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Fw: [情報] 教士對洋基交易Juan Soto的開價

最新2023-12-07 08:54:00
推噓11 ( 1107 )
※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1bQdTqZe ] 作者: polanco (polanco) 看板: MLB 標題: [情報] 教士對洋基交易Juan Soto的開價 時間: Sat Dec 2 08:16:49 2023 來源:https://bit.ly/46HU7gn Momentum between the Yankees and San Diego Padres about a blockbuster Juan Soto trade has stalled, at least for now, after the sides found themselves far apart on Thursday and Friday. 洋基與教士對於Juan Soto交易的談判觸礁,雙方這幾天發現彼此的想法有落差 According to league sources briefed on talks, San Diego was asking for pitcher M ichael King, pitching prospect Drew Thorpe, and as many as four or five other pr ospects like Randy Vasquez and Jhony Brito. San Diego was also interested in sal ary relief not just for Soto but for center fielder Trent Grisham, sources say. 教士要求Michael King、Drew Thorpe以及另外四到五個新秀,像是Randy Vasquez和Jhony Brito 也有興趣把Trent Grisham包進來一起賣 Jasson Dominguez and Anthony Volpe are not involved in these talks, nor are Gley ber Torres, Austin Wells or Everson Pereira, per sources. 以上幾人都不在討論中 The Padres are said to believe the Yankees are acting like the only plausible su itors for Soto. The Yankees are said to be balking at moving the highly valuable King plus many others for a one-year rental and significant cash (there is no e xpectation that Soto will sign an extension prior to hitting free agency). 據說教士相信洋基是Soto唯一的潛在追求者 據說洋基不願意為一年短租送出King以及這麼多球員 “If they think they can get a deal from another club like the one they're askin g for from the Yankees, they should do it right now,” one baseball official sai d of the Padres. 某球團高層:如果教士找得到其他球隊拿跟要求洋基這包同等的包裹的話應該立刻這麼做 This is not to say that talks between the sides can’t pick up again. The Padres , needing to cut payroll, are motivated to trade Soto, and the Yankees are motiv ated to acquire him. 不代表兩邊不能再談,教士要降薪資所以有動機交易Soto,洋基也有動機要獲得他 Sources believe that talks centered around Clarke Schmidt, Vasquez, Brito and po ssibly Thorpe could get the teams closer to a deal. 消息來源相信Clarke Schmidt為首的包裹可能會讓兩隊更接近完成交易 But as of Friday evening, no deal was close, and the teams were -- temporarily a [m7mt least -- considering moving on to other business. 不過目前為止,沒有交易會發生,兩邊都先將把目光轉移到其他部分,至少是暫時的 The Yankees, for example, remain engaged with representatives for free agent out fielder/1B Cody Bellinger. The Padres could wait until Shohei Ohtani chooses a team and then shop Soto to o ne of the clubs that missed out. 洋基聯絡了Cody Bellinger的經紀人,教士則有可能等大谷確定下家再賣 大概是這樣 --- TL/DR: King, Thorpe, Brito, Vazquez. 1-2 more prospects and Cash is too much for Soto, Yankees believe. Yankees are not properly valuing Soto yet, Padres believ e. https://twitter.com/martinonyc/status/1730718807314833620 洋基覺得太貴,教士覺得洋基沒有正確評估Soto的價值 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1701476212.A.8E8.html

18 則留言

laking, 1F

Adam6613, 2F
你不買 我不買 晚了就自己降價 讚
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/02/2023 08:23:16

saiulbb, 3F
還蠻正常的吧 只剩一年 反正洋基沒中獎還有別隊會來

monpo, 4F

abc12812, 5F
King+Brito我覺得就差不多了 多出來的都是教士賺到
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/02/2023 08:36:43

hank13241, 6F

hank13241, 7F

hank13241, 8F

hank13241, 9F
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/02/2023 08:40:52
※ 轉錄者: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/02/2023 08:41:11
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/02/2023 09:06:58

aborwang, 10F

qoo400, 11F

strikes, 12F
2+4~5個新秀 這不就1換6、7了嗎 真是薛翻

mirrorlee, 13F
開這種價等季中吧 想拚季後賽的球隊才有機會

sesd, 14F
有一個比較便宜點的 Wang Soto 不考慮>?

a0921830077, 15F
有捨才有得 保不準換了King 來了山本

Minihil, 16F
我猜殺價完洋基最後會吞吧 畢竟今年FA沒什麼好選擇

Minihil, 17F

sky77725, 18F
交易包裹說的 全中欸

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