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Re: [Vtub] Doki最新聲明

最新2024-02-15 14:45:00
推噓227 ( 2281407 )
https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1757763627413631383 全文翻譯: I was ready to move on, I had made my last statement and I haven’t looked at anything regarding my past for a full week. I didn’t look at anything regarding legal documents or anything regarding my situation since I moved back to Doki. I wanted to be hopeful for the future and never interact with that side again. So to see it all come back and reopen a wound that I was ready to heal from and to have to talk to my lawyer again on how to respond. 我本來已經準備好再出發,從我發出最終聲明後將近一個禮拜我都沒有再回顧我的過去 自從我回到Doki的身份我也沒有重新再去看那些法律資料。 我想要對未來有正面的憧憬然後再也不用去管過去的那些事情。 當我看到這個準備要好的舊傷又再次被撕開,我不得不再去找律師討論並做出回應。 The document mentioned was at first made to document my thoughts and history with evidence so that my lawyer can see the general picture of what was going on, and if there were issues that should be addressed. It was first made during my darkest time mentally and I wrote everything on my mind little by little at that time. I made the document thinking that it was never going to be public to anyone but to my lawyer. Although it was a document filled with my personal information as well privacy information that should not be public, there were no other addresses or specific locations mentioned. Regarding a recording, this was not intended to be anything other than a distribution test for planning of a collaborative event between two people, which happened to be left over from one test recording, and I never recorded any other conversations with anyone. The recording was never shown anywhere even in a legal setting and there are no other records. However, I regret that it was mentioned and I am sorry to all parties affected for the misunderstanding in this. 被提及的「法律文件」是我在這些日子寫下自己的想法與一些證據,好讓律師能夠理解 到底發生什麼事,以及讓律師找出哪些事情是必須被處理的。 這是在我精神上最黑暗的時候陸陸續續寫下的點滴筆記,我寫下這些東西的時候也不曾想過 他會有被公開,被除了我律師以外的人知道的一天。 儘管這份文件裡有包含很多不應被公開,關於我個人的資訊以及隱私訊息,這當中並沒有 所謂的其他地址或是特定地點。 關於錄音,這只是一個兩人合作(collab)企劃,用於測試發佈的測試音檔,我也從來沒有 側錄過跟任何人的對話。 這段測試音檔從來沒有被給任何人看過(包含法律層面),除此之外也沒有任何錄音檔。 對此,我對這件事情被提及而讓外界所知,且被捲入的其他人產生誤解而感到抱歉。 I requested that I just wanted to move on. Sometimes I didn’t hear anything for days from the lawyers on the other side and felt like I’d be alone and isolated for a long time. It made it so hard for me mentally. On Feb 5th, my lawyer discussed and said it will be best to show the document I wrote to the other lawyers as we have not heard from them for a week or any negotiation talks or given a meeting to discuss after my request to part. It was never intended to be used for anything else, I’ve asked my lawyer to convey that and have communication that the document as it was written wasn’t going to be released anywhere, and my lawyer did so when sending the document. Less than two hours after my lawyer sent the document, the termination notice came out. I was very shocked, but thought that was the last time I will hear or think about the document and that this, personally and my own opinion, was the end of the lawyers and legal involvement. 我當時提出我不想糾結在這些事情上繼續前進的態度,有時我會好幾天都沒有收到對方律師 的任何回應,讓我覺得我是孤獨以及被孤立著,這也對我當時的心理狀況產生重大的影響。 在2/5的時候,我的律師在跟我討論之後,因為我們一直沒有收到對方的答覆或針對我想離 開一事開會討論的邀請,他建議我應該把這份文件寄給對方律師。 這份文件從來就不打算用於「離開公司」以外的任何事上,我告訴我的律師必須清楚告知 對方並讓他們理解「這份文件不會被對外公開」這點上,我的律師也照做了。 在那之後不到兩個小時,對方發布了與我中止合約的公告,我雖然感到震驚,但對我來說 這大概就是我最後一次我會想到這份文件,畢竟這文件只是我自己的想法與片面之詞, 律師跟法務相關的事情也應該在合約中止之後就宣告結束。 All of the communication was done between lawyers in Japanese. Things are not black and white and everything gets more complicated and muddled when lawyers are involved in a different country. When things are conveyed to multiple parties through different degrees of communication, everything turns into different narratives and different translations. I thought it was over and I've accepted what happened and ready to move on. Everything I post to the public about the situation was a response. If it was a month ago, it will have been different as I was angry but I was also very alone in my head. But it's not a month ago and I've accepted it. I wanted it to be neutral and private but now the whole world is involved and the public is watching every step that happens. 所有的溝通都是由雙方律師以日文完成,所有的事情也不是非黑及白,當不同國家的律師 參與其中就會變得很複雜且亂七八糟。 當所有的溝通在以不同的程度傳給不同的團體後,許多事情就會變成大家各自解讀的角度與 不同的翻譯語言。 我一直以為一切都已經結束也準備好要重新出發,我在這件事情上所有的發言都是為了 「回應」對方的言論。 如果這是在一個月前,或許這些會有所不同,因為當時我非常憤怒且處於一個心態上孤立的 狀態。但現在已經不是一個月前,而我也接受了,我想要在中立且私下處理的方式離開, 但現在全世界都知道了,而社會大眾也關注著我們的一舉一動。 I am not perfect and I have faults. I had to watch my dad cry and break down in front of me for the first time in my life last night. Despite everything that has happened, please show kindness to all parties involved, there are real people behind the monitors. One of the reasons why I wanted this to be private is that the internet can be a cruel place and I knew this would happen the moment this type of notice drops. What I didn't reveal to anyone and only my parents and therapist knew was that it was not one attempt but two, which happened a few weeks after the first. My parents found me in time after searching for me for hours before anything happened. I was in a really dark place and I do not wish this to anyone. No one should go through what I went through. I reveal this now not for pity but to state that no life, no matter what, should be risked for ego or winning anything. There are no winners in this. Please don't make it like high school. Treat everyone like adults and with some empathy and kindness. 我不是一個完美的人,我也有我的缺點,昨天晚上是我這輩子第一次看到父親在我面前 崩潰痛哭。儘管發生了這麼多事,我還是希望大家對所有被牽扯進這件事情的人友善一點, 在每個螢幕背後都是一個有血有肉的人。 這也是為什麼當時我希望低調離開的原因,因為在面對這種事情的時候,網路會變成一個 非常殘忍的地方。 除了我父母、治療師以外,我不曾告訴任何人我實際上在第一次輕生之後的幾個禮拜,我 又輕生了一次。我的父母在瘋狂尋找之後,在一切都太遲之前找到了我。 我當時身處在一個很黑暗的地方,我也從來不希望有人會跟我一樣,沒有人應該體驗發生 在我身上的一切。 我現在說這些不是在爭取同情,而是希望藉此告訴大家不管發生任何事,沒有一條生命應 該在自尊或是爭面子上被犧牲。 這件事沒有贏家,請不要把事情搞得像高中吵架一樣,請以大人的態度對待彼此,並 保持善良與同情心。 For those who wish to see receipts or documents or anything else, hoping I will reveal them, I'm sorry but these are the things that should be private and if needed, between lawyers. Revealing private documents and talking about the details within will only just make things worse and more complicated as outside parties get involved and will just hurt everyone. No one deserves to be pushed over the edge. So many people have got hurt and involved even if they were innocent bystanders. In the end, I will always be here to respond and that is the only thing I will do in public. I hope this will be the last statement I have to make. 對於那些想看收據或文件證明,希望我秀出來的人,我很抱歉但是這一切本來就應該在 私下進行,且如果必要只有律師能看的狀況。 洩漏私人文件或是談論它的內容只會讓一切更糟更複雜,並把更多人牽扯進來,讓更多人 受傷,甚至連無辜的路人都會被捲入受害。 最後,我只會在這裡「回應」,而且這是我唯一會在公開場合作的事情,我誠心希望這是 我最後一次要針對這些事情發表我的意見。 -- 從心之所行,即是正道。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1707926133.A.901.html

Re: 回文串

> Re: [Vtub] Doki最新聲明
C_Chat02/14 23:55

636 則留言

kusotoripeko, 1F

pHyrz, 2F

newgunden, 3F

blackone979, 4F

x2159679, 5F
這跟3人的說法差很多喔 尤其是偷錄音的部分

blackone979, 6F
他們依然是聘用日本律師 所有溝通都要使用日文

shadowblade, 7F

reader2714, 8F

Seventhsky, 9F
再一次看完全文感想 到底哪邊才是大公司 笑死

spfy, 10F
如果這篇回應是和律師討論過的 那應該就等對方自殘了

Pegasus99, 11F
真是四平八穩的聲明 簡直就是已經準備好在法庭上痛電對

Pegasus99, 12F

sinnerck1, 13F

chen31502, 14F

izacc, 15F

haoyah712, 16F

b325019, 17F

macocu, 18F

sinnerck1, 19F

patrickleeee, 20F
只能看虹EN還能怎樣自爆 這幾次操作根本是智障

Torpedo9527, 21F
唉 黑白社看你做的好事 這都是個啥啊

macocu, 22F

Pegasus99, 23F
不好說喔 就連用詞不用這麼艱深細膩的理科 語言翻譯都

jonh0805, 24F

jonh0805, 25F

spfy, 26F

clothg34569, 27F

Pegasus99, 28F
很困難了 法學這種意思歪掉就會致命的科目翻譯完真的可

Pegasus99, 29F

blackone979, 30F

chen31502, 31F
說不定是擔心虹那邊法務連英文都不會阿 所以用日文溝通

trhrh, 32F
虹:不急 我沒差

a2156700, 33F
冷靜 都不要漬鯊


b325019, 35F

chen31502, 36F

trhrh, 37F
大公司內 幹嘛要配合你小員工用英文(?

wahaha2005, 38F

Reficuly, 39F

j790822, 628F

j790822, 629F

j790822, 630F

j790822, 631F

Landius, 632F

Landius, 633F

Landius, 634F

j022015, 635F
保重啊 月龍 QQ

totomo168, 636F

totomo168, 637F

totomo168, 638F

totomo168, 639F

totomo168, 640F

owlman, 641F

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