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[情報] 中東南亞聯盟公布選秀會正式流程與架構

最新2023-09-13 23:32:00
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[情報] 中東南亞聯盟公布選秀會正式流程與架構
https://www.instagram.com/p/CxGoWo6usOt/ @barrylarkin, @yourboyswish, @johnmdch and several other special guests - including a few you may recognize in this photo :) - will be on hand to help me kick things off. 首先是CEO的Instagram 貼了一張圖 並且說圖上某些人會是 選秀會的特別來賓 https://www.baseballunited.com/news/baseball-united-announces-official-order-and -structure-of-inaugural-player-draft 再來是官網新聞稿 大概找一些重點翻譯 所以有一些就沒有翻譯了 Baseball United Announces Official Order and Structure of Inaugural Player Draft 中東南亞跨國聯盟 公布首次選秀會 正式流程與架構 The league’s first four franchises – Mumbai Cobras, Karachi Monarchs, Dubai Wolves, and Abu Dhabi Falcons – will each select 16 players 聯盟初始四隊 孟買眼鏡蛇 喀拉蚩君主 杜拜狼 阿布達比隼(獵鷹) 各隊分別挑選出16名球員 Published September 12, 2023 Cincinnati, OH (September 12, 2023) - Baseball United, the first-ever professional baseball league focused on the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent, announced today the official order and structure of its first-ever Draft. The Draft – which will be held Tuesday, September 19th in Cincinnati, Ohio – will consist of eight rounds, with eight players selected within each round. Each of Baseball United’s founding four franchises will make two selections per round. 於9/19週二在俄亥俄州辛辛那提舉行 總共八輪 每一輪挑選八名球員 亦即初始四隊中的每一隊 將會在每一輪中挑選兩名球員 All the players selected will have professional baseball experience, including dozens who’ve played at the Major League Baseball level. The 64 players will team with a group of 16 prospects from India, Pakistan, and the Middle East to compete at Baseball United’s Dubai Showcase from November 10th – 12th later this year in Dubai. The prospects will be announced later this month. 所有入選的球員都將擁有 職業棒球經驗 其中包括許多曾在 美國職業棒球大聯盟級別 打過球的球員 這64名球員將會與 16名來自印度、巴基斯坦及中東 的潛力新秀組隊 參與11/10-11/12杜拜表演賽 潛力新秀名單於本月稍後公布 There will be 13 position players and seven pitchers per team for the Showcase. 表演賽將由13名野手 (較廣義的定義亦即包含捕手) 與7名投手組成 “There are so many aspects of our league that we are excited about, but the expanded opportunities for players may be at the top of the list,” said Kash Shaikh, Baseball United, Chairman, CEO, and Majority Owner. “Our draft represents the first step to providing a means for professional players to extend, expand, and evolve their careers. Many of the top professional baseball leagues have contracted over the years, limiting the chances for guys to compete at the highest levels of the sport. Baseball United is a new frontier within the Bat and Ball epicenter of the universe and headquartered in one of the most exciting cities on the planet. We can’t wait to bring our new players and coaches to Dubai.” The Baseball United Draft will begin at 11am EST/ 7pm GST, with the first two rounds livestreamed on baseballunited.com. 北美東部標準時間11am/ 海灣(波斯灣)標準時間7pm/ (台灣時間(國家標準時間)11pm) 前兩輪會在官網實況轉播 The Mumbai Cobras, India’s first professional baseball franchise, will have the first pick and the honor of selecting the first player in the history of Baseball United. The Karachi Monarchs, Pakistan’s first-ever professional baseball franchise, will have the second selection, followed by the league’s two UAE-based franchises, the Dubai Wolves and the Abu Dhabi Falcons, respectively. The Wolves and Falcons are the first professional baseball franchises in the history of the Arabian Peninsula. 孟買眼鏡蛇有狀元籤 喀拉嗤君主有榜眼籤 (但他們的制度是每輪每隊 挑選兩名球員 因此我也不確定這樣翻譯對不對) 下面就不翻譯了 Baseball United chose to host its inaugural Draft in Cincinnati, Ohio, home of its North America headquarters and the birthplace of professional baseball. The Cincinnati Red Stockings, founded in 1869, were the first professional baseball franchise in history. “I was born and raised in Cincinnati and spent my entire 19-year playing career with the Cincinnati Reds,” said Barry Larkin, Baseball United, Executive Vice President of Growth Strategy and Co-Owner. “I have a deep love for this city, and I’m very excited that Cincinnati now has an opportunity to transport our history, heritage, and passion for baseball to the other side of the world. The city that was home to the first Major League Baseball team more than 150 years ago will now play a key role in architecting the first professional teams in India, Pakistan, and the Middle East. That’s pretty cool.” Shaikh will announce the first 16 draft picks, with Larkin, Baseball United Executive VP of Baseball Operations, John Miedreich, and former New York Yankees All-Star and Baseball United Co-Owner, Nick Swisher, among the presenters. To request access to the limited amount of credentials for the in-person event, please contact Allison Shaikh at Allison@bsbgroupintl.com. About Baseball United Baseball United is the first-ever professional baseball league focused on the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent, beginning play November 2023 in Dubai, UAE. Our mission is to inspire one billion new fans to fall in love with baseball. The ownership group includes award-winning business leaders and inspiring baseball legends, including Mariano Rivera, Barry Larkin, Adrián Beltré, and Felix Hernandez. In addition to our professional league, the Baseball United ecosystem spans youth development, federation partnerships, media and content production, merchandise, and non-profit outreach. With over 30 nationalities represented on our team rosters and a new suite of entertainment-based game changes, Baseball United is working to create a new future for baseball in one of the fastest growing and most culturally rich regions in the world. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1694579324.A.C90.html

19 則留言

gaga, 1F
在美國選秀 所以除了中東與東南亞的球員之外 勢必會包含一

gaga, 2F

kinple, 3F

kent0405, 4F

a27783322, 5F

paris0826, 6F

a51062004, 7F

daniel0203, 8F

daniel0203, 9F
中信弄一隊 威助可以當總教練

台灣被美日挖 中職可以去那邊挖洋將

alanpoio, 11F

peterw, 12F

dk971355, 13F

noweic, 14F

ctw01, 15F

greenbarry, 16F
挖洋將 中職薪水能比得上中東聯盟?

supreme123, 17F

codeFY, 18F

cobras638, 19F
林書逸 XD

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