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Re: [情報] 3.23 牙膏 (11/30牙膏更新

最新2023-12-05 04:11:00
推噓22 ( 2317 )
12/4 牙膏 https://imgur.com/D3WJ7f1
Re: [情報] 3.23 牙膏 (11/30牙膏更新
新咒語 (台服的翻譯就叫咒語XD,塞在新昇華的昇華珠寶洞那個用的) 9% 法壓 套用至你的魔法功能藥劑增加 15% 效果 冰雹地雷變異版 https://imgur.com/wCj2o83
Re: [情報] 3.23 牙膏 (11/30牙膏更新
原版投射物較多,中間的是拔掉了新星狀發射,右邊是增加範圍? 範圍那個不確定冰雹爆炸的本體有沒有傷害判定 但至少地雷光環會變大(欸 剩下的牙膏就上面貼的新變異技能展示 ----------------------------------------------------------- 一些QA,挑幾個出來討論(絕對不是我看不懂) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3452002 Q.荒林昇華職業的點數如何取得 A.Your first 2 Wildwood Ascendancy Points are acquired when you first meet the associated NPC and choose their specialisation. The next 4 points come from 2 quests from each NPC. The final 2 points come from defeating the King in the Mists, which will unlock the final 2 points for all three Wildwood Ascendancies. If you do this quest in advance (e.g. through Multiplayer), it will count towards the points even if you aren't on that stage of the quest. 3個對應NPC初見給2點,每個NPC會各給二個任務,完成後會給各自昇華2點 打贏賽季王King in the Mists後,三職業一起給最後2點,共8點 Q. 芮勒蓋許的急躁是改成怎樣? A. For most purposes, it's the same as actually having maximum charges. You'll gain the inherent stats granted by charges, anything that gives you stats per charge will behave as if you had maximum charges, and so forth. This just removes the abuse cases involving unequipping the boots and then spending the charges (though the bonuses are also no longer tied to being stationary). 這段沒啥把握,簡單說,穿上去後你被視為擁有最大充能球 詞綴中有關球的檢查與計算都會當你是滿球 (應該是指漢恩或破滅之希這類的) 但你身上不會有球(所以球自己的加成還在不在不確定) (這樣聽起來解放沒有用,他要身上有球) 會這樣改是因為太多人把他當備用鞋子進場穿上後馬上脫掉XDD Q. 這次賽季的 萃取物 , 不完美屍體,咒語 能交易嗎? A. 都能 Q. 在我死亡以及我換地圖時Ravenous buff會保留嗎? (叢林昇華的[貪婪]技能,很多血那位的(?)) (用[貪婪]吃屍體後會有傷害加成以及對對應種類怪物減傷) (不完美屍體也是拿來搭配用的,只是九頭蛇搶走了所有風采(?)) A.The buff does not persist between areas or through death. The intention is for you to pick a monster type based on the zone you're in, whether that map primarily consists of a particular monster type. Purchasable corpses can be used in cases where you need the bonus for a particular reason, such as fighting a boss. 換圖跟你死後都不會保留 Q.所有王都是歸類在 Eldritch.嗎? A. Not all bosses are Eldritch. Q. 微釀腰帶會禁止放在第5個藥水欄的萃取物嗎? A. 不會,萃取物不是藥劑 Q. 新購買的不完美屍體真的不能被褻瀆嗎? 他很容易因為操作失誤就沒了 A. We have a solution to this issue that will prevent Spectres from being lost in Hideouts/Town due to changing items around etc. If you leave town in a way that would cause you to lose your Spectres, they will spawn on the ground around you in the next area you enter. If you lose your Spectre in any way in a hideout, it will spawn as a corpse on the ground. If a corpse is spawned this way, only the owner of the corpse will be able to use Raise Spectre on it. 我們有一個針對這個問題的解決方案,可以防止幽魂因改變周圍的物品等而在藏身處/城 鎮中丟失。如果你離開城鎮的方式會導致你失去幽魂,它們會在你周圍的地面上生成你進 入的下一個區域。 如果你在藏身處以任何方式失去了幽魂,它就會在地面上以屍體的形式生成。 如果以這種方式產生屍體,則只有屍體的主人才能對其使用「召喚幽魂」。 Q. 為什麼要砍火靈? A. Raging Spirit Minions basic attack now have increased damage and damage effectiveness scaling with gem level roughly matching the old "Minions deal X% More Damage" modifier. This results in almost similar damage after the change. However, this does mean that Summon Raging Spirits will now not be as strong with Minion Instability. There might be a Transfigured version to help out with that though… 召喚出來的火靈的普攻傷害現在會隨寶石等級增加,會讓他的傷害跟現在差不多 至於那些不是靠火靈普攻當主輸出的(用燒的用炸的之類的) 我們這裡有一批新的變異寶石很便宜的...(?) Q. 萃取物那些情況下有作用? A. Tinctures will only apply to attacks with your weapon. The stats from Tinctures are not local to the weapon, they are just restricted to only applying to weapon attacks. Tinctures will also work with remote skills that use your weapon, such as Ballistas and Blade Trap. While dual wielding, Tinctures will apply to attacks made with either weapon. Tinctures do not work on minions that are based on your weapon, such as Dancing Dervish. 只限定用你的武器的攻擊 效果是用你武器攻擊的技能有作用,包含弩砲跟刀鋒陷阱 雙持時2把都有作用 拿著你的武器的召喚物不吃,像狂舞德爾維希 QQ ------------------------------------------------------------ patch note 修改 旋風斬 : 新增 基礎範圍 1.1 -> 1.6 漩渦 : 1等 耗魔 11 -> 13 20等 耗魔 20 -> 25 虛空匕首 : 以下詞墜移除 若你不自己施放此法術,留下 50% 更少剩餘的劍刃於地面 每 3 次投射物發射留下 1 剩餘劍刃於地面 同時最多可於地面留下 40 把剩餘劍刃 增加 (0–19)% 投射物速度 +6 秒基礎持續時間 以及 持續時間 標籤移除 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1701652568.A.D92.html

31 則留言

leocolin123, 1F

davidliudmc, 2F

hero32036, 3F

gustavvv, 4F
傷害還是一樣低能 沒有回來

gustavvv, 5F
漩渦到底多慘 這還能繼續砍哦???

gustavvv, 6F
Icicle Mine改造資訊出來了

wedman, 7F
Re: [情報] 3.23 牙膏 (11/30牙膏更新

michaelfat19, 8F

lightKevin, 9F

wxi, 10F

wxi, 11F

sorryfly, 12F
旋渦都死在地上了還要被捕刀 慘

hungwei0810, 13F

hungwei0810, 14F

wtocactus, 15F

Sinful, 16F

wedman, 17F
看QA 微釀腰帶的第五格可以放萃取物 感覺好強..

Barbarian123, 18F
其實今天好像預定就放出20/20訊息的 但QA有提到出了點問題所以才先放一個 然後那段QA我沒有抓出來...

aa2378924, 19F

james3510, 20F
萃取物不算藥劑 追獵起飛

wang50005, 21F
※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 12/04/2023 17:18:37

RBmonster, 22F

eaglecc2008, 23F

wedman, 24F
反正本來就要放萃取物 改用微釀就白嫖20%藥效

a05150707, 25F
30% 微釀這季buff了

babyalley, 26F

kenntrf, 27F

hanmas, 28F
球鞋第二句話就跟你說加成在了還在那不清楚 下季一雙5d+

hanmas, 29F

hanmas, 30F
不過仔細想想寒焰這麼屌也很便宜 可能還是看產量吧

stkissstone, 31F
現在在觀望彈片砲塔有沒有削 這季想組個幫朋友刷王

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[情報] 3.24 20/20 寶石
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[情報] 3.23 20/20 資訊
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