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[外絮] 前NBA球星:嘴綠在90年代絕不會打任何人

最新2023-12-20 21:50:00
推噓175 ( 19419220 )
https://reurl.cc/67gNL5 NBA Legend Says Draymond Green Would Never Slap Anyone In The 90s: "He'd Have Been In Hospital Every Other Week" Kermit Washington contrasts Draymond Green's conduct in today's NBA. NBA傳奇Kermit Washington(以下簡稱KW)稱嘴綠在90年代絕對不會打任何人 「他每隔一周就會住院」 Former NBA All-Star Kermit Washington recently shared his perspective on the disciplinary issues surrounding Draymond Green in a discussion with Ryan Verneuille from Fox Sports and Nick from Fadeaway World. Washington, known for his physical style of play during his playing days, expressed doubt that Green would engage in such behavior if he played in the NBA 20 to 30 years ago. 前NBA全明星Kermit Washington最近在與Fox Sports的Ryan Verneuille和Fadeaway World的Nick的討論中分享了他對圍繞嘴綠的紀律問題的看法。KW在球員時代以強硬 的比賽風格聞名,他表示懷疑如果嘴綠在20到30年前在NBA打球,他是否會做出這樣 的行為。 "Draymond Green would not do that 20, 30 years ago. Let's be really honest, he's a good player. And is a good player on a was a very good team." "He wouldn't dare. I mean, you had so many tough guys back then. You look at Seattle, you had Lonnie Shelton and Paul Silas, you had Truck Robinson, you had Clifford Ray. Every team had a tough guy. I mean he would have no chance of slapping somebody, oh my goodness, no." "He would have been in a hospital every other week. But he would have been smart enough to realize the pecking order is different. Guys now are making millions of dollars. They don't want to get suspended and lose two or three hundred thousand dollars." 「20、30 年前,嘴綠不會這麼做。說實話,他是個優秀的球員。他是一支非常優秀 的球隊中的一名優秀球員。」 「他不敢。我的意思是,那時有很多硬漢。你看看西雅圖,有Lonnie Shelton和 Paul Silas。有Truck Robinson,有Clifford Ray。每個球隊都有一個硬漢。我 的意思是他沒有機會打別人耳光,天哪,沒有。」 「他每隔一週就會去醫院一次。但他夠聰明,能夠意識到等級秩序是不同的。現在人們 能賺數百萬美元。他們不想被禁賽然後損失二、三十萬美元。」 According to Washington, the tough and physical nature of the NBA during that era, with players like Lonnie Shelton, Paul Silas, Truck Robinson, and Clifford Ray on various teams, would have made it challenging for Green to resort to slapping opponents without facing serious consequences. Washington suggested that Green would have likely found himself in the hospital frequently due to the physicality and toughness prevalent in the league at that time. Washington also highlighted the financial implications of player conduct in the present-day NBA, emphasizing that players now make millions of dollars and are less inclined to jeopardize their earnings by getting suspended and fined. He noted the difference in the pecking order and players' awareness of the financial consequences associated with on-court incidents. While recognizing Draymond Green as a good player on a successful team, Washington's comments shed light on the changes in the NBA's culture and dynamics over the years, illustrating how the league's physicality and the consequences for player conduct have evolved. 根據KW的說法,那個時代NBA的激烈和強硬性質,不同球隊都有像Lonnie Shelton、 Paul Silas、Truck Robinson、和Clifford Ray這樣的球員,這使得嘴綠很難在沒有面對 嚴重威脅的情況下扇對手耳光。KW表示,就當時聯盟中普遍存在的激烈和強硬的特性,嘴 綠可能會頻繁地發現他自己在醫院裡。 KW也強調了當今NBA球員行為的財務影響,強調球員現在可以賺取數百萬美元,並且不太 願意因停賽和罰款而危及他們的收入。他指出了在球隊內部不同級別的球員發生事件所 帶來的財務後果的認識。 儘管嘴綠是一支成功球隊中的出色球員,KW的評論也揭示了NBA文化和格局多年來的變 化,說明了聯盟的體育特性以及球員的行為所帶來的後果是如何演變的。 Draymond Green Would Be Very Careful In 80s And 90s Eras In the rough-and-tumble eras of the 80s and 90s in the NBA, Draymond Green would have needed to tread very carefully, given the presence of formidable and physical players who were known for their toughness. Players like Charles Oakley, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Alonzo Mourning, and Shaquille O'Neal from the 90s embodied a level of physicality and aggression that could have posed significant challenges for Green. 嘴綠在80年代和90年代會非常小心 在NBA的80年代和90年代,嘴綠需要非常小心地行事,因為存在著以強硬著稱的強狀的球 員。如Charles Oakley, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Alonzo Mourning和 Shaquille O'Neal這樣的90年代球員代表著一種身體強度侵略性,可能會對嘴綠構成重 大挑戰。 Additionally, tough guys such as Kermit Washington, who famously leveled Rudy Tomjanovich and broke his face, were part of the league during that era. Washington's reputation for physical play and the infamous incident with Tomjanovich showcased the intensity and seriousness of the game in the 80s. Other notorious enforcers like Rick Mahorn and Bill Laimbeer were also known for their aggressive style, making it a no-nonsense environment on the court. Kermit Washington, in particular, was highlighted for his toughness, having been involved in one of the most infamous altercations in NBA history. The incident where he leveled Rudy Tomjanovich with a punch resulted in severe consequences, underlining the high stakes and physical nature of the game during that time. KW等硬漢也是那個時代聯盟的一部分,KW因痛打Rudy Tomjanovich並打碎了他的臉而聞 名。KW以激烈的比賽風格以及與Rudy Tomjanovich間臭名昭著的事件展示了80年代比賽 的強度和嚴肅性。其他臭名昭著的執法者,如Rick Mahorn和Bill Laimbeer也以其激進 的風格而聞名,使得球場變成一個毫不留情的環境。 KW尤其因其強硬而受到關注,他捲入了NBA歷史上最臭名昭著的爭吵之一。 他用一拳將Rudy Tomjanovich打趴的事件導致了嚴重的後果,凸顯了當時比賽的高風險 和激烈性質。 Reflecting on the historical context suggests that Green would have faced formidable challenges in an era where physicality, intimidation, and on-court altercations were more prevalent. The presence of iconic tough guys and enforcers from the 80s and 90s would have made it imperative for a player like Draymond Green to exercise caution and navigate the intense environment with care. 回顧背景歷史表明,在一個更注重體力、恐嚇和球場衝突的時代,嘴綠可能會面臨巨大的 挑戰。80年代和90年代標誌性硬漢和執法者的存在,使得像嘴綠這樣的隊員必須謹慎行事 ,並小心應對這種激烈的環境。 -------------------------------- 1977年12月9日,在湖人隊與火箭隊的比賽,賈霸和火箭隊球員在中圈附近發生扭打, KW原本不是當事人,但他看到火箭隊前鋒Rudy Tomjanovich要往中圈跑過去時,直接 一拳把Rudy Tomjanovich打趴 影片如下: https://youtu.be/iUGojpgJJ1Y?t=132
這一拳造成Rudy Tomjanovich 「臉部骨骼結構與頭骨分離、腦震盪以及下巴和鼻子骨折之外,他還在漏血,腦漿進入 他的顱骨囊。他的頭骨骨折,他可以嘗到腦漿滲入他嘴裡的味道」 「醫生說,Rudy Tomjanovich沒有當場被打死,還能自行離場,絕對已經是一個奇蹟」 賈霸說:「聲音聽起來好像是把瓜類丟到混凝土上的聲音」 這一拳後來被稱為「The Punch」,至今在網路上都是被稱為NBA史上最嚴重場上衝突事件 KW後來被禁賽60日且罰款1萬美金,然後因為重播都只播他那一拳,沒播前面中圈衝突部 分,他變成全美輿論公敵,收到大量種族歧視的訊息,老婆懷有身孕還被人毆打等等, 湖人隊高層也沒挺他,馬上就把他交易到塞爾提克去了 順帶一提他2018年因慈善詐欺被聯邦法院判6年徒刑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1702970820.A.F47.html

433 則留言

Y225, 1F
※ 編輯: stevenchiang ( 臺灣), 12/19/2023 15:29:01

jack34031, 2F

jack34031, 3F
喔喔 沒看到下面有補充

yukimura0420, 4F

garybawbaw, 5F

darren2586, 6F

YellowTiger, 7F
別鬧了啦 到80年代他會扁的更開心

wpd, 8F
不是吧 嘴綠會是打得更乾脆的那一群

wpd, 9F
你以為嘴綠功力只有你現在看到這樣?? 他已經封印了

JoanneChung, 10F

ymsc30102, 11F

gp03dan, 12F

garytony1, 13F

QOO9142, 14F

gp03dan, 15F

www115ui8, 16F

zzz71084482, 17F

wpd, 18F
就像把喬丹放來現代 三分能力會提升

nk10803, 19F

wpd, 20F
把嘴綠放去90年代 打人能力也會提升

YellowTiger, 21F

jack34031, 22F

YellowTiger, 23F

jack34031, 24F

Dragonfly168, 25F

ilikeroc, 26F
沒辦法欺善吧 因為每隊都有個「硬漢」挺隊友

egghard29, 27F
以為是要說嘴綠愛算計錢 30年前薪水微薄 禁賽不划算


www115ui8, 29F

ATand, 30F

shonxin, 31F

Hotsheep, 32F
這也不是貴古 只是在說嘴綠就是如此不合時宜

kober2266, 33F
以前都扁到見血的 霸王肘讓老刺客縫40針
※ 編輯: stevenchiang ( 臺灣), 12/19/2023 15:38:01

wayne0170, 34F
嘴綠打人很挑啊 9成都打外勞

www115ui8, 35F


fransiceyho, 37F
[外絮] 前NBA球星:嘴綠在90年代絕不會打任何人

jack34031, 38F

cenda, 39F

yamatobar, 427F

john91018, 428F

cycy771489, 429F

aliangh, 430F

hiphopboy7, 431F
那他也是活該 打一個無關的人就乖乖扛好責任吧

bilinear, 432F

bilinear, 433F

airanfernee, 434F
也不是貴古 實際上嘴綠在這個年代也是欺善怕惡

airanfernee, 435F

airanfernee, 436F
隨便抓就至少五個防守比他強 歐拉阿泰大班老木小蟲

airanfernee, 437F
更不要說一堆禁區名將跟B.Jones Cooper這類大鎖

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