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Re: [國中] since不能加ago嗎?

最新2024-04-28 07:35:00
推噓6 ( 6014 )
※ 引述《DANIELHSIANG (丹丹)》之銘言: : 最近備課康軒版 : 裡面特別提到since不能加ago : 但之前在教複習講義及一些文法書中 : 都有提到since 加一段時間ago : 到底哪種才是對的? : 有先進可以來討論一下嗎? Can since and ago be used together? There is no grammatical rule preventing this combination, and occasionally expressions using both (such as 'since one minute ago' in direct answer to the question 'since when?') may be encountered. Generally, however, we use a for-phrase to form a period adverbial. He has lived in Taipei for three years. (acceptable) He has lived in Taipei since three years ago. (grammatical but unidiomatic) Since she arrived in Tokyo two years ago, has Maryjo been really busy managing the Dayglow Movie Studio? (acceptable) [In this sentence, "since" is used to modify the whole clause "she arrived in Tokyo two years ago," not the phrase "two years ago."] Since its original publication almost 20 years ago, the Synonym Finder has met with huge success among students, authors, speechwriters, and others in search of le mot juste. (acceptable) [In this sentence, "since" is used to modify the whole phrase "its original publication almost 20 years ago," not the phrase "almost 20 years ago."] 反對since [a period of time] ago的書籍: 1992年的Collins Cobuild English Usage, p35. 2003年的Common Errors in English (by Dennis James Le Boeuf et al.), p19. 2004年新版的Collins Cobuild English Usage, p15. 贊成since [a period of time] ago的書籍: 1995年第二版Practical English Usage (by Michael Swan), p30. 不過2005年第三版和2016年第四版,作者把贊成的文字和例句全部刪除。 https://reurl.cc/5vGd2q I think the answer is this: Yes, it is perfectly grammatical to say: The statue has stood there since 500 years ago. No, it's not something a native English speaker would often say, as there is the more natural (and shorter) alternative: The statue has stood there for 500 years. However, you will very often find it where an event comes after the word "since", as in: The statue has stood there since the battle 500 years ago. https://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/since-ago.277590/ 1. I haven’t seen Ali since two minutes ago. 2. I haven't been to London since two years ago. The time frame is a period starting from a point in time (two years ago) leading up to the present moment. Both sentences are grammatical. However, a native speaker is more likely to use the time expression ... for two years. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Teacher/M.1714148395.A.9F4.html

Re: 回文串

> Re: [國中] since不能加ago嗎?
Teacher04/27 00:19

20 則留言

norwoman, 1F

norwoman, 2F

norwoman, 3F

norwoman, 4F
Based on the longman dictionary, grammatically u

norwoman, 5F
se since … for . Which stress on or represents

norwoman, 6F
the length of the period.

doro0202, 7F

doro0202, 8F
個特定的時間點,例如since 2023;而ago 是接在一個

doro0202, 9F
時間段之後, 如 3 years ago。可能閱讀量少,沒看

doro0202, 10F
過也沒聽過since 3 years ago這樣的說法。

graciehunter, 11F

norwoman, 12F

norwoman, 13F

iamandre, 14F
文法上當然沒問題 since只要後面是過去時間點都可

iamandre, 15F

iamandre, 16F
※ 編輯: ostracize ( 臺灣), 04/27/2024 22:37:51

pttnowash, 17F
這裡不是英文版啦 是teacher版

pttnowash, 18F

pttnowash, 19F
你可以討論整體英文教育 發篇自己建議阿

pttnowash, 20F

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