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/ chelsea-football-club-part-company-with-thomas-tuchel Chelsea Football Club part company with Thomas Tuchel 07 Sep 2022 Chelsea Football Club has today parted company with Head Coach Thomas Tuchel. 切爾西俱樂部今天宣佈與主教練托馬斯˙圖赫爾解除合約。 https://i.imgur.com/cM6dPdm.jpg
[情報] 圖赫爾下課
On behalf of everyone at Chelsea FC, the Club would like to place on record its gratitude to Thomas and his staff for all their efforts during their time with the Club. Thomas will rightly have a place in Chelsea's history after winning the Champions League, the Super Cup and Club World Cup in his time here. 俱樂部謹代表切爾西的每一個人,對托馬斯和他的團隊在俱樂部工作期間所做的一切 努力表示感謝。托馬斯在切爾西的日子裡贏得了歐冠、超級盃和世俱盃,他將理所當 然地在切爾西的歷史上佔有一席之地。 As the new ownership group reaches 100 days since taking over the Club, and as it continues its hard work to take the club forward, the new owners believe it is the right time to make this transition. 接管俱樂部100天之後,切爾西新東家將繼續努力工作,帶領俱樂部向前發展,新東 家相信現在是進行換帥交接的好時機。 Chelsea's coaching staff will take charge of the team for training and the preparation of our upcoming matches as the Club moves swiftly to appoint a new head coach. 切爾西的教練組將負責球隊的訓練和即將到來的比賽準備工作,俱樂部將迅速任命一 位新的主教練。 There will be no further comment until a new head coach appointment is made. 在新的主教練任命完成之前,不會有進一步的評論。 https://www.chelseafc.com/zh/news/article/ chelsea-football-club-part-company-with-thomas-tuchel -- ╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗╔╗ ╔══╗╔══╗╔══╗ ║╔═╝║╚╝║║╔═╝║║ ║╔═╝║╔═╝║╔╗║ ║║ ║╔╗║║╔═╝║║ ╚═╗║║╔═╝║╚╝║ ║╚═╗║║║║║╚═╗║╚═╗╔═╝║║╚═╗║╔╗║ ╚══╝╚╝╚╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚══╝╚╝╚╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1662516481.A.898.html

215 則留言

grace0805, 1F
哇塞 下課了…

grace0805, 2F

horse0910, 3F

grace0805, 4F
不過幾個新援 都還沒磨合好就下課 有點急了

grace0805, 5F
換個角度想 長痛不如短痛 但現在又能找到誰呢?
https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1567439610401226753https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1567441333354110978 下午5:15 · 2022年9月7日 Thomas Tuchel sacked by Chelsea. Graham Potter the early favourite to replace him 圖赫爾被炒,波特是熱門人選。 Thomas Tuchel's sacking is not based purely on results or Chelsea's poor start to the season. Concerns had been growing over whether he was the right man to lead the new era. His future was in doubt win, lose or draw in Zagreb. 圖赫爾被炒並非單純是開季以來的爛狀態,對於他是否是帶領先新時代的正確人選, 疑問逐漸增加。在札格瑞布不論是贏、是平、是輸,都不影響對他未來的疑問。 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1567441296658243585 下午5:15 · 2022年9月7日 Thomas Tuchel is gone. The decision was made overnight following the Dinamo result 圖赫爾下課了,最終決定在札格瑞布之夜做出。

Drogba11, 6F

Drogba11, 7F
哀 頭鐵阿 跟藍帕德最後面那時候一模一樣

Drogba11, 8F
誰來接 波特 波切蒂諾?

calsdark, 9F

e19910209, 10F

Drogba11, 11F
才說可能會續約 結果馬上火

dululu, 12F
太快了吧 換一坨人不用磨合嗎

Drogba11, 13F
靠杯 這樣還買奧巴 傻眼

calsdark, 14F

Drogba11, 15F
Matt Law是說波特主要人選 波切蒂諾次要

grace0805, 16F
感覺是圖鶴自己辭職(? 伯利季初看起來是願意給時間

grace0805, 17F

michaelkobe, 18F

grace0805, 19F
這樣還買奧巴是真的傻眼= =

kurtisgod, 20F

Drogba11, 21F
基本上這個可以直接說更衣室炸了 不然不會這麼快

trent427, 22F
乾 最喜歡的教練 不多給時間是哪一招

g21l, 23F

grace0805, 24F
看起來應該是更衣室問題 隊長管不住了唉…

calsdark, 25F

Drogba11, 26F
好事情是 目前買的人選基本上都不算是教練特別要的

Drogba11, 27F

Drogba11, 28F
庫Z8Z 酷酷 佛法那 斯特林 跟這些小朋友中場

Drogba11, 29F

ise, 30F

ise, 31F

ise, 32F

gj93jo3, 33F

VCvinsanity, 34F

allgking, 35F
下課了 有點意外的早

Drogba11, 36F
阿 不就還好沒續約 不然違約金又不知道要給多少
https://twitter.com/alistairmagowan/status/1567446112285462528 下午5:34 · 2022年9月7日 Understand that decision would have been taken to sack Tuchel regardless of result against Dinamo. It was felt he had lost confidence of players & board, and had been less communicative with new ownership. Chelsea coaches will step in but new appointment should be swift. 據了解,開炒的決定與札格瑞布之敗無關,感覺上圖赫爾已經失去球員和董事會的信 任,和新老闆們也缺乏交流。剩下的教練將接管球隊,但新主教練很快會到來。

hababy, 37F

allgking, 38F

VCvinsanity, 39F

JamesCaesar, 244F
現在都歐陸化了應該沒有多少 manager 了,老實說如果

JamesCaesar, 245F

JamesCaesar, 246F
https://twitter.com/alistairmagowan/status/1567852751375269888 下午8:29 · 2022年9月8日 By Alistair Magowan and Simon Stone Graham Potter: Chelsea set to appoint Brighton boss as manager in next 24 hours 卻爾西將在未來24小時內任命波特為新任主教練。 https://twitter.com/footballdaily/status/1567868784727261186 (影片) 下午9:33 · 2022年9月8日 BREAKING - Graham Potter has arrived at Chelsea's Cobham training ground! https://twitter.com/sistoney67/status/1567873844429332480 下午9:53 · 2022年9月8日 Been told compensation figure to @OfficialBHAFC for Graham Potter and staff is £21m +. Chelsea have invested a lot in the Brighton model this summer. 我被告知波特和他的教練團解約金是2100萬鎊,卻爾西這夏天給了布萊頓不少錢。

teata, 247F
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11200349/ By ROB DRAPER - PUBLISHED: 22:31 BST, 10 September 2022 Pre-season should have been a launch pad for the new executive team and manager, but instead proved an aborted take-off. The 4-0 defeat by Arsenal in Orlando, followed by what seemed to be a grump from Tuchel — 'It's the same players, so why should everything change?' — was said to have been received terribly by the board. They felt they had an adversary rather than a partner. 圖赫爾在輸給阿森納後的那番話 "都是一樣的球員,為何會有改變?" 據說被新董事 會視為大忌,他們覺得講那種話根本是敵人,而不是夥伴。 https://twitter.com/Nathan_Gissing/status/1568746811426226180 上午7:42 · 2022年9月11日 True - and this was when Tuchel feared he was close to getting sacked. 上面那段講的是真的,那時候圖赫爾覺得自己接近被炒。 https://twitter.com/TTuchelofficial/status/1569032860782182400https://twitter.com/TTuchelofficial/status/1569032863202553856https://twitter.com/TTuchelofficial/status/1569032864754286592 上午2:39 · 2022年9月12日 This is one of the most difficult statements I have ever had to write - and it is one which I hoped I would not need to do for many years. I am devastated that my time at Chelsea has come to an end. This is a club where I felt at home, both professionally and personally. Thank you so much to all the staff, the players and the supporters for making me feel very welcome from the start. The pride and joy I felt at helping the team to win the Champions League and the Club World Cup will stay with me forever. I am honoured to have been a part of this club's history and the memories of the last 19 months will always have a special place in my heart.
※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 09/12/2022 03:00:13

z83420123, 248F

JamesCaesar, 249F

Drogba11, 250F
祝福圖赫爾 希望有機會可以看他回藍橋

GroveStreet, 251F

z83420123, 252F